Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 83030-1
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Mitigator Cbs' is a sanitizer. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 83030-1. It was originally approved by EPA on 18 Apr 2007. Its registration got cancelled on 22 Jul 2013. It doesn't have any signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Citric acid and L-Lactic acid. It's approved for 18 sites including commercial equipment, commercial premises, eating est equipment, eating est food contact surfaces, eating est non-food contact surfaces, eating est premises, food process plant premises, food process plant surfaces, household contents, and household premises. It is also approved for 1 pests and pest groups including but not limited to animal pathogenic bacteria.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- CITREXActive
- CITRUS 21Alternate
- CTX-CLEANAlternate
- JEEPLEX NASAlternate
- MAT-CLEANAlternate
- Address:
2766 Sw Douglas Road
Miami, FL 33133
Active ingredients:
- Citric acid 0.04%
- L-lactic acid 0.04%
- Other ingredients 99.92%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Animal pathogenic bacteria (g- and g+ vegetative)
Registered target sites:
- Commercial equipment
- Commercial premises
- Eating est equipment
- Eating est equipment (non-food contact)
- Eating est food contact surfaces (household)
- Eating est non-food contact surfaces
- Eating est premises (household)
- Food process plant premises
- Food process plant surfaces
- Household contents
- Household contents (nursery)
- Household premises
- Institutional equipment
- Institutional premises
- Meat process plant premises
- Meat process plant surfaces
- Slaughter house instruments
- Slaughter house premises