Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 70907-9
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Regatta 50w Chlorpyrifos Professionalinsecticide' is an insecticide and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 70907-9. It was originally approved by EPA on 18 Dec 1998. Its registration got cancelled on 29 Jul 2002. It has a 'Danger' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Chlorpyrifos. It's approved for 21 sites including commercial/institutional/industrial areas, domestic dwellings, fruit trees, industrial sites, ornamental evergreens, ornamental flowering plants, ornamental flowering trees, ornamental shade trees, ornamental turf, and ornamental woody shrubs. It is also approved for 200 pests and pest groups including but not limited to ambrosia beetles, american cockroach, annual bluegrass weevils, anobiid beetles, ants, apple aphid, ash borer, asian cockroach, bagworm, and balsam gall midge.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
660 Newtown-yardley Rd., Suite 106
Newtown, PA 18940
Active ingredients:
- Chlorpyrifos 50%
- Other ingredients 50%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Ambrosia beetles
- American cockroach
- Annual bluegrass weevils
- Anobiid beetles
- Ants
- Apple aphid
- Ash borer
- Asian cockroach
- Bagworm
- Balsam gall midge
- Balsam twig aphid
- Bees
- Beet armyworm
- Bermudagrass mite
- Black peach aphid
- Black turfgrass ataenius
- Black turpentine beetle
- Black vine weevil
- Blister beetles
- Bluegrass billbug
- Boxelder bug
- Bronze birch borer
- Brownbanded cockroach
- Browntail moth
- California oakworm
- Cankerworms
- Carpenter ants
- Catalpa sphinx
- Chiggers (redbugs)
- Chinch bug
- Chrysanthemum aphid
- Citrus mealybug
- Climbing cutworms
- Clover mite
- Cockroaches
- Cooley spruce adelgid
- Cottonwood leaf beetle
- Cottony maple scale
- Cottonycushion scale
- Cranberry girdler
- Crepemyrtle aphid
- Crickets
- Cutworms
- Cypress tip moth
- Dearness scale
- Deer ticks
- Dogwood borer
- Douglas-fir tussock moth
- Earwigs
- Eastern spruce gall adelgid
- Eastern tent caterpillar
- Elm leaf aphid
- Elm leaf beetle
- Elm leaf beetle (adult)
- Elm spanworm
- Euonymus scale
- European chafer (larvae)
- European crane fly (larvae)
- European elm bark beetle
- European pine sawfly
- European pine shoot moth
- Fall armyworm
- Fall webworm
- Fiery skipper
- Fire ant
- Firebrat
- Flatheaded appletree borer
- Fleas
- Fletcher scale
- Flies
- Florida wax scale
- Forest tent caterpillar
- Fuller rose beetle
- German cockroach
- Golden oak scale
- Grasshoppers
- Green fruitworm
- Green june beetle (larvae)
- Greenbug
- Greenstriped mapleworm
- Gypsy moth
- Hawthorn lace bug
- Hemispherical scale
- Holly bud moth
- Hornets
- Hornworms
- Hunting billbug
- Jack pine budworm
- Japanese beetle
- Japanese beetle (larvae)
- Jeffrey pine needleminers
- June beetles
- Juniper webworm
- Katydids
- Lawn moths
- Leafhoppers
- Leafminers
- Leafrollers
- Lecanium scales
- Lesser peachtree borer
- Lilac borer
- Locust borer
- Lodgepole needleminer
- Lucerne moth
- Magnolia scale
- Mahogany webworm
- Maple leafcutter
- Mealy plum aphid
- Melon aphid
- Millipedes
- Mimosa webworm
- Mole crickets
- Mosquitoes
- Mountain pine beetle
- Nantucket pine tip moth
- Native elm bark beetles
- Northern pine weevil
- Oak borer
- Oak kermes
- Oak skeletonizer
- Obliquebanded leafroller
- Oleander caterpillar
- Orange tortrix
- Orangestriped oakworm
- Oriental cockroach
- Oystershell scale
- Pales weevil
- Pandemis leafroller
- Pandora moth
- Peach aphid
- Peach twig borer
- Peachtree borer
- Pear psylla (adult)
- Periodical cicada
- Pillbugs
- Pin oak sawfly
- Pine bark adelgid
- Pine needle scale
- Pine reproduction weevil
- Pine sawflies
- Pitch pine tip moth
- Pitch-eating weevil
- Plant bugs
- Poplar tentmaker
- Psyllids
- Puss caterpillar
- Red oak borer
- Red spider mites
- Redheaded pine sawfly
- Redhumped caterpillar
- Redhumped oakworm
- Rhododendron borer
- Rose aphid
- Rose chafer
- Rosy apple aphid
- San jose scale
- Scorpions
- Silverfish
- Smoky brown cockroach
- Sod webworms
- Southern masked chafer (larvae)
- Southern pine beetle
- Southern red mite
- Sowbugs
- Spiders
- Spirea aphid
- Spittlebugs
- Spring elm caterpillar
- Springtails
- Spruce beetle
- Spruce budworm
- Spruce needleminer
- Subtropical pine tip moth
- Symphylans
- Taxus mealybug
- Tea scale
- Termites
- Thornbug
- Thrips
- Ticks
- Tussock moths
- Twig weevil
- Twolined chestnut borer
- Walnut caterpillar
- Wasps
- Western pine beetle
- Western spruce budworm
- Western tent caterpillar
- White birch scale
- White pine aphid
- Whiteflies
- Willow leaf beetles
- Winter grain mite
- Woolly apple aphid
- Yellow pecan aphids
- Yellow-poplar weevil
- Yellowjackets
- Yellownecked caterpillar
- Yellowstriped armyworm
- Zimmerman pine moth
Registered target sites:
- Commercial/institutional/industrial areas (outdoor)
- Domestic dwellings (outdoor)
- Fruit trees (nonbearing)
- Industrial sites (dormant application)
- Industrial sites (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental evergreens (dormant application)
- Ornamental evergreens (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental flowering plants (dormant application)
- Ornamental flowering plants (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental flowering trees (dormant application)
- Ornamental flowering trees (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental shade trees (dormant application)
- Ornamental shade trees (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental turf (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental turf (golf courses) (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental woody shrubs (dormant application)
- Ornamental woody shrubs (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental woody vines (dormant application)
- Ornamental woody vines (foliar treatment)
- Roadsides (dormant application)
- Roadsides (foliar treatment)