Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 88098-2
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Nixall Workstation Clean Disinfectant' is a bacteriocide, disinfectant, and virucide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 88098-2. It was originally approved by EPA on 14 Mar 2023. It doesn't have any signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Hypochlorous Acid. It's approved for 195 sites including agricultural equipment, aircraft, ambulances, animal cages, animal equipment, animal feeding/watering equipment, animal living quarters, animal transportation vehicles, aquarium, and athletic equipment. It is also approved for 11 pests and pest groups including but not limited to animal pathogenic bacteria, bacteria, botrytis, coronavirus, microorganisms, mold/mildew, powdery mildew, pseudomonas spp., rust, and stain.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Nixall 3D Daily Defenses DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall All-Purpose Animal Care DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall Antimicrobial DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall Automotive DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall Daily DisinfectantActive
- Nixall Equine Stall & Barn DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall Essential Daily DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall Essential Kitchen & Bath DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall FarmAlternate
- Nixall Intervention Care DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall Kennel DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall Multi-Purpose DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall Nursery Neonatal Care DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall Office Care DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall Port DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall Tool & Tent DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall Vehicle Interior DisinfectantAlternate
- Nixall Workstation Clean DisinfectantAlternate
- Ranch & Home DisinfectantAlternate
- Address:
1075 W. Kathryn St., Suite 6
Nixa, MO 65714
Active ingredients:
- Hypochlorous acid 0.01%
- Other ingredients 99.99%
Signal word:
Product type:
- Bacteriocide
- Disinfectant
- Virucide
Registered target pests:
- Animal pathogenic bacteria (g- and g+ vegetative)
- Bacteria (unspecified)
- Botrytis
- Coronavirus
- Microorganisms (unspecified)
- Mold/mildew
- Powdery mildew
- Pseudomonas spp.
- Rust
- Stain
- Stain fungi
Registered target sites:
- Agricultural equipment
- Aircraft
- Ambulances
- Animal cages
- Animal equipment
- Animal feeding/watering equipment
- Animal feeding/watering equipment (dvm)
- Animal living quarters
- Animal living quarters (dvm)
- Animal transportation vehicles
- Aquarium
- Athletic equipment
- Athletic facilities
- Athletic fields
- Automobiles
- Aviaries (enclosed premise treatment)
- Bakeries
- Barber and beauty shop equipment
- Barber and beauty shop instruments
- Barber and beauty shop premises
- Bars
- Basements
- Bedpans
- Bird cages (enclosed premise treatment)
- Boat premises
- Bottling process plant premises
- Bottling processing equipment
- Bowling alley premises
- Boxcars
- Breweries
- Building foundations
- Butcher shops
- Cafes
- Campers
- Campgrounds
- Cat litter trays
- Commercial equipment
- Commercial premises
- Containers (processed feed/food-empty)
- Cupboards
- Dairy farms (enclosed premise treatment)
- Dairy processing plants
- Dental appliances
- Dental equipment
- Dental evacuation systems
- Dental instruments
- Dental water lines
- Department stores
- Desk tops
- Dishwashing machines
- Distilleries
- Domestic dwellings
- Domestic dwellings (indoor) (attics)
- Doors
- Drains
- Eating est equipment (non-food contact)
- Eating est non-food contact surfaces
- Eating est premises
- Eating est premises (household)
- Egg process plant premises
- Factories
- Farm equipment (unspecified)
- Farm premises (unspecified)
- Feed stores
- Fish processing plant premises
- Floors
- Food handling utensils
- Food markets
- Food processing establishments
- Food serving areas
- Food stores
- Furniture
- Garages
- Greenhouse equipment
- Greenhouses
- Gymnasium mats
- Hog houses (enclosed premise treatment)
- Homes (indoor)
- Horse stables (enclosed premise treatment)
- Hospital critical equipment
- Hospital critical premises
- Hospital instruments
- Hospital materials
- Hospital noncritical equipment
- Hospital noncritical premises
- Hospital patient premises
- Hospital premises
- Hotels/motels/tourist courts
- Household contents
- Household contents (nursery)
- Household premises
- Household sickroom premises
- Human drink water surfaces
- Human nursery equipment
- Human nursery premises
- Ice cream plants
- Ice cream processing equipment
- Ice cream stands
- Ice making equipment
- Industrial equipment
- Industrial premises
- Institutional equipment
- Institutional equipment drawers
- Institutional premises
- Jails (indoor inedible)
- Janitorial equipment
- Janitorial premises
- Kitchens
- Laboratory animal quarters (enclosed premise treatment)
- Laboratory premises
- Laundry equipment
- Laundry premises
- Livestock barns (enclosed premise treatment)
- Livestock pens
- Livestock premises (enclosed premise treatment)
- Livestock stalls (enclosed premise treatment)
- Livestock transportation vehicles
- Loading ramps
- Locker rooms
- Lunch rooms
- Manufacturing plants (indoor inedible)
- Meat process plant premises
- Microwave ovens
- Military installations
- Milk process plant premises
- Milk processing equipment
- Milking equipment
- Mortuary premises
- Nursing home premises
- Office buildings
- Offices (indoor inedible)
- Parks
- Pet bedding
- Pet kennels (dvm) (enclosed premise treatment)
- Pet kennels (enclosed premise treatment)
- Pet living quarters (enclosed premise treatment)
- Pet pens/runs/yards (open premise treatment)
- Pet quarters (enclosed premise treatment)
- Pharmaceutical plant premises
- Playgrounds
- Poultry bldgs. (coops) (enclosed premise treatment)
- Poultry house premises (enclosed premise treatment)
- Poultry process plant premises
- Public buildings (indoor inedible)
- Railroad trains
- Recreation buildings
- Recreational vehicles
- Refrigerator surfaces
- Refrigerators
- Rendering plant premises
- Reptile quarters (enclosed premise treatment)
- Resorts
- Restaurants
- School kitchens
- Schools
- Service stations
- Shelving
- Ships
- Shower room premises
- Siding
- Silos
- Sinks
- Smokehouse premises
- Spas surfaces
- Sports arenas
- Stadiums
- Stainless steel surfaces
- Storage tanks
- Stores
- Supermarkets (indoor inedible)
- Taverns
- Telecommunications and power equipment
- Telephones
- Theaters
- Therapy equipment
- Tobacco pprocessing equipment
- Tobacco processing plant premises
- Trailers (empty)
- Transducers
- Transportation vehicles (nonfood/nonfeed)
- Trucks
- Veterinary clinics
- Veterinary hospital critical equipment
- Veterinary hospital critical premises
- Veterinary hospital instruments
- Veterinary hospital materials
- Veterinary hospital noncritical premises
- Veterinary hospital patient premises
- Veterinary hospital premises
- Veterinary hospitals
- Walls
- Warehouses
- Windows
- Wineries
- Zoos