Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 100-1042
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Touchdown 4-lc' is an herbicide terrestrial. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 100-1042. It was originally approved by EPA on 09 Jan 1990. Its registration got cancelled on 15 Oct 2004. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Sulfosate. It's approved for 59 sites including acerola, agricultural, almonds, apples, apricots, artichokes, asparagus, avocados, barrier strips, and blackberries. It is also approved for 64 pests and pest groups including but not limited to alfalfa, annual bluegrass, annual ryegrass, annual weeds, barnyardgrass, bermudagrass, black nightshade, canada thistle, chickweed, and cocklebur.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
410 Swing Road
Greensboro, NC 27419
Active ingredients:
- Sulfosate 39.9%
- Other ingredients 60.1%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Alfalfa (volunteer)
- Annual bluegrass
- Annual ryegrass
- Annual weeds
- Barnyardgrass
- Bermudagrass
- Black nightshade
- Canada thistle
- Chickweed
- Cocklebur
- Cogongrass
- Common lambsquarters
- Common purslane
- Common ragweed
- Corn (volunteer)
- Cutleaf eveningprimrose
- Dock
- Downy brome
- Field bindweed
- Giant foxtail
- Giant ragweed
- Goosegrass
- Green foxtail
- Guineagrass
- Hemp dogbane
- Hemp sesbania
- Hophornbeam copperleaf
- Italian ryegrass
- Jimsonweed
- Johnsongrass
- Johnsongrass (rhizome)
- Johnsongrass (seedling)
- Kochia
- Large crabgrass
- Little barley
- Milkweed
- Morningglory
- Mustard
- No pest
- Panicgrass
- Paragrass
- Pennsylvania smartweed
- Perennial ryegrass
- Pineappleweed
- Prickly sida
- Puncturevine
- Quackgrass
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle
- Shepherdspurse
- Sicklepod
- Signalgrass
- Southwestern cupgrass
- Sowthistle
- Spotted spurge
- Tall fescue
- Timothy
- Torpedograss
- Velvetleaf
- Wheat (volunteer)
- Wild oat
- Wild radish
- Witchgrass
- Yellow nutsedge
Registered target sites:
- Acerola (nonbearing)
- Agricultural (noncrop areas) (foliar treatment)
- Almonds (nonbearing)
- Apples (nonbearing)
- Apricots (nonbearing)
- Artichokes (nonbearing)
- Asparagus (nonbearing)
- Avocados (nonbearing)
- Barrier strips (foliar treatment)
- Blackberries (nonbearing)
- Blueberries (nonbearing)
- Boysenberries (nonbearing)
- Cherries (nonbearing)
- Crabapples (nonbearing)
- Cranberries (nonbearing)
- Dates (nonbearing)
- Dewberries (nonbearing)
- Elderberry (nonbearing)
- Farm buildings (outdoor)
- Farm equipment (outdoor)
- Farm fuel storage areas (foliar treatment)
- Farm yards (foliar treatment)
- Fencerows (foliar treatment)
- Figs (nonbearing)
- Filberts (nonbearing)
- Ginseng (nonbearing)
- Gooseberries (nonbearing)
- Grapefruit (nonbearing)
- Grapes (nonbearing)
- Guava (nonbearing)
- Hedgerows (foliar treatment)
- Huckleberries (nonbearing)
- Jojoba (nonbearing)
- Kiwi (nonbearing)
- Lemons (nonbearing)
- Limes (nonbearing)
- Loganberries (nonbearing)
- Macadamia nuts (nonbearing)
- Mangos (nonbearing)
- Nectarines (nonbearing)
- Olives (nonbearing)
- Oranges (nonbearing)
- Papayas (nonbearing)
- Passion fruit (nonbearing)
- Peaches (nonbearing)
- Pears (nonbearing)
- Pecans (nonbearing)
- Persimmons (nonbearing)
- Pistachio (ornamental) (nonbearing)
- Plums (nonbearing)
- Pomegranates (nonbearing)
- Prunes (nonbearing)
- Raspberries (nonbearing)
- Rights-of-way (agricultural) (foliar treatment)
- Soil bank land
- Tangelos (nonbearing)
- Tangerines (nonbearing)
- Vineyards (foliar treatment)
- Walnuts (nonbearing)