Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 7001-383
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Turf Fertilizer With 1.00% Ronstar' is an herbicide terrestrial. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 7001-383. It was originally approved by EPA on 22 Sep 2003. Its registration got cancelled on 16 Jul 2007. It has a 'Warning' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Oxadiazon. It's approved for 29 sites including apartments, bentgrass, bermudagrass, buffalograss, ornamental plants, ornamental trees, ornamental turf, ornamental woody shrubs, ornamental woody vines, and perennial bluegrass. It is also approved for 40 pests and pest groups including but not limited to annual bluegrass, annual sedge, barnyardgrass, bittercress, bristly foxtail, carpetgrass, carpetweed, common groundsel, common purslane, and crabgrass.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
16777 Howland Rd.
Lathrop, CA 95330
Active ingredients:
- Oxadiazon 1%
- Other ingredients 99%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Annual bluegrass (preemergence)
- Annual sedge (preemergence)
- Barnyardgrass (preemergence)
- Bittercress (preemergence)
- Bristly foxtail (preemergence)
- Carpetgrass (preemergence)
- Carpetweed (preemergence)
- Common groundsel (preemergence)
- Common purslane (preemergence)
- Crabgrass (preemergence)
- Eveningprimrose (preemergence)
- Fall panicum (preemergence)
- Field sandbur (preemergence)
- Fireweed (preemergence)
- Florida pusley (preemergence)
- Foxtail (preemergence)
- Galinsoga (preemergence)
- Garden spurge (preemergence)
- Golden ragwort (preemergence)
- Goosegrass (preemergence)
- Green foxtail (preemergence)
- Junglerice (preemergence)
- Lambsquarters (preemergence)
- Liverwort (preemergence)
- Oxalis (preemergence)
- Panama paspalum (preemergence)
- Pennsylvania smartweed (preemergence)
- Petty spurge (preemergence)
- Prostrate spurge (preemergence)
- Redroot pigweed (preemergence)
- Sensitiveplant (preemergence)
- Shepherdspurse (preemergence)
- Sowthistle (preemergence)
- Speedwell (preemergence)
- Spotted catsear (preemergence)
- Spurge (preemergence)
- Stinging nettle (preemergence)
- Swinecress (preemergence)
- Virginia buttonweed (preemergence)
- Yellow woodsorrel (preemergence)
Registered target sites:
- Apartments (outdoor)
- Bentgrass (ornamental turf) (soil treatment)
- Bermudagrass (golf fairways) (soil treatment)
- Bermudagrass (ornamental turf) (soil treatment)
- Buffalograss (ornamental turf) (soil treatment)
- Ornamental plants (containerized)
- Ornamental plants (dormant application)
- Ornamental plants (nursery)
- Ornamental plants (soil treatment)
- Ornamental trees (dormant application)
- Ornamental trees (soil treatment)
- Ornamental turf (athletic fields) (soil treatment)
- Ornamental turf (golf courses) (soil treatment)
- Ornamental turf (grown for sod)
- Ornamental turf (lawns) (soil treatment)
- Ornamental turf (parks) (soil treatment)
- Ornamental turf (recreational) (soil treatment)
- Ornamental turf (soil treatment)
- Ornamental woody shrubs (dormant application)
- Ornamental woody shrubs (soil treatment)
- Ornamental woody vines (dormant application)
- Ornamental woody vines (soil treatment)
- Perennial bluegrass (ornamental turf) (soil treatment)
- Playgrounds (soil treatment)
- Ryegrass (perennial) (ornamental turf) (soil treatment)
- Seashore paspalum (ornamental turf) (soil treatment)
- St. augustinegrass (ornamental turf) (soil treatment)
- Tall fescue (ornamental turf) (soil treatment)
- Zoysiagrass (ornamental turf) (soil treatment)