Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Not available
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 400-370
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Methoxychlor 2 Lb. Emulsifiable' is an insecticide and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 400-370. It was originally approved by EPA on 29 Dec 1982. Its registration got cancelled on 22 Jan 1991. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Aromatic petroleum solvent and Methoxychlor. It's approved for 14 sites including beef cattle, dairy barns, elm, grain, grain bins, grain elevators, grain mills, hogs, livestock shelters, and milk houses/rooms/sheds. It is also approved for 13 pests and pest groups including but not limited to confused flour beetle, dutch elm disease vectors, elm bark beetles, fleas, goat lice, grain moths, grain weevils, horn fly, house fly, and lice.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
C/o Upl Na Inc.630 Freedom Business Center, Suite 402
King Of Prussia, PA 19405
Active ingredients:
- Aromatic petroleum solvent 71%
- Methoxychlor 25%
- Other ingredients 4%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Confused flour beetle
- Dutch elm disease vectors
- Elm bark beetles
- Fleas
- Goat lice
- Grain moths
- Grain weevils
- Horn fly
- House fly
- Lice
- Sheep lice
- Stable fly
- Velvetbean caterpillar
Registered target sites:
- Beef cattle (animal treatment)
- Dairy barns (enclosed premise treatment)
- Elm (dormant application)
- Elm (foliar treatment)
- Grain (storage areas-empty)
- Grain bins (feed/food-empty) (residual general treatment)
- Grain elevators (empty) (residual general treatment)
- Grain mills (indoor edible)
- Hogs (animal treatment)
- Livestock shelters (enclosed premise treatment)
- Milk houses/rooms/sheds
- Peanuts (foliar treatment)
- Soybeans (foliar treatment)
- Velvet beans (foliar treatment)