Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 63310-19
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Rhizopon Aa #1 (0.1)' is a biochemical pesticide and regulator. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 63310-19. It was originally approved by EPA on 07 Jul 1995. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Indole-3-butyric acid. It's approved for 82 sites including abelia, african violets, ageratum, andromeda, azalea, barberry, bayberry, beautyberry, begonia, and blackberry. It is also approved for 2 pests and pest groups including but not limited to plant regulator.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- RHIZOPON AA #1 (0.1)Active
- RHIZOPON AA#1 (0.1) FORMULA AAlternate
- Address:
245 West 24th Street
New York, NY 10011
Active ingredients:
- Indole-3-butyric acid 0.1%
- Other ingredients 99.9%
Signal word:
Product type:
- Biochemical Pesticide
- Regulator
Registered target pests:
- Plant regulator
- Plant regulator (root stimulant)
Registered target sites:
- Abelia (cuttings)
- African violets (cuttings)
- Ageratum (cuttings)
- Andromeda (cuttings)
- Azalea (cuttings)
- Barberry (cuttings)
- Bayberry (cuttings)
- Beautyberry (cuttings)
- Begonia (cuttings)
- Blackberry (ornamental) (cuttings)
- Bluebeard (cuttings)
- Blueberry (ornamental) (cuttings)
- Bougainvillea (cuttings)
- Broom (cuttings)
- Buddleia (butterflybush) (cuttings)
- Cacti (cuttings)
- Candytuft (cuttings)
- Carnation (cuttings)
- Chrysanthemum (cuttings)
- Clerodendrum (cuttings)
- Clockvine (cuttings)
- Coleus (cuttings)
- Crape myrtle (cuttings)
- Crassula (cuttings)
- Crotons (cuttings)
- Currant (ornamental) (cuttings)
- Daphne (cuttings)
- Deutzia (cuttings)
- Dewberry (ornamental) (cuttings)
- Dovetree (cuttings)
- Dracaena (cuttings)
- Dutchman's pipe (cuttings)
- Elder (cuttings)
- Firethorn (cuttings)
- Flowering cherry (cuttings)
- Fontanesia (cuttings)
- Forsythia (cuttings)
- Fuchsia (cuttings)
- Gardenia (cuttings)
- Geranium (cuttings)
- Hazelnut (ornamental) (cuttings)
- Jasmine (cuttings)
- Jetbead (cuttings)
- Kerria (cuttings)
- Laburnocytisus (cuttings)
- Lantana (cuttings)
- Lilies (cuttings)
- Linden (cuttings)
- Melastoma (cuttings)
- Mock-orange (cuttings)
- Mulberry (cuttings)
- Norway spruce (cuttings)
- Orixa (cuttings)
- Ornamental plants (cuttings)
- Ornamental plants (cuttings) (hardwood)
- Osage orange (cuttings)
- Pea shrub (cuttings)
- Pentstemon (cuttings)
- Philodendron (cuttings)
- Phlox (cuttings)
- Poinsettia (cuttings)
- Poplar (cuttings)
- Pricklypear cactus (cuttings)
- Raspberry (ornamental) (cuttings)
- Roses (cuttings)
- Sage (cuttings)
- Snakeplant (cuttings)
- Snapdragon (cuttings)
- Snowberry (cuttings)
- Speedwell (cuttings)
- Spirea (cuttings)
- St. john's-wort (cuttings)
- Stevia (cuttings)
- Stewartia (cuttings)
- Sweetleaf (cuttings)
- Trumpetcreeper (cuttings)
- Verbena (cuttings)
- Viburnum (cuttings)
- Virginia creeper (cuttings)
- Wax-myrtle (cuttings)
- Weigela (cuttings)
- Willow (cuttings)