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Label & SDS

EPA Label: link

Registration information

  • U.S. EPA Registration number: 100-889
  • U.S. EPA Status: ACTIVE


'Mertect Pf' is a fungicide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 100-889. It was originally approved by EPA on 05 Aug 1971. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Thiabendazole. It's approved for 133 sites including alfalfa, apples, arrugula, asparagus beans, bananas, barley, beans, beets, blackeyed peas, and broccoli. It is also approved for 61 pests and pest groups including but not limited to anthracnose, ascochyta, ascochyta blight, basal rot, black rot of sweet potato, blackleg, blast/rotten neck, blue mold, blue mold rot, and botrytis gray mold.

Original registration date:

  • 05 Aug 1971

Cancellation date:

  • n/a

Alternative names:

  • ALUMNIAlternate
  • MERTECT 340-FActive
  • MERTECT PFAlternate


  • Address:
    410 Swing Road
    Greensboro, NC 27419

Active ingredients:

  • Thiabendazole 42.3%
  • Other ingredients 57.7%

Signal word:

  • Caution

Product type:

  • Fungicide


  • Flowable Concentrate

Registered target pests:

  • Anthracnose (glomerella/colletotrichum)
  • Ascochyta
  • Ascochyta blight
  • Basal rot (fusarium)
  • Black rot of sweet potato (ceratocystis fimbriata)
  • Blackleg (phoma lingam)
  • Blast/rotten neck (piricularia oryzae)
  • Blue mold
  • Blue mold (penicillium expansum)
  • Blue mold rot (penicillium)
  • Botrytis gray mold (b. cinerea)
  • Brown leaf spot (helminthosporium)
  • Brown spot of soybean (septoria glycines)
  • Bull's-eye fruit rot (neofabraea/gloeosporium perannans)
  • Bullseye rot of fruit (fusarium)
  • Cercosporella foot rot/eye spot (pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides)
  • Common bunt (tilletia foetida)
  • Crown rot
  • Dactylium cobweb/soft rot
  • Damping-off
  • Dry bubble (verticillium)
  • Dwarf bunt of wheat & perrenial grasses (tilletia
  • Foot rot (phoma medicaginis)
  • Foot rot (plenodomus destruens)
  • Frogeye leaf spot (cercospora)
  • Fusarium
  • Fusarium rot
  • Gray mold (cluster rot) (botrytis)
  • Gray mold rot (botrytis cinerea)
  • Green mold
  • Green mold (penicillium)
  • Green mold fruit rot (penicillium digitatum)
  • Mycogone disease (bubbles)
  • Neck rot (botrytis/penicillium)
  • Nest rot of pears
  • No pest
  • Northern anthracnose (kabatiella)
  • Penicillium blue mold
  • Phoma
  • Phoma stem rot
  • Pod and stem blight (phomopsis)
  • Pod blight of soybean (diaporthe phaseolorum var. sojae)
  • Purple seedstain of soybean (cercospora kikuchii)
  • Sclerotinia rot
  • Scurf (monilochaetes)
  • Seed decay
  • Seedborne diseases (fusarium)
  • Seedling disease (fusarium)
  • Sheath blight (rhizoctonia)
  • Stem blight of soybean (diaporthe phaseolorum var. sojae)
  • Stem end rot (penicillium)
  • Stem rots
  • Stem-end rot
  • Stem-end rot (diplodia)
  • Stinking smut/bunt (tilletia)
  • Storage rot (botrytis)
  • Storage rot (fusarium)
  • Storage rot (penicillium)
  • Sugar beet leaf spot (cercospora beticola)
  • Tuber rot (fusarium)
  • Verticillium spp.

Registered target sites:

  • Alfalfa (seed treatment)
  • Apples (foliar treatment)
  • Apples (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
  • Arrugula (seed treatment)
  • Asparagus beans (seed treatment)
  • Bananas (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
  • Barley (seed treatment)
  • Beans (adzuki) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (broad) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (field) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (kidney) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (moth) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (navy) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (pinto) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (rice) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (runner) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (snap) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (sword) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (tepary) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (urd) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (wax) (seed treatment)
  • Beets (garden) (seed treatment)
  • Blackeyed peas (seed treatment)
  • Broccoli (seed treatment)
  • Broccoli raab (seed treatment)
  • Brussels sprouts (seed treatment)
  • Burdock (edible) (seed treatment)
  • Cabbage (seed treatment)
  • Carrots (dip treatment)
  • Carrots (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
  • Carrots (seed treatment)
  • Catjang (seed treatment)
  • Cauliflower (seed treatment)
  • Cereal crops (seed treatment)
  • Chayote (seed treatment)
  • Chervil (seed treatment)
  • Chick peas (seed treatment)
  • Chicory (seed treatment)
  • Chinese broccoli (seed treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (bok choy) (seed treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (mizuna) (seed treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (napa) (seed treatment)
  • Chinese longbean (seed treatment)
  • Chinese waxgourd (seed treatment)
  • Citron melon (seed treatment)
  • Citrus (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
  • Citrus (soil treatment)
  • Clover (seed treatment)
  • Collards (seed treatment)
  • Cowpeas (seed treatment)
  • Crowder peas (seed treatment)
  • Crown vetch (seed treatment)
  • Cucumbers (seed treatment)
  • Cucurbits (seed treatment)
  • Garbanzo peas (chick peas) (seed treatment)
  • Garden cress (seed treatment)
  • Garlic (seed treatment)
  • Gherkin (seed treatment)
  • Ginseng (seed treatment)
  • Gourds (seed treatment)
  • Guar (seed treatment)
  • Horseradish (seed treatment)
  • Jackbean (seed treatment)
  • Kale (seed treatment)
  • Kohlrabi (seed treatment)
  • Kudzu (seed treatment)
  • Lablab beans (seed treatment)
  • Lentils (seed treatment)
  • Lespedeza (seed treatment)
  • Lilies (seed treatment)
  • Lima beans (seed treatment)
  • Lupin (white) (sweet) (seed treatment)
  • Lupine (grain) (seed treatment)
  • Lupine (seed treatment)
  • Lupine (sweet) (seed treatment)
  • Lupine (white) (seed treatment)
  • Milk vetch (seed treatment)
  • Mung beans (seed treatment)
  • Mushrooms (foliar treatment)
  • Muskmelons (seed treatment)
  • Mustard (greens) (seed treatment)
  • Oats (seed treatment)
  • Onions (seed treatment)
  • Ornamental bulbs (dip treatment)
  • Ornamental corms (dip treatment)
  • Parsnips (seed treatment)
  • Pears (foliar treatment)
  • Pears (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
  • Peas (dry) (seed treatment)
  • Peas (dwarf) (seed treatment)
  • Peas (edible-pod) (seed treatment)
  • Peas (english) (seed treatment)
  • Peas (field) (seed treatment)
  • Peas (garden) (seed treatment)
  • Peas (green) (seed treatment)
  • Peas (seed treatment)
  • Peas (sugar snap) (seed treatment)
  • Pigeon peas (seed treatment)
  • Plantain (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
  • Pome fruits (foliar treatment)
  • Pome fruits (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
  • Potatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Potatoes (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
  • Potatoes (seed piece)
  • Pumpkin (seed treatment)
  • Radishes (seed treatment)
  • Rape (greens) (seed treatment)
  • Rutabagas (seed treatment)
  • Rye (seed treatment)
  • Sainfoin (seed treatment)
  • Shallots (seed treatment)
  • Skirret (seed treatment)
  • Small grains (seed treatment)
  • Southern peas (seed treatment)
  • Soybeans (foliar treatment)
  • Soybeans (seed treatment)
  • Spanish salsify (seed treatment)
  • Spinach (seed treatment)
  • Squash (summer) (seed treatment)
  • Squash (winter) (seed treatment)
  • Sweet potato sprouts (root dip)
  • Sweet potatoes (postharvest application)
  • Trefoil (seed treatment)
  • Triticale (seed treatment)
  • Turnips (seed treatment)
  • Upland cress (seed treatment)
  • Velvet beans (seed treatment)
  • Vetch (seed treatment)
  • Watermelon (seed treatment)
  • Wheat (foliar treatment)
  • Wheat (spring) (seed treatment)
  • Wheat (winter) (seed treatment)
  • Yard long beans (seed treatment)