Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 53883-364
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Quali-pro Oxadiazon Sc' is an herbicide terrestrial. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 53883-364. It was originally approved by EPA on 06 Jul 2009. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Oxadiazon. It's approved for 54 sites including andorra juniper, arborvitae, baby's-breath, bermudagrass, blue spruce, boxwood, canada hemlock, chinese holly, common juniper, and conifer plantings. It is also approved for 37 pests and pest groups including but not limited to annual bluegrass, annual sedge, barnyardgrass, bittercress, bristly oxtongue, carpetgrass, carpetweed, cheeseweed, common groundsel, and common purslane.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
5903 Genoa Red Bluff Road
Pasadena, TX 77507
Active ingredients:
- Oxadiazon 34.4%
- Other ingredients 65.6%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Annual bluegrass
- Annual sedge
- Barnyardgrass
- Bittercress
- Bristly oxtongue
- Carpetgrass
- Carpetweed
- Cheeseweed
- Common groundsel
- Common purslane
- Crabgrass
- Eveningprimrose
- Fall panicum
- Fiddleneck
- Fireweed
- Florida pusley
- Galinsoga
- Golden ragwort
- Goosegrass
- Green foxtail
- Lambsquarters
- Liverwort
- No pest
- Oxalis
- Pennsylvania smartweed
- Petty spurge
- Prostrate spurge
- Redroot pigweed
- Ripgut brome
- Shepherdspurse
- Sowthistle
- Speedwell
- Spotted catsear
- Swinecress
- Virginia buttonweed
- Wild oat
- Yellow woodsorrel
Registered target sites:
- Andorra juniper (soil treatment)
- Arborvitae (soil treatment)
- Baby's-breath (soil treatment)
- Bermudagrass (dormant application)
- Bermudagrass (golf courses) (dormant application)
- Bermudagrass (golf fairways) (dormant application)
- Bermudagrass (grown for sod)
- Bermudagrass (parks) (dormant application)
- Bermudagrass (soil treatment)
- Blue spruce (soil treatment)
- Boxwood (soil treatment)
- Canada hemlock (soil treatment)
- Chinese holly (soil treatment)
- Common juniper (soil treatment)
- Conifer plantings (nursery)
- Conifer plantings (soil treatment)
- Cranberries (soil treatment)
- Creeping juniper (soil treatment)
- Cypress (soil treatment)
- Douglas-fir (soil treatment)
- Eastern redcedar (soil treatment)
- Eastern white pine (soil treatment)
- Evergreen euonymus (soil treatment)
- Fraser fir (soil treatment)
- Gladiolus (soil treatment)
- Grand fir (soil treatment)
- Hemlock (soil treatment)
- Hinoki false cypress (soil treatment)
- Holly (soil treatment)
- Japanese barberry (soil treatment)
- Japanese holly (soil treatment)
- Juniper (blue rug) (soil treatment)
- Juniper (soil treatment)
- Kurogane holly (soil treatment)
- Mugho pine (soil treatment)
- Noble fir (soil treatment)
- Oleander (soil treatment)
- Ophiopogon (soil treatment)
- Ornamental plants (soil treatment)
- Ornamental trees (soil treatment)
- Ornamental woody plants (soil treatment)
- Pine (soil treatment)
- Raphiolepis (soil treatment)
- Sawara false cypress (soil treatment)
- Scotch pine (soil treatment)
- St. augustinegrass (dormant application)
- St. augustinegrass (golf courses) (soil treatment)
- St. augustinegrass (golf fairways) (dormant application)
- St. augustinegrass (grown for sod)
- St. augustinegrass (parks) (dormant application)
- St. augustinegrass (soil treatment)
- Statice (soil treatment)
- Zoysiagrass (grown for sod)
- Zoysiagrass (soil treatment)