Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 5905-572
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Showdown 2 Herbicide' is an herbicide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 5905-572. It was originally approved by EPA on 26 Jan 2009. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Glyphosate-isopropylammonium and Glyphosate, ammonium salt. It's approved for 94 sites including airports, alder, arborvitae, asparagus, azalea, blackgum, christmas tree plantings, commercial/institutional/industrial areas, conifer release, and conservation reserve program land. It is also approved for 77 pests and pest groups including but not limited to annual bluegrass, annual spurge, barley, barnyardgrass, bermudagrass, blue mustard, bristly starbur, broadleaf signalgrass, bulbous bluegrass, and buttercup.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- HM-0548 HERBICIDEActive
- Address:
225 Schilling Blvd., Suite 300
Collierville, TN 38017
Active ingredients:
- Glyphosate-isopropylammonium 34.76%
- Glyphosate, ammonium salt 2.21%
- Other ingredients 63.03%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Annual bluegrass
- Annual spurge
- Barley
- Barnyardgrass
- Bermudagrass
- Blue mustard
- Bristly starbur
- Broadleaf signalgrass
- Bulbous bluegrass
- Buttercup
- Canada thistle
- Carolina foxtail
- Carolina geranium
- Catchweed
- Chervil
- Cocklebur
- Common chickweed
- Common groundsel
- Common lambsquarters
- Common ragweed
- Common rye
- Common vetch
- Corn
- Corn speedwell
- Crimson clover
- Cutleaf eveningprimrose
- Dogfennel
- Downy brome
- Dwarfdandelion
- Fall panicum
- Field pennycress
- Filaree
- Florida beggarweed
- Florida pusley
- Foxtail
- Giant ragweed
- Goosegrass
- Guineagrass
- Hemp dogbane
- Italian ryegrass
- Johnsongrass
- Johnsongrass (seedling)
- Jointed goatgrass
- Large hop clover
- Little barley
- London rocket
- Milkweed
- Morningglory
- Mouseear chickweed
- Musk thistle
- No pest
- Red rice
- Redroot pigweed
- Rye
- Shattercane
- Shepherdspurse
- Sicklepod
- Silverleaf nightshade
- Smallseed falseflax
- Smooth pigweed
- Smutgrass
- Spanishneedles
- Sprangletop
- Stinkgrass
- Sunflower
- Tall fescue
- Tansymustard
- Teaweed
- Texas panicum
- Tumble mustard
- Umbrella spurry
- Vaseygrass
- Velvetleaf
- Wheat
- Wild mustard
- Wild oat
- Witchgrass
Registered target sites:
- Airports (foliar treatment)
- Alder (stump treatment)
- Arborvitae (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Arborvitae (soil treatment)
- Asparagus (ferns) (postharvest application to plants)
- Asparagus (soil treatment)
- Azalea (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Azalea (soil treatment)
- Blackgum (injection treatment)
- Christmas tree plantings (soil treatment)
- Commercial/institutional/industrial areas (outdoor inedible)
- Conifer release (dormant application)
- Conservation reserve program land (foliar treatment)
- Corn (sweet) (foliar treatment)
- Corn (sweet) (soil treatment)
- Cotton (foliar treatment)
- Cotton (soil treatment)
- Crabapples (soil treatment)
- Cropping systems (soil treatment)
- Ditch banks (foliar treatment)
- Ditches
- Dogwood (injection treatment)
- Driveways (foliar treatment)
- Eucalyptus (stump treatment)
- Euonymus (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Euonymus (soil treatment)
- Fallow land (soil treatment)
- Fencerows (foliar treatment)
- Fencerows (nonagricultural) (foliar treatment)
- Fences
- Fir (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Fir (soil treatment)
- Giant reed (stump treatment)
- Graveled areas (foliar treatment)
- Hickory (injection treatment)
- Holly (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Holly (soil treatment)
- Jojoba (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Jojoba (soil treatment)
- Lilac (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Lilac (soil treatment)
- Lumber yards
- Magnolia (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Magnolia (soil treatment)
- Maple (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Maple (soil treatment)
- Mulch (bark)
- Oak (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Oak (injection treatment)
- Oak (soil treatment)
- Oak (stump treatment)
- Ornamental gardens (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental plants (soil treatment)
- Ornamental trees (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental trees (nursery)
- Ornamental turf (soil treatment)
- Ornamental woody shrubs (foliar treatment)
- Parking areas (foliar treatment)
- Parks (foliar treatment)
- Pastures (soil treatment)
- Petroleum tank farm (foliar treatment)
- Pine (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Pine (soil treatment)
- Poplar (injection treatment)
- Privet (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Privet (soil treatment)
- Railroads (foliar treatment)
- Rangeland (dormant application)
- Red maple (injection treatment)
- Rights-of-way (communication) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (pipeline) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (power lines) (foliar treatment)
- Roadsides (foliar treatment)
- Salt cedar (stump treatment)
- Schools
- Sorghum (grain) (foliar treatment)
- Soybeans (foliar treatment)
- Soybeans (soil treatment)
- Spruce (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Spruce (soil treatment)
- Storage areas
- Sugarcane (soil treatment)
- Sweetgum (injection treatment)
- Sweetgum (stump treatment)
- Sycamore (injection treatment)
- Tan oak (stump treatment)
- Trails (foliar treatment)
- Utility substations (foliar treatment)
- Vacant lots (foliar treatment)
- Wasteland (foliar treatment)
- Wheat (foliar treatment)
- Willow (stump treatment)
- Yew (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Yew (soil treatment)