Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 73049-32
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Procone Plant Growth Regulator Solution' is a biochemical pesticide and regulator. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 73049-32. It was originally approved by EPA on 29 Apr 2000. It has a 'Warning' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Gibberellin A4 mixt. with Gibberellin A7. It's approved for 61 sites including black spruce, caribbean slash pine, douglas-fir, eastern larch, engelmann spruce, european larch, jack pine, japanese black pine, japanese larch, and larch. It is also approved for 3 pests and pest groups including but not limited to plant regulator.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
1910 Innovation Way, Suite 100
Libertyville, IL 60048
Active ingredients:
- Gibberellin a4 mixt. with gibberellin a7 4%
- Other ingredients 96%
Signal word:
Product type:
- Biochemical Pesticide
- Regulator
Registered target pests:
- Plant regulator (floral stimulant)
- Plant regulator (increase propagule production)
- Plant regulator (stimulate germination)
Registered target sites:
- Black spruce (forest) (delayed dormant application)
- Black spruce (forest) (foliar treatment)
- Black spruce (forest) (injection treatment)
- Caribbean slash pine (delayed dormant)
- Caribbean slash pine (foliar treatment)
- Caribbean slash pine (injection treatment)
- Douglas-fir (delayed dormant application)
- Douglas-fir (foliar treatment)
- Douglas-fir (injection treatment)
- Eastern larch (forest) (delayed dormant)
- Eastern larch (forest) (foliar treatment)
- Eastern larch (forest) (injection treatment)
- Engelmann spruce (foliar treatment)
- Engelmann spruce (forest) (delayed dormant application)
- Engelmann spruce (injection treatment)
- European larch (delayed dormant)
- European larch (foliar treatment)
- European larch (injection treatment)
- Jack pine (forest) (delayed dormant)
- Jack pine (forest) (foliar treatment)
- Jack pine (forest) (injection treatment)
- Japanese black pine (delayed dormant application)
- Japanese black pine (foliar treatment)
- Japanese black pine (injection treatment)
- Japanese larch (delayed dormant)
- Japanese larch (foliar treatment)
- Japanese larch (injection treatment)
- Larch (foliar treatment)
- Loblolly pine (forest) (delayed dormant application)
- Loblolly pine (forest) (foliar treatment)
- Loblolly pine (forest) (injection treatment)
- Lodgepole pine (forest) (delayed dormant application)
- Lodgepole pine (forest) (foliar treatment)
- Lodgepole pine (forest) (injection treatment)
- Longleaf pine (forest) (delayed dormant application)
- Longleaf pine (forest) (foliar treatment)
- Longleaf pine (forest) (injection treatment)
- Monterey pine (delayed dormant application)
- Monterey pine (forest) (foliar treatment)
- Monterey pine (forest) (injection treatment)
- Norway spruce (delayed dormant application)
- Norway spruce (foliar treatment)
- Norway spruce (injection treatment)
- Scotch pine (delayed dormant application)
- Scotch pine (forest) (foliar treatment)
- Scotch pine (forest) (injection treatment)
- Sitka spruce (forest) (delayed dormant application)
- Sitka spruce (forest) (foliar treatment)
- Sitka spruce (forest) (injection treatment)
- Sugar pine (forest) (delayed dormant)
- Sugar pine (forest) (foliar treatment)
- Sugar pine (forest) (injection treatment)
- Western hemlock (forest) (delayed dormant application)
- Western hemlock (forest) (foliar treatment)
- Western hemlock (forest) (injection treatment)
- Western larch (forest) (foliar treatment)
- Western larch (forest) (injection treatment)
- Western larcj (forest) (delayed dormant)
- White spruce (delayed dormant application)
- White spruce (foliar treatment)
- White spruce (injection treatment)