Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 71771-2
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Messenger T&o' is a fungicide, insecticide, microbial pesticide, and plant growth regulator. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 71771-2. It was originally approved by EPA on 09 Jul 2003. Its registration got cancelled on 28 Jul 2008. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Harpin protein. It's approved for 29 sites including bluegrass, brome grass, fescue, geranium, grasses, orchardgrass, ornamental bedding plants, ornamental conifers, ornamental foliage plants, and ornamental herbaceous plants. It is also approved for 5 pests and pest groups including but not limited to bacterial leaf blight, black spot of rose, botrytis gray mold, no pest, and plant regulator.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
242 South Main Street, Suite 216
Holly Springs, NC 27540
Active ingredients:
- Harpin protein 1%
- Other ingredients 99%
Signal word:
Product type:
- Fungicide
- Insecticide
- Microbial Pesticide
- Plant Growth Regulator
- Water Dispersible Granule
Registered target pests:
- Bacterial leaf blight (xanthomonas)
- Black spot of rose (diplocarpon rosae)
- Botrytis gray mold (b. cinerea)
- No pest
- Plant regulator (growth enhancer)
Registered target sites:
- Bluegrass (seed crop foliar treatment)
- Brome grass (seed crop) (foliar treatment)
- Fescue (forage-fodder)
- Fescue (seed crop foliar treatment)
- Geranium (foliar treatment)
- Geranium (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Grasses (forage) (seed crop foliar treatment)
- Orchardgrass (seed crop foliar treatment)
- Ornamental bedding plants (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Ornamental conifers (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental conifers (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Ornamental conifers (seed treatment)
- Ornamental foliage plants (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental foliage plants (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Ornamental foliage plants (interior plantscapes)
- Ornamental herbaceous plants (cut flowers)
- Ornamental plants (beddding) (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental plants (greenhouse-water treatment)
- Ornamental trees (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental trees (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Ornamental trees (seed treatment)
- Ornamental turf (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental turf (seed crop foliar treatment)
- Ornamental turf (seed treatment)
- Roses (foliar treatment)
- Roses (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Ryegrass (seed crop foliar treatment)
- Timothy (forage-fodder)
- Wheatgrass (seed crop foliar treatment)