Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 70506-6
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Tengard Sfr' is an insecticide, miticide, and termiticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 70506-6. It was originally approved by EPA on 09 Mar 2000. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Permethrin. It's approved for 67 sites including almonds, apples, barns, beef cattle, building foundations, cherries, commercial/institutional/industrial buildings, conifer plantings, dairy barns, and dairy cattle. It is also approved for 134 pests and pest groups including but not limited to ambrosia beetles, ants, aphids, armyworm, ash borer, asian cockroach, bagworm, bark beetles, bat bugs, and bed bug.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
630 Freedom Business Center, Suite 402
King Of Prussia, PA 19406
Active ingredients:
- Permethrin 36.8%
- Other ingredients 63.2%
Signal word:
Product type:
- Insecticide
- Miticide
- Termiticide
Registered target pests:
- Ambrosia beetles
- Ants
- Aphids
- Armyworm
- Ash borer
- Asian cockroach
- Bagworm
- Bark beetles
- Bat bugs
- Bed bug
- Bees
- Beet armyworm
- Beetles
- Billbugs
- Birch leafminer
- Black flies
- Borers
- Boxelder bug
- Bronze birch borer
- Brown dog tick
- Cabbage looper
- Cankerworms
- Carpenter ants
- Carpenter bee
- Carpet beetle
- Centipedes
- Chicken mite
- Chinch bug
- Citrus thrips
- Clearwing borers
- Cluster fly
- Cockroaches
- Coleopterous insects
- Coneworms
- Crickets
- Darkling beetles
- Deer flies
- Deer ticks
- Dogwood borer
- Drain flies
- Ear mite
- Earwigs
- Elm bark beetles
- Elm leaf beetle
- Eye gnats
- Face fly
- Filbert worm
- Fire ant
- Firebrat
- Flatheaded appletree borer
- Fleas
- Flies
- Flour beetles
- Fungus gnats
- Green fruitworm
- Ground beetles
- Gypsy moth
- Gypsy moth (larvae)
- Heliothis caterpillars
- Horn fly
- Hornets
- Horse flies
- House fly
- Indian meal moth
- Ips beetles
- Japanese beetle
- Lace bugs
- Larder beetle
- Leaf beetles
- Leafeating caterpillars
- Leaffooted bug
- Leafhoppers
- Leafminers
- Leafrollers
- Lesser mealworm
- Lesser peachtree borer
- Lice
- Lilac borer
- Lygus bugs
- Mange mite
- Mealybugs
- Millipedes
- Mole crickets
- Mountain pine beetle
- Nantucket pine tip moth
- Navel orangeworm
- No pest
- Northern fowl mite
- Oak borer
- Obliquebanded leafroller
- Old house borer
- Oriental fruit moth
- Pantry pests
- Peach twig borer
- Peachtree borer
- Pear psylla
- Pillbugs
- Pine engraver
- Pine sawflies
- Plant bugs
- Plum curculio
- Powderpost beetles
- Redbanded leafhopper
- Rhododendron borer
- Root weevils (adult)
- Rose chafer
- Rosy apple aphid
- Scabies mite
- Scorpions
- Seed bugs
- Sheep ked
- Silverfish
- Sod webworms
- Sowbugs
- Spiders
- Spotted tentiform leafminer
- Stable fly
- Stink bugs
- Subterranean termites
- Tarnished plant bug
- Tent caterpillars
- Termites
- Ticks
- Turpentine beetles
- Wasps
- Webbing coneworm
- Webworms
- Western blacklegged tick
- Western pine beetle
- White apple leafhopper
- Whiteflies
- Wood boring insects
- Yellowjackets
- Zimmerman pine moth
Registered target sites:
- Almonds (foliar treatment)
- Apples (foliar treatment)
- Barns (outside walls)
- Beef cattle (animal treatment)
- Beef cattle (ear treatment)
- Building foundations (foliar treatment)
- Cherries (foliar treatment)
- Commercial/institutional/industrial buildings (indoor inedible)
- Conifer plantings (foliar treatment)
- Dairy barns (exterior treatment)
- Dairy cattle (animal treatment)
- Dairy cattle (ear treatment)
- Dairy cattle (lactating) (animal treatment)
- Dairy cattle (lactating) (ear treatment)
- Dairy cattle (nonlactating) (animal treatment)
- Dairy cattle (nonlactating) (ear treatment)
- Dogs (animal treatment)
- Domestic dwellings (indoor)
- Domestic dwellings (outdoor)
- Eating establishments (indoor inedible)
- Eaves
- Filberts (foliar treatment)
- Food marketing/storage/distribution facilities (indoor inedible)
- Food processing plants (indoor inedible)
- Fruit trees (nonbearing)
- Garages
- Goats (animal treatment)
- Goats (ear treatment)
- Hog barns/houses/parlors/pens (open premise treatment)
- Hogs (animal treatment)
- Horses (animal treatment)
- Industrial areas (outdoor) (foliar treatment)
- Irrigation supply systems (water treatment)
- Livestock feedlots (outside)
- Livestock stables (open premise treatment)
- Meat processing plants (outdoor-inedible)
- Noncrop areas (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental flowering plants (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental foliage plants (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental gardens (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental herbaceous plants (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental lawns (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental lawns (soil treatment)
- Ornamental plants (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Ornamental plants (interior plantscapes)
- Ornamental trees (bark treatment)
- Ornamental woody plants (bark treatment)
- Ornamental woody plants (foliar treatment)
- Parks (foliar treatment)
- Patios (foliar treatment)
- Peaches (foliar treatment)
- Pears (delayed dormant application)
- Pears (dormant application)
- Pet bedding
- Pistachio nuts (foliar treatment)
- Porches
- Poultry (animal treatment)
- Poultry houses (enclosed premise treatment)
- Poultry houses (open premise treatment)
- Rugs/carpets
- Sheep (animal treatment)
- Sheep (ear treatment)
- Siding
- Window frames
- Wood poles/posts (soil contact nonfumigation treatment)
- Wood rafters
- Wood structures (soil contact nonfumigation treatment)