Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 655-799
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Prentox Diazinon Lawn & Garden Insecticide' is an insecticide and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 655-799. It was originally approved by EPA on 22 Apr 1996. Its registration got cancelled on 15 Nov 2001. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Diazinon. It's approved for 122 sites including almonds, apples, apricots, arborvitae, azalea, beans, beets, birch, blackberries, and blueberries. It is also approved for 117 pests and pest groups including but not limited to ants, aphids, apple maggot, apple-and-thorn skeletonizer, apricot mealybug, armyworm, bagworm, bermudagrass mite, black cherry aphid, and blueberry maggot.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
2155 West Croft Circle
Spartanburg, SC 29302
Active ingredients:
- Diazinon 22.4%
- Other ingredients 77.6%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Ants
- Aphids
- Apple maggot
- Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer
- Apricot mealybug
- Armyworm
- Bagworm
- Bermudagrass mite
- Black cherry aphid (eggs)
- Blueberry maggot
- Boxelder bug
- Brown dog tick
- Brown mite
- Carnation bud mite
- Carnation shoot mite
- Cherry fruit fly
- Cherry fruitworm
- Cherry rust mites
- Chiggers (redbugs)
- Clover mite
- Cockroaches
- Codling moth
- Collembola
- Colorado potato beetle
- Cotoneaster webworm
- Cottonycushion scale
- Cottonycushion scale (crawlers)
- Cranberry fruitworm
- Crickets
- Cucumber beetles
- Cutworms
- Cyclamen mite
- Diamondback moth
- Digger wasps
- Dipterous leafminers
- Earwigs
- Euonymus scale (crawlers)
- European chafer (larvae)
- European pine sawfly
- European pine shoot moth
- European red mite
- Eyespotted bud moth
- Fall armyworm
- Fall webworm
- Fire ant
- Flea beetles
- Fleas
- Flies
- Forbes scale (crawlers)
- Frosted scale (crawlers)
- Fruit flies
- Fruittree leafroller
- Grape berry moth
- Grape leaffolder
- Grasshoppers
- Hemlock chermes
- Holly bud moth
- Hyperodes weevils
- Imported cabbageworm
- Italian pear scale (crawlers)
- Japanese beetle (larvae)
- Juniper webworm
- Lawn billbugs
- Lawn chinch bugs
- Lawn moths
- Leafcurl plum aphid
- Leafhoppers
- Lecanium scales (crawlers)
- Mealy plum aphid
- Mealybugs
- Mexican bean beetle
- Millipedes
- Mimosa webworm
- Mites
- Mole crickets
- Obliquebanded leafroller
- Obscure root weevil
- Olive scale (crawlers)
- Omnivorous leaftier
- Onion thrips
- Parlatoria scale
- Pear psylla
- Pearslug
- Pillbugs
- Pine needle scale (crawlers)
- Pine sawflies
- Pit scales (crawlers)
- Privet mite
- Raspberry fruitworms
- Rhodesgrass scale
- Root maggots
- San jose scale
- San jose scale (crawlers)
- Scales (crawlers)
- Sod webworms
- Soft scales (crawlers)
- Southern armyworm
- Southern chafer (larvae)
- Sowbugs
- Spider mites
- Spiders
- Springtails
- Strawberry leafroller
- Subterranean cutworms
- Surface feeding cutworms
- Tent caterpillars
- Tentiform leafminers
- Thistle aphid
- Thrips
- Twig borers
- Twospotted spider mite
- Vinegar fly
- Walnut scale (crawlers)
- Webworms
- Western oak looper
- Whiteflies
- Wireworms
Registered target sites:
- Almonds (dormant application)
- Apples (foliar treatment)
- Apricots (foliar treatment)
- Arborvitae (foliar treatment)
- Azalea (foliar treatment)
- Beans (lima) (foliar treatment)
- Beans (lima) (soil treatment)
- Beans (pole) (foliar treatment)
- Beans (pole) (soil treatment)
- Beans (snap) (foliar treatment)
- Beans (snap) (soil treatment)
- Beans (succulent) (foliar treatment)
- Beans (succulent) (soil treatment)
- Beets (red) (soil treatment)
- Birch (foliar treatment)
- Blackberries (foliar treatment)
- Blueberries (foliar treatment)
- Boxwood (foliar treatment)
- Boysenberries (foliar treatment)
- Broccoli (foliar treatment)
- Cabbage (foliar treatment)
- Cabbage (soil treatment)
- Camellia (foliar treatment)
- Caneberries (foliar treatment)
- Cantaloupes (foliar treatment)
- Carnation (foliar treatment)
- Carrots (foliar treatment)
- Carrots (soil treatment)
- Casaba melons (foliar treatment)
- Cauliflower (foliar treatment)
- Cherries (foliar treatment)
- Chinese broccoli (gai lon) (foliar treatment)
- Chinese cabbage (bok choy) (foliar treatment)
- Chinese cabbage (napa) (foliar treatment)
- Chrysanthemum (foliar treatment)
- Collards (foliar treatment)
- Corn (foliar treatment)
- Corn (soil treatment)
- Corn (sweet) (foliar treatment)
- Corn (sweet) (soil treatment)
- Crabapple (ornamental) (foliar treatment)
- Crenshaw melons (foliar treatment)
- Cucumbers (foliar treatment)
- Dewberries (foliar treatment)
- Dogwood (foliar treatment)
- Domestic dwellings (outdoor)
- Douglas-fir (foliar treatment)
- Elm (foliar treatment)
- Endive (escarole) (foliar treatment)
- Euonymus (foliar treatment)
- Gladiolus (foliar treatment)
- Grapes (foliar treatment)
- Hawthorn (foliar treatment)
- Holly (foliar treatment)
- Honeydew melons (foliar treatment)
- Honeylocust (foliar treatment)
- Honeysuckle (foliar treatment)
- Hoya (foliar treatment)
- Juniper (foliar treatment)
- Kale (foliar treatment)
- Lettuce (foliar treatment)
- Lettuce (soil treatment)
- Lilac (foliar treatment)
- Lilies (foliar treatment)
- Locust (foliar treatment)
- Loganberries (foliar treatment)
- Maple (foliar treatment)
- Marigold (foliar treatment)
- Melons (foliar treatment)
- Mimosa (foliar treatment)
- Muskmelons (foliar treatment)
- Nectarines
- Oak (foliar treatment)
- Onions (bulb) (foliar treatment)
- Onions (foliar treatment)
- Onions (green) (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental herbaceous plants (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental lawns (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental lawns (soil treatment)
- Ornamental trees (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental woody shrubs (foliar treatment)
- Pansies (foliar treatment)
- Parsnips (foliar treatment)
- Peaches
- Pears (foliar treatment)
- Peas (foliar treatment)
- Peas (soil treatment)
- Peas (succulent) (foliar treatment)
- Peas (succulent) (soil treatment)
- Peppers (foliar treatment)
- Persian melons (foliar treatment)
- Petunia (foliar treatment)
- Pine (foliar treatment)
- Plum (ornamental) (foliar treatment)
- Plums (foliar treatment)
- Poplar (foliar treatment)
- Potatoes (foliar treatment)
- Prunes (foliar treatment)
- Radishes (foliar treatment)
- Radishes (soil treatment)
- Raspberries (foliar treatment)
- Rhododendron (foliar treatment)
- Roses (foliar treatment)
- Rutabagas (foliar treatment)
- Rutabagas (soil treatment)
- Scotch pine (foliar treatment)
- Spinach (foliar treatment)
- Spirea (foliar treatment)
- Spruce (foliar treatment)
- Squash (summer) (foliar treatment)
- Squash (winter) (foliar treatment)
- Strawberries (foliar treatment)
- Sycamore (foliar treatment)
- Tomatoes (foliar treatment)
- Tomatoes (soil treatment)
- Turnips (foliar treatment)
- Turnips (soil treatment)
- Walnuts (foliar treatment)
- Watermelon (foliar treatment)
- Willow (foliar treatment)
- Yellowwood (foliar treatment)
- Yew (foliar treatment)