Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 71297-2
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Smartfresh Inbox Flex' is an regulator. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 71297-2. It was originally approved by EPA on 17 Jul 2002. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: 1-Methylcyclopropene. It's approved for 121 sites including apples, apricots, artichokes, asparagus, avocados, bananas, basil, beans, blackberries, and blueberries. It is also approved for 7 pests and pest groups including but not limited to plant regulator and scald.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
510-530 Walnut Street - Suite 1350
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Active ingredients:
- 1-methylcyclopropene 3.3%
- Other ingredients 96.7%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Plant regulator
- Plant regulator (frost inhibitor)
- Plant regulator (fruit acidity reducer)
- Plant regulator (hasten fruit ripening)
- Plant regulator (increase fruit firmness)
- Plant regulator (promote rind/peel integrity)
- Scald
Registered target sites:
- Apples (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Apples (transportation vehicles)
- Apricots (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Apricots (transportation vehicles)
- Artichokes (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Asparagus (postharvest application to plants)
- Asparagus (transportation vehicles)
- Avocados (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Avocados (transportation vehicles)
- Bananas (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Bananas (transportation vehicles)
- Basil (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Beans (post harvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Beans (transportation vehicles)
- Blackberries (postharvest treatment to plants)
- Blueberries (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Blueberries (transportation vehicles)
- Broccoli (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Brussels sprouts (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Cabbage (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Cabbage (transportation vehicles)
- Carrots (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Carrots (transportation vehicles)
- Cauliflower (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Celery (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Celery (transportation vehicles)
- Cherries (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Cherries (transportation vehicles)
- Coffee beans (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Corn (sweet) (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Corn (sweet) (transportation vehicles)
- Cucumbers (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Cucumbers (transportation vehicles)
- Eggplant (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Eggplant (transportation vehicles)
- Figs (post harvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Figs (transportation vehicles)
- Food storage areas
- Fruit storage rooms
- Garlic (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Garlic (transportation vehicles)
- Grapefruit (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Grapefruit (transportation vehicles)
- Grapes (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Grapes (transportation vehicles)
- Greenhouse (indoor)
- Hops (postharvest application)
- Kale (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Kiwi (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Kumquat (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Kumquat (transportation vehicles)
- Lemons (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Lemons (transportation vehicles)
- Lettuce (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Lettuce (transportation vehicles)
- Limes (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Limes (transportation vehicles)
- Mangos (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Mangos (transportation vehicles)
- Melons (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Melons (transportation vehicles)
- Mint (postharvest)
- Mushrooms (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Mushrooms (transportation vehicles)
- Nectarines (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Nectarines (transportation vehicles)
- Onions (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Onions (transportation vehicles)
- Oranges (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Oranges (transportation vehicles)
- Papayas (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Papayas (transportation vehicles)
- Peaches (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Peaches (transportation vehicles)
- Pears (asian) postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Pears (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Pears (transportation vehicles)
- Peas (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Peas (transportation vehicles)
- Peppers (postharvest application to plants)
- Peppers (transportation vehicles)
- Persimmons (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Persimmons (transportation vehicles)
- Pineapple (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Pineapple (transportation vehicles)
- Plums (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Plums (transportation vehicles)
- Potatoes (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Potatoes (transportation vehicles)
- Radishes (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Radishes (transportation vehicles)
- Raspberries (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Shipping containers (feed/food-full)
- Spinach (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Squash (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Squash (zucchini) (postharvest application to plant)
- Squash (zucchini) (transportation vehicles)
- Stone fruits (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Storage rooms
- Stored apples
- Stored apricots
- Stored avocado
- Stored mangos
- Stored nectarines
- Stored papayas
- Stored peaches
- Stored pears
- Stored persimmon
- Stored plums
- Stored tomatoes
- Strawberries (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Strawberries (transportation vehicles)
- Sweet potatoes (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Sweet potatoes (transportation vehicles)
- Tangerines (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Tangerines (transportation vehicles)
- Tomatoes (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Tomatoes (transportation vehicles)
- Trucks (feed/food-full)
- Watermelon (post harvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Watermelon (transportation vehicles)