Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Not available
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 47000-74
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Surekill Advanced Insecticide Products Vap-5' is an insecticide and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 47000-74. It was originally approved by EPA on 09 Sep 1986. It has a 'Danger' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: DDVP. It's approved for 30 sites including bottling plants, breweries, cracker storage areas, eating establishments, flour mills, food marketing/storage/distribution facilities, food processing plants, garages, grain mills, and locker rooms. It is also approved for 15 pests and pest groups including but not limited to ants, cigarette beetle, cocoa bean moth, confused flour beetle, earwigs, fleas, granary weevil, indian meal moth, rice weevil, and roaches.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- PROZAP VAP-5Alternate
- SUREKILL VAP-5Alternate
- VAP-5Active
- Address:
1006 Business Highway 5
Pleasantville, IA 50225
Active ingredients:
- Ddvp 5%
- Other ingredients 95%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Ants
- Cigarette beetle
- Cocoa bean moth
- Confused flour beetle
- Earwigs
- Fleas
- Granary weevil
- Indian meal moth
- Rice weevil
- Roaches
- Sawtoothed grain beetle
- Silverfish
- Spiders
- Stored product insects
- Waterbugs
Registered target sites:
- Bottling plants (indoor inedible)
- Breweries (indoor-inedible)
- Cracker storage areas (empty)
- Eating establishments (indoor inedible)
- Flour mills (indoor inedible)
- Food marketing/storage/distribution facilities (indoor inedible)
- Food processing plants (indoor inedible)
- Garages
- Grain mills (indoor inedible)
- Locker rooms
- Manufacturing plants (indoor inedible)
- Offices (indoor inedible)
- Railroad boxcars (empty)
- Railroad boxcars (feed/food-empty) (non-residual contact treatment)
- Restaurants (indoor inedible)
- Rice mills
- Stored animal feed
- Stored beans (dry)
- Stored cereals
- Stored cocoa beans
- Stored flour (packaged)
- Stored grain
- Stored nuts
- Stored peanuts
- Stored peas (dry)
- Stored processed agricultural commodities
- Stored sugar
- Trucks (feed/food-empty) (non-residual contact treatment)
- Warehouses (indoor inedible)
- Wineries (indoor inedible)