Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 62355-5
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Miracle-gro Garden Weed Preventer( 1)' is an herbicide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 62355-5. It was originally approved by EPA on 17 Jul 2008. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Trifluralin. It's approved for 327 sites including aaronsbeard, abelia, acacia, achillea, african daisy, african sumac, ageratum, ajuga, algerian ivy, and almond. It is also approved for 34 pests and pest groups including but not limited to annual bluegrass, barnyardgrass, brachiaria, bromegrass, carelessweed, carpetweed, cheat, common chickweed, crabgrass, and fall panicum.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
14111 Scottslawn Rd
Marysville, OH 43041
Active ingredients:
- Trifluralin 1.47%
- Other ingredients 98.53%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Annual bluegrass (preemergence)
- Barnyardgrass (preemergence)
- Brachiaria (preemergence)
- Bromegrass (preemergence)
- Carelessweed (preemergence)
- Carpetweed (preemergence)
- Cheat (preemergence)
- Common chickweed (preemergence)
- Crabgrass (preemergence)
- Fall panicum (preemergence)
- Florida purslane (preemergence)
- Florida pusley (preemergence)
- Foxtail (preemergence)
- Goosefoot (preemergence)
- Goosegrass (preemergence)
- Johnsongrass (seedling) (preemergence)
- Junglerice (preemergence)
- Knotweed (preemergence)
- Kochia (preemergence)
- Lambsquarters (preemergence)
- Lovegrass (preemergence)
- Pigweed (preemergence)
- Purslane (preemergence)
- Redroot pigweed (preemergence)
- Russian thistle (preemergence)
- Sandbur (preemergence)
- Signalgrass (preemergence)
- Sprangletop (preemergence)
- Stinging nettle (preemergence)
- Stinkgrass (preemergence)
- Texas panicum (preemergence)
- Watergrass (preemergence)
- Wildcane (preemergence)
- Witchgrass (preemergence)
Registered target sites:
- Aaronsbeard (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Abelia (soil treatment)
- Acacia (soil treatment)
- Achillea (soil treatment)
- African daisy (soil treatment)
- African sumac (soil treatment)
- Ageratum (soil treatment)
- Ajuga (soil treatment)
- Algerian ivy (soil treatment)
- Almond (ornamental) (soil treatment)
- Alyssum (soil treatment)
- American arborvitae (soil treatment)
- American cherry-laurel (soil treatment)
- American sycamore (soil treatment)
- Amur maple (soil treatment)
- Andromeda (soil treatment)
- Angelwing jasmine (soil treatment)
- Anglojap yew (soil treatment)
- Anise (soil treatment)
- Arborvitae (soil treatment)
- Arctotis (soil treatment)
- Areca palm (soil treatment)
- Arizona cypress (soil treatment)
- Artemisia (soil treatment)
- Asparagus fern (soil treatment)
- Aster (soil treatment)
- Austrian pine (soil treatment)
- Azalea (soil treatment)
- Baby's-breath (soil treatment)
- Baldcypress (soil treatment)
- Balsam (soil treatment)
- Balsam fir (soil treatment)
- Barbara karst (soil treatment)
- Barberry (soil treatment)
- Beach pine (soil treatment)
- Beach strawberry (soil treatment)
- Bear oak (soil treatment)
- Bearberry (soil treatment)
- Beech (soil treatment)
- Begonia (soil treatment)
- Bellflower (soil treatment)
- Birch (soil treatment)
- Black locust (soil treatment)
- Black olive (soil treatment)
- Black walnut (soil treatment)
- Blackeyed susan (soil treatment)
- Bleeding-heart (soil treatment)
- Blue fescue (soil treatment)
- Bosnian pine (soil treatment)
- Bottle tree (soil treatment)
- Bottlebrush (soil treatment)
- Bougainvillea (soil treatment)
- Boxwood (soil treatment)
- Bridal wreath spirea (soil treatment)
- Bristlecone pine (soil treatment)
- Broom (soil treatment)
- Bunge (soil treatment)
- Calendula (soil treatment)
- California ivy (soil treatment)
- California poppy (soil treatment)
- California sycamore (soil treatment)
- Calliopsis (soil treatment)
- Camellia (soil treatment)
- Canada hemlock (soil treatment)
- Canary island pine (soil treatment)
- Cape honeysuckle (soil treatment)
- Cape marigold (soil treatment)
- Capeweed (soil treatment)
- Carnation (soil treatment)
- Carob (ornamental) (soil treatment)
- Carolina cherry-laurel (soil treatment)
- Carpet bugle (soil treatment)
- Carrotwood (soil treatment)
- Ceanothus (soil treatment)
- Centaurea (soil treatment)
- Century plant (soil treatment)
- Charisma-monruce-raphiolepis (soil treatment)
- Chilean mesquite (soil treatment)
- Chinese chestnut (soil treatment)
- Chinese elm (soil treatment)
- Chinese fountain palm (soil treatment)
- Chinese lilac (soil treatment)
- Christmas palm (soil treatment)
- Chrysanthemum (soil treatment)
- Cinquefoil (soil treatment)
- Cloud nine dogwood (soil treatment)
- Colorado blue spruce (soil treatment)
- Common boxwood (soil treatment)
- Common lilac (soil treatment)
- Compacta-dwarf heaven bamboo (soil treatment)
- Coolibah tree (soil treatment)
- Copperleaf (soil treatment)
- Coral bells (soil treatment)
- Coreopsis (soil treatment)
- Cosmos (soil treatment)
- Cotoneaster (soil treatment)
- Cottonwood (soil treatment)
- Coyotebrush (soil treatment)
- Crabapple (ornamental) (soil treatment)
- Cranberries (soil treatment)
- Crape myrtle (soil treatment)
- Creeping lilyturf (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Creeping wirevine (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Crimson pygmy barberry (soil treatment)
- Crown vetch (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Cypress (soil treatment)
- Daffodil (soil treatment)
- Dahlias (soil treatment)
- Daylilies (soil treatment)
- Deutzia (soil treatment)
- Dianthus (soil treatment)
- Dimorphotheca (soil treatment)
- Dogwood (soil treatment)
- Douglas-fir (soil treatment)
- Dusty miller (soil treatment)
- Dwarf alberta spruce (soil treatment)
- Dwarf coyotebrush (soil treatment)
- Dwarf japanese yew (soil treatment)
- Dwarf mondograss (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Dwarf peter pan (soil treatment)
- Dwarf plumbago (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Eastern hemlock (soil treatment)
- Eastern redcedar (soil treatment)
- Eastern white pine (soil treatment)
- Elaeagnus (soil treatment)
- Eldarica pine (soil treatment)
- English ivy (soil treatment)
- English lavender (soil treatment)
- Eucalyptus (soil treatment)
- Euonymus (soil treatment)
- European white birch (soil treatment)
- Feathery cassia (soil treatment)
- Ficus (soil treatment)
- Filifera thread cypress (soil treatment)
- Flame maple (soil treatment)
- Flaviramea dogwood (soil treatment)
- Florida anise tree (soil treatment)
- Floss flower (soil treatment)
- Flowering dogwood (soil treatment)
- Flowering woodbine (soil treatment)
- Forget-me-not (soil treatment)
- Forsythia (soil treatment)
- Fortune's osmanthus (soil treatment)
- Fountain grass (soil treatment)
- Four o'clock (soil treatment)
- Foxglove (soil treatment)
- Fragrant daphne (daphne odora) (soil treatment)
- Fraser photinia (soil treatment)
- Gaillardia (soil treatment)
- Gardenia (soil treatment)
- Gayfeather (soil treatment)
- Gazania (soil treatment)
- Geranium (soil treatment)
- Germander (soil treatment)
- Geum (soil treatment)
- Giant sequoia (soil treatment)
- Gladiolus (soil treatment)
- Globe arborvitae (soil treatment)
- Glossy abelia (soil treatment)
- Goldenglow (soil treatment)
- Harlands boxwood (soil treatment)
- Himalayan cotoneaster (soil treatment)
- Hinoki false cypress (soil treatment)
- Holly (soil treatment)
- Honeylocust (soil treatment)
- Honeysuckle (soil treatment)
- Hosta (soil treatment)
- Hyacinth (soil treatment)
- Impatiens (soil treatment)
- Indian hawthorn (soil treatment)
- Iris (bulbous) (soil treatment)
- Ixora (soil treatment)
- Japanese barberry (soil treatment)
- Japanese black pine (soil treatment)
- Japanese boxwood (soil treatment)
- Japanese camellia (soil treatment)
- Japanese larch (soil treatment)
- Japanese maples (soil treatment)
- Japanese pittosporum (soil treatment)
- Japanese skimmia (soil treatment)
- Japanese spurge (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Juniper (soil treatment)
- Korean boxwood (soil treatment)
- Koster's blue spruce (soil treatment)
- Kosteri cypress (soil treatment)
- Kousa dogwood (soil treatment)
- Lantana (soil treatment)
- Largeleaf iceplant (soil treatment)
- Lemon bottlebrush (soil treatment)
- Lena-scotch broom (soil treatment)
- Lilac (soil treatment)
- Lily-of-the-nile (soil treatment)
- Lilyturf (soil treatment)
- Linden (soil treatment)
- Littleleaf boxwood (soil treatment)
- Live oak (soil treatment)
- Lobelia (soil treatment)
- Loblolly pine (soil treatment)
- London plane (soil treatment)
- Magnolia (soil treatment)
- Mahogany (soil treatment)
- Maple (soil treatment)
- Marigold (soil treatment)
- Mascarenegrass (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Mentor barberry (soil treatment)
- Mini ficus (soil treatment)
- Mondo grass (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Monterey pine (soil treatment)
- Morning-glory (soil treatment)
- Myoporum (soil treatment)
- Nandina (soil treatment)
- Narcissus (soil treatment)
- Nasturtium (soil treatment)
- Needlepoint ivy (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Nicotiana (soil treatment)
- Nigra-dark american arborvitae (soil treatment)
- Norway maple (soil treatment)
- Norway spruce (soil treatment)
- Oak (soil treatment)
- Oleander (soil treatment)
- Painted daisy (soil treatment)
- Palm (soil treatment)
- Pampasgrass (soil treatment)
- Paper birch (soil treatment)
- Parlor palm (soil treatment)
- Periwinkle (soil treatment)
- Petunia (soil treatment)
- Phlox (soil treatment)
- Pieris japonica (soil treatment)
- Pin oak (soil treatment)
- Pineapple guava (soil treatment)
- Pink pixie (soil treatment)
- Pittosporum (soil treatment)
- Plumbago (soil fumigation)
- Plumbago (soil treatment)
- Podocarpus (soil treatment)
- Portulaca (soil treatment)
- Praecox-early cotoneaster (soil treatment)
- Privet (soil treatment)
- Prostrate acacia (soil treatment)
- Purple coneflower (soil treatment)
- Pyracantha (soil treatment)
- Pyramidal arborvitae (soil treatment)
- Pyrenees cotoneaster (soil treatment)
- Queen palm (soil treatment)
- Red ironbark black peppermint (soil treatment)
- Red maple (soil treatment)
- Red oak (soil treatment)
- Red pine (soil treatment)
- Red sunset maple (soil treatment)
- Redbud (soil treatment)
- Rhododendron (soil treatment)
- Ribbon grass (soil treatment)
- River birch (soil treatment)
- Rock cotoneaster (soil treatment)
- Rockrose (soil treatment)
- Rose of sharon-red bird (soil treatment)
- Rose of sharon-red heart (soil treatment)
- Rose of sharon-woodbridge (soil treatment)
- Rosemary (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Roses (soil treatment)
- Rudbeckia (soil treatment)
- Rupturewort (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Russian olive (soil treatment)
- Sakaki (soil treatment)
- Salal (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Salvia (soil treatment)
- Sasanqua camellia (soil treatment)
- Scabiosa (soil treatment)
- Scarlet oak (soil treatment)
- Scotch pine (soil treatment)
- Sedum stonecrop (ground cover) (foliar treatment)
- Serotina-woodbine (soil treatment)
- Shasta daisy (soil treatment)
- Shore pine (soil treatment)
- Silver dollar eucalyptus (soil treatment)
- Silver king euonymus (soil treatment)
- Silver maple (soil treatment)
- Silverberry (soil treatment)
- Silvery sunproof lily turf (soil treatment)
- Snapdragon (soil treatment)
- Sourwood (soil treatment)
- Speedwell (soil treatment)
- Spreading euonymus (soil treatment)
- Springtime monme (soil treatment)
- St. john's-wort (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Stonecrop (soil treatment)
- Sugar maple (soil treatment)
- Summersweet (soil treatment)
- Sweetgum (soil treatment)
- Sycamore (soil treatment)
- Temple tree (soil treatment)
- Ternstroemia (soil treatment)
- Texas dawn (soil treatment)
- Thrift sea pinks (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Tickseed (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Torulosa cypress (soil treatment)
- Toyon (soil treatment)
- Trailing african daisy (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Trumpet honeysuckle (soil treatment)
- Tulips (soil treatment)
- Tuliptree (soil treatment)
- Vanhoutte spirea (soil treatment)
- Variegated liriope (soil treatment)
- Verbena (soil treatment)
- Viburnum (soil treatment)
- Vinca (soil treatment)
- Wax-myrtle (soil treatment)
- Weeping bottlebrush (soil treatment)
- Weigela (soil treatment)
- White ash (soil treatment)
- White fir (soil treatment)
- White lily turf (soil treatment)
- White mulberry (soil treatment)
- White spruce (soil treatment)
- Wild lilac (soil treatment)
- Willow (soil treatment)
- Willow oak (soil treatment)
- Winged euonymus (soil treatment)
- Wintercreeper euonymus (soil treatment)
- Wireplant (soil treatment)
- Woolly yarrow (ground cover) (soil treatment)
- Xylosoma (soil treatment)
- Yellow tab (soil treatment)
- Yew (soil treatment)
- Yucca (soil treatment)
- Zinnia (soil treatment)