Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 42750-55
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Range Star' is an herbicide terrestrial. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 42750-55. It was originally approved by EPA on 13 Mar 2000. It has a 'Danger' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: 2,4-D, dimethylamine salt and Dicamba, dimethylamine salt. It's approved for 37 sites including barley, bermudagrass, conservation reserve program land, corn, cotton, fallow land, farm yards, fence rows, grasses, and irrigation supply systems. It is also approved for 178 pests and pest groups including but not limited to alder, annual broadleaf weeds, annual clover, annual fleabane, annual mustards, annual sedge, annual sowthistle, annual sunflower, ash, and aspen.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
1525 Ne 36th Street
Ankeny, IA 50021
Active ingredients:
- 2,4-d, dimethylamine salt 35.7%
- Dicamba, dimethylamine salt 12.4%
- Other ingredients 51.9%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Alder
- Annual broadleaf weeds
- Annual clover
- Annual fleabane
- Annual mustards
- Annual sedge
- Annual sowthistle
- Annual sunflower
- Ash
- Aspen
- Aster
- Basswood
- Beech
- Bitter sneezeweed
- Bittercress
- Bitterweed
- Black knapweed
- Black locust
- Black nightshade
- Blackberry
- Blackgum
- Broadleaf signalgrass
- Broomweed
- Buckeye
- Buffalobur
- Bull thistle
- Bullnettle
- Burclover
- Burdock
- Buttercup
- California burclover
- Canada thistle
- Carelessweed
- Carolina geranium
- Carolina horsenettle
- Cedar
- Cherry
- Chickweed
- Chicory
- Chinese tallowtree
- Chinquapin
- Common chickweed
- Common cocklebur
- Common dandelion
- Common eveningprimrose
- Common goldenweed
- Common lambsquarters
- Common mallow
- Common mullein
- Common purslane
- Common ragweed
- Cottonweed
- Cow cockle
- Crabgrass
- Creosotebush
- Cressleaf groundsel
- Curly dock
- Cutleaf eveningprimrose
- Cypressweed
- Devil's claw
- Dewberry
- Dogfennel
- Dogwood
- Doveweed
- Eastern persimmon
- Eastern red cedar
- Elderberry
- Elm
- Eveningprimrose
- Field bindweed
- Field pennycress
- Flaxweed
- Flixweed
- Fringed sagebrush
- Goatweed
- Goldenrod
- Goosegrass
- Grape
- Greenbrier
- Groundsel (texas)
- Hairy honeysuckle
- Hairy vetch
- Hawthorn
- Hemlock
- Henbit
- Hickory
- Honeylocust
- Honeysuckle
- Hornbeam
- Huckleberry
- Huisache
- Ivyleaf morningglory
- Knotweed
- Kochia
- Kudzu
- Lanceleaf ragweed
- Lanceleaf sage
- Leafy spurge
- Macartney rose
- Marshelder
- Mesquite
- Milkweed
- Missouri goldenrod
- Mouseear chickweed
- Multiflora rose
- Musk thistle
- Mustard
- No pest
- Oak
- Pennsylvania smartweed
- Perennial smartweed
- Perennial sowthistle
- Pine
- Plains coreopsis
- Plumeless thistle
- Poison ivy
- Poison oak
- Poorjoe
- Poplar
- Prickly lettuce
- Prickly sida
- Prostrate pigweed
- Prostrate spurge
- Rabbitbrush
- Red sorrel
- Redroot pigweed
- Redvine
- Rosinweed
- Rough pigweed
- Russian knapweed
- Russian olive
- Russian thistle
- Sand plum
- Sassafras
- Sedge
- Sheep sorrel
- Shepherdspurse
- Silverleaf nightshade
- Smallflowered bittercress
- Smallseed falseflax
- Smartweed
- Smooth pigweed
- Sour dock
- Southern dewberry
- Sowthistle
- Spotted beebalm
- Spotted knapweed
- Spruce
- Sumac
- Sumpweed
- Sunflower
- Sweetgum
- Sycamore
- Tall morningglory
- Tansy ragwort
- Tansymustard
- Tarbush
- Thornapple
- Thoroughwort
- Tumble pigweed
- Velvetleaf
- Virginia pepperweed
- Western lanceleaf groundcherry
- Western ragweed
- Western salsify
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild carrot
- Wild garlic
- Wild onion
- Wild plum
- Willow
- Witchhazel
- Woolly croton
- Yankeeweed
- Yaupon
- Yellow starthistle
- Yellowtop
- Yucca
Registered target sites:
- Barley (pasture) (foliar treatment)
- Bermudagrass (foliar treatment)
- Conservation reserve program land (foliar treatment)
- Corn (field) (foliar treatment)
- Corn (pop) (foliar treatment)
- Corn (seed crop) (foliar treatment)
- Cotton (foliar treatment)
- Fallow land (foliar treatment)
- Farm yards (foliar treatment)
- Fence rows (foliar treatment)
- Grasses (hay) (foliar treatment)
- Grasses (seed crop foliar treatment)
- Grasses (silage) (foliar treatment)
- Irrigation supply systems (water treatment)
- Noncrop areas (foliar treatment)
- Oats (pasture) (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental trees (bark treatment)
- Pangolagrass
- Pastures (grass) (foliar treatment)
- Pastures (grass) (hay) (foliar treatment)
- Rangeland (grasses) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (highway) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (pipeline) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (railroad) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (utility) (foliar treatment)
- Rye (pasture) (foliar treatment)
- Sorghum (forage) (foliar treatment)
- Sorghum (milo) (foliar treatment)
- Soybeans (foliar treatment)
- Stumps
- Sugarcane (foliar treatment)
- Wheat (fall) (foliar treatment)
- Wheat (fallow) (soil treatment)
- Wheat (pasture) (foliar treatment)
- Wheat (spring) (foliar treatment)
- Wheat (stubble) (postharvest application)