Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 7455-21
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Supersweet Dairy Mist' is an insecticide and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 7455-21. It was originally approved by EPA on 24 Jan 1975. Its registration got cancelled on 01 Jul 1987. It has a 'Warning' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Aliphatic petroleum solvent, DDVP, and Mineral oil - includes paraffin oil from 063503. It's approved for 17 sites including beef cattle, dairy barns, dairy cattle, dog kennels, domestic dwellings, drive-ins, food processing plant, horse barns, ice cream stands, and industrial plants. It is also approved for 15 pests and pest groups including but not limited to ants, brown dog tick, cockroaches, face fly, fleas, flies, gnats, horn fly, house fly, and mosquitoes.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
A Division Of Archer Daniels Midland Company - Address:
1000 North 30th Street, Box C1
Quincy, IL 62305
Active ingredients:
- Aliphatic petroleum solvent 49.49%
- Ddvp 1%
- Mineral oil - includes paraffin oil from 063503 49.49%
- Other ingredients 0.019999999999996%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Ants
- Brown dog tick
- Cockroaches
- Face fly
- Fleas
- Flies
- Flies (maggots)
- Gnats
- Horn fly
- House fly
- Mosquitoes
- Silverfish
- Sowbugs
- Spiders
- Stable fly
Registered target sites:
- Beef cattle (animal treatment)
- Dairy barns (enclosed premise treatment)
- Dairy cattle (animal treatment)
- Dog kennels (enclosed premise treatment)
- Domestic dwellings (outdoor)
- Drive-ins (open air)
- Food processing plant
- Horse barns (enclosed premise treatment)
- Ice cream stands
- Industrial plants
- Loading/unloading docks
- Milk houses/rooms/sheds
- Parking areas
- Restaurants
- Service stations
- Theaters
- Warehouses (empty)