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Label & SDS

EPA Label: link

Registration information

  • U.S. EPA Registration number: 100-1295
  • U.S. EPA Status: ACTIVE


'Warrior Ii With Zeon Technology' is an insecticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 100-1295. It was originally approved by EPA on 20 Nov 2007. It has a 'Warning' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: lambda-Cyhalothrin. It's approved for 176 sites including adzuki beans, alfalfa, almonds, apples, apricots, arracacia, arrowroot, asparagus, balsam pear, and barley. It is also approved for 194 pests and pest groups including but not limited to alfalfa caterpillar, alfalfa seed chalcid, alfalfa weevil, american plum borer, ants, apple aphid, apple maggot, army cutworm, armyworm, and aster leafhopper.

Original registration date:

  • 20 Nov 2007

Cancellation date:

  • n/a

Alternative names:

  • LAMCAP IIAlternate
  • WARRIOR IIInactive


  • Address:
    410 Swing Road
    Greensboro, NC 27419

Active ingredients:

  • Lambda-cyhalothrin 22.8%
  • Other ingredients 77.2%

Signal word:

  • Warning

Product type:

  • Insecticide


  • Emulsifiable Concentrate

Registered target pests:

  • Alfalfa caterpillar
  • Alfalfa seed chalcid
  • Alfalfa weevil
  • American plum borer
  • Ants
  • Apple aphid
  • Apple maggot
  • Army cutworm
  • Armyworm
  • Aster leafhopper
  • Bagworm
  • Balsam twig aphid
  • Balsam woolly aphid
  • Bandedwinged whitefly
  • Bean leaf beetle (adult)
  • Bean leafskeletonizer
  • Beet armyworm
  • Birch leafminer
  • Bird cherry-oat aphid
  • Black cherry aphid
  • Blister beetles
  • Blue alfalfa aphid
  • Boll weevil
  • Cabbage aphid
  • Cabbage looper
  • Cabbage seedpod weevil
  • Cabbage webworm
  • Cereal leaf beetle
  • Cherry fruit fly
  • Cherry fruit fly (adult)
  • Chinch bug
  • Clover leaf weevil
  • Clover root borer (adult)
  • Clover root curculio (adult)
  • Clover stem borer (adult)
  • Codling moth
  • Colorado potato beetle
  • Coneworms
  • Corn earworm
  • Corn leaf aphid
  • Corn rootworm beetles (adult)
  • Corn rootworms (larvae)
  • Corn silkfly (adult)
  • Cotton aphid
  • Cotton bollworm
  • Cotton fleahopper
  • Cotton leafperforator
  • Cotton leafworm
  • Cowpea aphid
  • Cowpea curculio (adult)
  • Cowpea weevil (adult)
  • Cucumber beetles
  • Cutworms
  • Diamondback moth
  • Egyptian alfalfa weevil
  • Elm leaf beetle
  • English grain aphid
  • European corn borer
  • European elm bark beetle
  • Fall armyworm
  • Flea beetles
  • Flower thrips
  • Grape colaspis
  • Grasshoppers
  • Green cloverworm
  • Green fruitworm
  • Green june beetle
  • Green peach aphid
  • Greenbug
  • Gypsy moth
  • Headclipper weevil (adult)
  • Hessian fly
  • Hickory shuckworm
  • Hop vine borer
  • Hornworms
  • Imported cabbageworm
  • Japanese beetle (adult)
  • June beetles
  • Katydids
  • Leaf beetles
  • Leaffooted bug
  • Leafhoppers
  • Leafrollers
  • Lesser appleworm
  • Lesser cornstalk borer
  • Loopers
  • Lygus bugs
  • May beetles
  • Meadow spittlebug
  • Mealybugs
  • Mexican bean beetle
  • Mexican corn rootworm (larvae)
  • Mexican rice borer
  • Navel orangeworm
  • No pest
  • Northern corn rootworm (larvae)
  • Omnivorous leafroller
  • Onion maggot
  • Orange tortrix
  • Oriental fruit moth
  • Painted lady
  • Pales weevil
  • Pea aphid
  • Pea weevil
  • Peach twig borer
  • Peachtree borer
  • Pear psylla
  • Pear sawfly
  • Pecan aphids
  • Pecan casebearers
  • Pecan leaf phylloxera
  • Pecan spittlebug
  • Pecan weevil
  • Periodical cicada
  • Pine chafer
  • Pine colaspis
  • Pine leaf chermid
  • Pine needle scale
  • Pine sawflies
  • Pink bollworm
  • Plant bugs
  • Plum curculio
  • Potato tuberworm
  • Red imported fire ant
  • Rice stalk borer
  • Rice stink bug
  • Rice water weevil (adult)
  • Rose chafer
  • Rosy apple aphid
  • Russian wheat aphid
  • Saltmarsh caterpillar
  • San jose scale
  • Sap beetles
  • Sawflies
  • Seed bugs
  • Seedcorn beetle
  • Seedcorn maggot
  • Silverspotted skipper
  • Southern cabbageworm
  • Southern corn leaf beetle
  • Southern corn rootworm (larvae)
  • Southern green stink bug
  • Southwestern corn borer
  • Soybean looper
  • Soybean thrips
  • Spider mites
  • Spirea aphid
  • Spotted alfalfa aphid
  • Spotted cabbage looper
  • Spruce budworm
  • Stalk borer
  • Stink bugs
  • Sugarcane aphid
  • Sugarcane beetle
  • Sugarcane borer
  • Sunflower maggot (adult)
  • Sunflower moth
  • Sweet clover weevil (adult)
  • Sweet potato whitefly
  • Tarnished plant bug
  • Tent caterpillars
  • Tentiform leafminers
  • Threecornered alfalfa hopper
  • Thrips
  • Tobacco aphid
  • Tobacco budworm
  • Tobacco flea beetle
  • Tobacco hornworm
  • Tobacco thrips
  • Tomato fruitworm
  • Tomato hornworm
  • Tomato pinworm
  • Tomato psyllid
  • Tree boring insects
  • Tree crickets
  • True armyworm
  • Tufted apple bud moth
  • Tussock moths
  • Twospotted spider mite
  • Vegetable weevil
  • Velvetbean caterpillar
  • Walnut aphid
  • Walnut husk fly (adult)
  • Webworms
  • Western bean cutworm
  • Western corn rootworm (larvae)
  • Western flower thrips
  • Western yellowstriped armyworm
  • White grubs
  • Whitefringed beetles
  • Wireworms
  • Woollybear caterpillars
  • Yellow sugarcane aphid
  • Yellowstriped armyworm

Registered target sites:

  • Adzuki beans (foliar treatment)
  • Alfalfa (foliar treatment)
  • Alfalfa (seed crop foliar treatment)
  • Almonds (foliar treatment)
  • Apples (foliar treatment)
  • Apricots (foliar treatment)
  • Arracacia (foliar treatment)
  • Arrowroot (foliar treatment)
  • Asparagus (foliar treatment)
  • Balsam pear (foliar treatment)
  • Barley (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (field) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (kidney) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (lima) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (moth) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (navy) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (pinto) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (snap) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (wax) (foliar treatment)
  • Beech nut (foliar treatment)
  • Bitter cassava (foliar treatment)
  • Bitter melon (foliar treatment)
  • Black walnut (foliar treatment)
  • Blackeyed peas (foliar treatment)
  • Brazil nut (foliar treatment)
  • Broccoli (foliar treatment)
  • Brussels sprouts (foliar treatment)
  • Buckwheat (foliar treatment)
  • Butternut squash (foliar treatment)
  • Butternuts (foliar treatment)
  • Cabbage (foliar treatment)
  • Canola (foliar treatment)
  • Cantaloupes (foliar treatment)
  • Casaba melons (foliar treatment)
  • Cashews (foliar treatment)
  • Catjang (foliar treatment)
  • Cauliflower (foliar treatment)
  • Chayote (foliar treatment)
  • Cherries (sweet) (foliar treatment)
  • Cherries (tart) (foliar treatment)
  • Chestnuts (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese artichoke (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese broccoli (gai lon) (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (napa) (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese cucumbers (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese longbean (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese mustard (gai choy) (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese okra (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese waxgourd (foliar treatment)
  • Chinquapin (foliar treatment)
  • Chufa (foliar treatment)
  • Citron melon (foliar treatment)
  • Conifer plantings (foliar treatment)
  • Conifer plantings (nursery)
  • Corn (field) (foliar treatment)
  • Corn (field) (soil treatment)
  • Corn (pop) (foliar treatment)
  • Corn (pop) (soil treatment)
  • Corn (seed crop foliar treatment)
  • Corn (seed crop soil treatment)
  • Corn (sweet) (foliar treatment)
  • Corn (sweet) (soil treatment)
  • Cotton (foliar treatment)
  • Cowpeas (foliar treatment)
  • Crabapples (foliar treatment)
  • Crenshaw melons (foliar treatment)
  • Crowder peas (foliar treatment)
  • Cucumbers (foliar treatment)
  • Dasheen (foliar treatment)
  • Eggplant (foliar treatment)
  • English walnuts (foliar treatment)
  • Filberts (foliar treatment)
  • Garden peas (foliar treatment)
  • Garlic (foliar treatment)
  • Gherkin (foliar treatment)
  • Ginger (foliar treatment)
  • Golden pershaw melon (foliar treatment)
  • Gourds (edible) (foliar treatment)
  • Grasses (forage) (foliar treatment)
  • Grasses (hay) (foliar treatment)
  • Grasses (seed crop foliar treatment)
  • Grasses (silage) (foliar treatment)
  • Ground cherry (foliar treatment)
  • Hickory nuts (foliar treatment)
  • Honey ball melons (foliar treatment)
  • Honeydew melons (foliar treatment)
  • Hyotan squash (foliar treatment)
  • Irrigation supply systems
  • Jackbean (sword bean) (foliar treatment)
  • Japanese plum (foliar treatment)
  • Jerusalem artichoke (foliar treatment)
  • Kohlrabi (foliar treatment)
  • Leren (foliar treatment)
  • Lettuce (head) (foliar treatment)
  • Lettuce (leaf) (foliar treatment)
  • Loquat (foliar treatment)
  • Lupine (grain) (foliar treatment)
  • Lupine (sweet) (foliar treatment)
  • Lupine (white) (foliar treatment)
  • Macadamia nuts (foliar treatment)
  • Mangos (foliar treatment)
  • Mung beans (foliar treatment)
  • Muskmelons (foliar treatment)
  • Nectarines (foliar treatment)
  • Noncrop areas (foliar treatment)
  • Oats (foliar treatment)
  • Onions (bulb) (foliar treatment)
  • Oriental pear (foliar treatment)
  • Ornamental trees (deciduous) (foliar treatment)
  • Ornamental trees (deciduous) (nursery stock)
  • Pastures (grass) (foliar treatment)
  • Peaches (foliar treatment)
  • Peanuts (foliar treatment)
  • Pears (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (dwarf) (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (edible-pod) (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (english) (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (field) (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (green) (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (succulent) (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (sugar) (foliar treatment)
  • Pecans (foliar treatment)
  • Pepinos (foliar treatment)
  • Peppers (bell) (foliar treatment)
  • Peppers (foliar treatment)
  • Persian melons (foliar treatment)
  • Pigeon peas (foliar treatment)
  • Pineapple melon (foliar treatment)
  • Pistachio nuts (foliar treatment)
  • Plums (chickasaw) (foliar-treatment)
  • Plums (damson) (foliar treatment)
  • Plums (foliar treatment)
  • Potatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Prunes (foliar treatment)
  • Pumpkin (foliar treatment)
  • Quinces (foliar treatment)
  • Rangeland (grasses) (foliar treatment)
  • Rice (foliar treatment)
  • Runner beans (foliar treatment)
  • Rye (foliar treatment)
  • Santa claus melon (foliar treatment)
  • Seed orchard trees (deciduous) (foliar treatment)
  • Seed orchard trees (foliar treatment)
  • Snake melon (foliar treatment)
  • Sorghum (grain) (foliar treatment)
  • Southern peas (foliar treatment)
  • Soybeans (foliar treatment)
  • Soybeans,edible (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (acorn) (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (crookneck) (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (hubbard) (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (scallop) (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (straight neck) (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (summer) (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (winter) (calabaza) (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (winter) (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (zucchini) (foliar treatment)
  • Sugarcane (foliar treatment)
  • Sunflower (foliar treatment)
  • Sweet cassava (foliar treatment)
  • Sweet potatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Taniers (foliar treatment)
  • Tepary beans (foliar treatment)
  • Tobacco (foliar treatment)
  • Tomatillo (foliar treatment)
  • Tomatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Triticale (foliar treatment)
  • Urd beans (foliar treatment)
  • Vegetable marrow (foliar treatment)
  • Watermelon (foliar treatment)
  • Wheat (foliar treatment)
  • Wheat (hay) (foliar treatment)
  • Wild rice (foliar treatment)
  • Yam bean (foliar treatment)
  • Yams (true) (foliar treatment)
  • Yard long beans (foliar treatment)