Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 5602-182
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Virchem Eighty-one Insecticide' is an insecticide and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 5602-182. It was originally approved by EPA on 15 Jun 1989. Its registration got cancelled on 30 Nov 1992. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Aliphatic petroleum solvent, Piperonyl butoxide, and Pyrethrins. It's approved for 13 sites including commercial/institutional/industrial buildings, domestic dwellings, eating establishments, food marketing/storage/distribution facilities, food processing plants, hospitals, hotels/motels/tourist courts, milking parlors, pet bedding, and pet kennels. It is also approved for 22 pests and pest groups including but not limited to angoumois grain moth, cheese mite, cheese skipper, cigarette beetle, confused flour beetle, crickets, drugstore beetle, fleas, flies, and gnats.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
Po Box 1646
Indianapolis, IN 46206
Active ingredients:
- Aliphatic petroleum solvent 10.5%
- Piperonyl butoxide 4%
- Pyrethrins 0.5%
- Other ingredients 85%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Angoumois grain moth
- Cheese mite
- Cheese skipper
- Cigarette beetle
- Confused flour beetle
- Crickets
- Drugstore beetle
- Fleas
- Flies
- Gnats
- Granary weevil
- Mealworms
- Mediterranean flour moth
- Mosquitoes
- Red flour beetle
- Rice weevil
- Roaches
- Sawtoothed grain beetle
- Silverfish
- Spider beetles
- Spiders
- Wasps
Registered target sites:
- Commercial/institutional/industrial buildings (indoor edible)
- Domestic dwellings (indoor)
- Eating establishments (indoor edible)
- Food marketing/storage/distribution facilities (indoor edible)
- Food processing plants (indoor edible)
- Hospitals (indoor-edible)
- Hotels/motels/tourist courts (indoor)
- Milking parlors
- Pet bedding
- Pet kennels (enclosed premise treatment)
- Pet sleeping quarters
- Railroad boxcars (feed/food-empty) (non-residual space treatment)
- Trucks (feed/food-empty) (non-residual space treatment)