Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 499-443
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Whitmire Tc 161 Injection System' is an insecticide and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 499-443. It was originally approved by EPA on 09 Apr 1997. Its registration got cancelled on 23 Feb 2022. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Cyfluthrin and Prallethrin. It's approved for 24 sites including aircraft, boats/ships, bookcases, buses, commercial/institutional/industrial areas, commercial/institutional/industrial buildings, domestic dwellings, electric power transformers, hospitals, and hotels/motels/tourist courts. It is also approved for 39 pests and pest groups including but not limited to anobiid beetles, ants, argentine ant, beetles, black widow spider, booklouse, borers, bostrichid beetle, boxelder bug, and brown recluse spider.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
26 Davis Drive
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Active ingredients:
- Cyfluthrin 0.1%
- Prallethrin 0.03%
- Other ingredients 99.87%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Anobiid beetles
- Ants
- Argentine ant
- Beetles
- Black widow spider
- Booklouse
- Borers
- Bostrichid beetle
- Boxelder bug
- Brown recluse spider
- Buprestid bark beetles
- Carpenter ants
- Carpenter bee
- Centipedes
- Cerambycid bark beetles
- Chocolate moth
- Clover mite
- Cluster fly
- Cockroaches
- Crickets
- Dermestid beetles
- Drugstore beetle
- Earwigs
- Elm leaf beetle
- Flour beetles
- Grain weevils
- Harvester ants
- Lyctid beetles
- Millipedes
- Scorpions
- Silverfish
- Sowbugs
- Spiders
- Springtails
- Termites
- Ticks
- Trogoderma beetles (adult)
- Trogoderma beetles (larvae)
- Wood wasps
Registered target sites:
- Aircraft (nonfeed/nonfood) (residual general treatment)
- Boats/ships (residual general treatment)
- Bookcases
- Buses (nonfeed/nonfood) (residual general treatment)
- Commercial/institutional/industrial areas (outdoor inedible)
- Commercial/institutional/industrial buildings (indoor inedible)
- Domestic dwellings (indoor)
- Domestic dwellings (outdoor)
- Electric power transformers (underground)
- Hospitals (indoor inedible)
- Hospitals (outdoor inedible)
- Hotels/motels/tourist courts (non-food areas)
- Hotels/motels/tourist courts (outdoor)
- Ornamental trees (injection treatment)
- Pet sleeping quarters
- Railroad boxcars (nonfeed/nonfood) (residual general treatment)
- Shipholds (nonfeed/nonfood) (residual general treatment)
- Stumps (injection treatment)
- Terrestrial structures (nonsoil contact nonfumigation treatment)
- Trucks (nonfeed/nonfood) (residual general treatment)
- Warehouses (indoor inedible)
- Warehouses (outdoor inedible)
- Wood fences (soil contact nonfumigation treatment)
- Wood utility poles (soil contact fumigation treatment)