Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 62719-167
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Xrm-5184 Tc Termiticide Concentrate' is an insecticide and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 62719-167. It was originally approved by EPA on 30 Jan 1991. Its registration got cancelled on 03 Jul 2013. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Chlorpyrifos. It's approved for 17 sites including buildings, driveways, eaves, fences, garages, industrial plant sites, new construction sites, ornamental turf, patios, and roadsides. It is also approved for 56 pests and pest groups including but not limited to american cockroach, ants, armyworm, asian cockroach, bees, beet armyworm, beetles, bermudagrass mite, bluegrass billbug, and boxelder bug.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- EQUITYActive
- Address:
9330 Zionsville Road
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Active ingredients:
- Chlorpyrifos 23.5%
- Other ingredients 76.5%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- American cockroach
- Ants
- Armyworm
- Asian cockroach
- Bees
- Beet armyworm
- Beetles
- Bermudagrass mite
- Bluegrass billbug
- Boxelder bug
- Brownbanded cockroach
- Carpenter ants
- Centipedes
- Chiggers (redbugs)
- Chinch bug
- Clover mite
- Cockroaches
- Crickets
- Cutworms
- Deer ticks
- Earwigs
- Elm leaf beetle (adult)
- European crane fly
- Fall armyworm
- Fiery skipper
- Fire ant
- Fleas
- Flies
- German cockroach
- Gnats
- Grasshoppers
- Green june beetle
- Greenbug
- Hornets
- Hunting billbug
- Lawn moths
- Leafhoppers
- Lucerne moth
- Millipedes
- Mites
- Mosquitoes
- No pest
- Oriental cockroach
- Pillbugs
- Scorpions
- Smoky brown cockroach
- Sod webworms
- Sowbugs
- Spiders
- Springtails
- Subterranean termites
- Ticks
- Wasps
- Winter grain mite
- Yellowjackets
- Yellowstriped armyworm
Registered target sites:
- Buildings (nonagricultural) (perimeter) (soil treatment)
- Driveways (soil treatment)
- Eaves
- Fences
- Garages
- Industrial plant sites
- New construction sites
- Ornamental turf (golf courses) (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental turf (industrial) (foliar treatment)
- Patios (soil treatment)
- Roadsides (foliar treatment)
- Utility poles (soil treatment)
- Walks (soil treatment)
- Wood fence posts (soil contact nonfumigation treatment)
- Wood structures (masonry joints) (soil contact nonfumigation treatment)
- Wood structures (soil contact nonfumigation treatment)
- Wood utility poles (soil contact nonfumigation treatment)