Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Not available
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 10107-146
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Majestic Green Sevin 50w Insecticide' is an insecticide, miticide, and molluscicide and tadpole shrimp. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 10107-146. It was originally approved by EPA on 04 Jun 1990. Its registration got cancelled on 21 Jul 1998. It has a 'Warning' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Carbaryl. It's approved for 155 sites including alfalfa, almonds, apples, apricots, asparagus, beans, beets, birdsfoot trefoil, blackberries, and blackeyed peas. It is also approved for 300 pests and pest groups including but not limited to alfalfa blotch leafminer, alfalfa caterpillar, alfalfa looper, alfalfa weevil, ants, apache cicada, apple aphid, apple maggot, apple mealybug, and apple pandemis.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
1434 220th Street
Webster City, IA 50595
Active ingredients:
- Carbaryl 50%
- Other ingredients 50%
Signal word:
Product type:
- Insecticide
- Miticide
- Molluscicide And Tadpole Shrimp
Registered target pests:
- Alfalfa blotch leafminer
- Alfalfa caterpillar
- Alfalfa looper
- Alfalfa weevil (larvae)
- Ants
- Apache cicada
- Apple aphid
- Apple maggot
- Apple mealybug
- Apple pandemis
- Apple rust mite
- Apple sucker
- Armyworm
- Asparagus beetle
- Aster
- Aster leafhopper
- Avocado leafroller
- Azalea leafminer
- Bagworm
- Balsam twig aphid
- Bean leaf beetle
- Bed bug
- Bees
- Beet leaf beetle
- Birch leafminer
- Black cherry aphid
- Black grass bug
- Black scale
- Blackmargined aphid
- Blister beetles
- Blueberry maggot
- Bluegrass billbug
- Boll weevil
- Boxelder bug
- Boxwood leafminer
- Brown dog tick
- Brown soft scale
- Browntail moth
- Calico scale
- California orangedog
- California pearslug
- California red scale
- Cankerworms
- Carpenter ants
- Catalpa sphinx
- Centipedes
- Cereal leaf beetle
- Chafer beetles (larvae)
- Cherry fruitworm
- Cherry maggot
- Chestnut weevil
- Chicken mite
- Chiggers (redbugs)
- Chinch bug
- Citricola scale
- Citrus cutworm
- Citrus root weevil
- Citrus snow scale
- Clover head weevil
- Cockroaches
- Codling moth
- Colorado potato beetle
- Cooley spruce gall aphid
- Corn earworm
- Corn rootworms (adult)
- Cotton aphid
- Cotton bollworm
- Cotton cutworm
- Cotton fleahopper
- Cotton leafworm
- Cowpea curculio
- Cranberry fireworms
- Cranberry fruitworm
- Cranberry girdler
- Crickets
- Cucumber beetles
- Cutworms
- Cypress tip moth
- Diamondback moth
- Douglas-fir tussock moth
- Earwigs
- Eastern spruce gall aphid
- Eastern tent caterpillar
- Egyptian alfalfa weevil (larvae)
- Eightspotted forester
- Elm leaf aphid
- Elm leaf beetle
- Elm spanworm
- Eriophyid mites
- Essex skipper
- European alfalfa beetle
- European apple sawfly
- European chafer
- European corn borer
- European crane fly
- European earwig
- European fruit lecanium
- European pine shoot moth
- European raspberry aphid
- Eyespotted bud moth
- Fall armyworm
- Fall webworm
- Field crickets
- Fiery skipper
- Filbert aphid
- Filbert leafroller
- Filbert leafroller (eggs)
- Filbert moth
- Filbert worm
- Firebrat
- Flea beetles
- Fleas
- Forbes scale
- Fowl tick
- Frosted scale
- Fruittree leafroller
- Fuller rose beetle
- Gall midges
- Gall wasps (cynipid)
- German cockroach
- Grape berry moth
- Grape colaspis
- Grape leaffolder
- Grape leafhopper
- Grasshoppers
- Green cloverworm
- Green fruitworm
- Green june beetle (larvae)
- Green stink bug
- Greenstriped mapleworm
- Gypsy moth
- Gypsy moth (larvae)
- Hackberry nipplegall maker
- Harlequin bug
- Hickory shuckworm
- Holly bud moth
- Holly leafminer
- Hornworms
- House cricket
- Imported cabbageworm
- Imported fire ants
- Jack pine budworm
- Japanese beetle
- Japanese beetle (larvae)
- Jeffrey pine needleminers
- June beetles
- Lace bugs
- Lawn moths
- Leafhoppers
- Leafrollers
- Lecanium scales
- Lesser mealworm
- Lesser peachtree borer
- Lesser webworm
- Lice
- Limabean pod borer
- Locust borer
- Lucerne moth
- Lygus bugs
- Maple leafcutter
- Meadow spittlebug
- Mealy plum aphid
- Mealybugs
- Melonworm
- Mexican bean beetle
- Millipedes
- Mimosa webworm
- Mole crickets
- Mormon cricket
- Mosquitoes (adult)
- Nantucket pine tip moth
- Navel orangeworm
- No pest
- Northern fowl mite
- Oak leafminers
- Oak moth
- Oak skeletonizer
- Oakworms
- Oleander caterpillar
- Olive ash borer
- Olive scale
- Omnivorous leafroller
- Omnivorous leaftier
- Orange tortrix
- Orangestriped oakworm
- Oriental fruit moth
- Oystershell scale
- Oystershell scale (crawlers)
- Painted lady
- Pea leaf weevil
- Pea weevil
- Peach twig borer
- Pear psylla
- Pear psylla (eggs)
- Pear rust mite
- Pear sawfly
- Pearleaf blister mite
- Pecan leaf phylloxera
- Pecan nut casebearer
- Pecan spittlebug
- Pecan weevil
- Periodical cicada
- Phyllophaga
- Pickleworm
- Pine sawflies
- Pine spittlebug
- Pink bollworm
- Pitch pine tip moth
- Plant bugs
- Plum curculio
- Poinsettia hornworm
- Prune leafhopper
- Psyllids
- Puss caterpillar
- Range caterpillar
- Rangeland crane fly
- Raspberry sawfly
- Redbanded leafhopper
- Redbanded leafroller
- Redhumped oakworm
- Rednecked peanutworm
- Rose aphid
- Rose chafer
- Roseslug
- Rosy apple aphid
- Saddled prominent
- Saltmarsh caterpillar
- San jose scale
- San jose scale (crawlers)
- Sap beetles
- Sawflies
- Scale insects
- Scorpions
- Silverfish
- Snowy tree cricket
- Sod webworms
- Sorghum midge
- Southwestern corn borer
- Sowbugs
- Spanworms
- Sparganothis fruitworm
- Spiders
- Spiny elm caterpillar
- Spittlebugs
- Springtails
- Spruce budworm
- Spruce needleminer
- Squash bug
- Stink bugs
- Strawberry bud weevil
- Strawberry clipper
- Strawberry fruitworm
- Strawberry leafroller
- Strawberry weevil
- Striped blister beetle
- Striped grass loopers
- Subtropical pine tip moth
- Suckfly
- Sunflower beetle
- Sunflower moth
- Sunflower stem weevil
- Sweetpotato hornworm
- Sweetpotato weevil
- Tadpole shrimp
- Tarnished plant bug
- Tent caterpillars
- Tentiform leafminers
- Threecornered alfalfa hopper
- Thrips
- Ticks
- Tobacco budworm
- Tobacco flea beetle
- Tomato fruitworm
- Tomato hornworm (larvae)
- Tomato pinworm
- Tortoise beetles
- Treehoppers
- Tussock moths
- Twig girdler
- Variegated leafroller
- Velvetbean caterpillar
- Walnut caterpillar
- Wasps
- Webworms
- West indian sugarcane root borer (adult)
- Western bean cutworm
- Western grapeleaf skeletonizer
- Western hemlock looper
- Western spruce budworm
- Western tussock moth
- White apple leafhopper
- Whitefringed beetles (adult)
- Willow leaf beetles
- Woolly apple aphid
- Woollybear caterpillars
- Yellow poplar
- Yellow scale
- Yellowheaded fireworm
- Yellowstriped armyworm
- Yellowstriped armyworm (larvae)
Registered target sites:
- Alfalfa (foliar treatment)
- Almonds (delayed dormant application)
- Almonds (dormant application)
- Almonds (foliar treatment)
- Apples (foliar treatment)
- Apricots (foliar treatment)
- Asparagus (brush) (postharvest application)
- Asparagus (ferns) (postharvest application to plants)
- Asparagus (seedlings)
- Asparagus (spears) (foliar treatment)
- Beans (dry) (foliar treatment)
- Beans (foliar treatment)
- Beans (green) (foliar treatment)
- Beans (lima) (foliar treatment)
- Beans (navy) (foliar treatment)
- Beans (snap) (foliar treatment)
- Beets (garden) (foliar treatment)
- Birdsfoot trefoil (foliar treatment)
- Blackberries (foliar treatment)
- Blackeyed peas (foliar treatment)
- Blueberries (foliar treatment)
- Boysenberries (foliar treatment)
- Broccoli (foliar treatment)
- Brussels sprouts (foliar treatment)
- Building foundations (soil treatment)
- Buildings (nonagricultural)
- Buildings (nonagricultural) (outdoor)
- Cabbage (foliar treatment)
- Carrots (foliar treatment)
- Cauliflower (foliar treatment)
- Celery (foliar treatment)
- Cherries (bark treatment)
- Cherries (foliar treatment)
- Chestnuts (foliar treatment)
- Chickens (animal treatment)
- Chinese cabbage (foliar treatment)
- Citron (citrus) (foliar treatment)
- Citrus (foliar treatment)
- Clover (foliar treatment)
- Collards (foliar treatment)
- Corn (field) (foliar treatment)
- Corn (forage) (bait application)
- Corn (pop) (foliar treatment)
- Corn (sweet) (foliar treatment)
- Cotton (foliar treatment)
- Cotton (forage) (bait application)
- Cotton (irrigated) (foliar treatment)
- Cowpeas (foliar treatment)
- Crabapples (foliar treatment)
- Cranberries (foliar treatment)
- Crowder peas (foliar treatment)
- Cucumbers (foliar treatment)
- Dandelion (foliar treatment)
- Dewberries (foliar treatment)
- Ditch banks (foliar treatment)
- Domestic dwellings (indoor)
- Ducks (animal treatment)
- Eggplant (foliar treatment)
- Endive (escarole) (foliar treatment)
- Filberts (foliar treatment)
- Flax (foliar treatment)
- Forest lands (foliar treatment)
- Forest plantations (foliar treatment)
- Furniture (upholstered)
- Game birds (animal treatment)
- Geese (animal treatment)
- Grapefruit (foliar treatment)
- Grapes (foliar treatment)
- Hanover salad (foliar treatment)
- Hedgerows (foliar treatment)
- Horseradish (foliar treatment)
- Irrigation supply systems (water treatment)
- Kale (foliar treatment)
- Kohlrabi (foliar treatment)
- Kumquat (foliar treatment)
- Lemons (foliar treatment)
- Lentils (foliar treatment)
- Lettuce (foliar treatment)
- Limes (foliar treatment)
- Loganberries (foliar treatment)
- Loquat (foliar treatment)
- Melons (foliar treatment)
- Mustard (greens) (foliar treatment)
- Nectarines (foliar treatment)
- Okra (foliar treatment)
- Olives (foliar treatment)
- Oranges (foliar treatment)
- Oriental pear (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental herbaceous plants (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental plants (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental shade trees (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental trees (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental turf (cemeteries) (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental turf (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental turf (golf courses) (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental turf (parks) (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental turf (recreation areas) (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental woody shrubs (foliar treatment)
- Parks (foliar treatment)
- Parsley (foliar treatment)
- Parsnips (foliar treatment)
- Pastures (foliar treatment)
- Peaches (foliar treatment)
- Peanuts (foliar treatment)
- Pears (foliar treatment)
- Peas (foliar treatment)
- Pecans (foliar treatment)
- Peppers (foliar treatment)
- Pigeons (animal treatment)
- Pistachio nuts (foliar treatment)
- Plums (bark treatment)
- Plums (foliar treatment)
- Potatoes (foliar treatment)
- Poultry houses (enclosed premise treatment)
- Poultry roosts (enclosed premise treatment)
- Proso millet (foliar treatment)
- Prunes (bark treatment)
- Prunes (foliar treatment)
- Pumpkin (foliar treatment)
- Quinces (foliar treatment)
- Rangeland (foliar treatment)
- Raspberries (foliar treatment)
- Recreational areas (foliar treatment)
- Rice (foliar treatment)
- Rice (water application)
- Rights-of-way (foliar treatment)
- Roadsides (foliar treatment)
- Roses (foliar treatment)
- Rutabagas (foliar treatment)
- Salsify (foliar treatment)
- Shelterbelt plantings (foliar treatment)
- Sorghum (grain) (foliar treatment)
- Sorghum (milo) (foliar treatment)
- Southern peas (foliar treatment)
- Soybeans (foliar treatment)
- Spinach (foliar treatment)
- Squash (foliar treatment)
- Strawberries (foliar treatment)
- Sugar beets (foliar treatment)
- Sugar maple (foliar treatment)
- Sunflower (foliar treatment)
- Sweet potatoes (foliar treatment)
- Swiss chard (foliar treatment)
- Tangelos (foliar treatment)
- Tangerines (foliar treatment)
- Tobacco (field) (foliar treatment)
- Tobacco (plant bed) (foliar treatment)
- Tomatoes (foliar treatment)
- Triticale (foliar treatment)
- Turkeys (animal treatment)
- Turnips (foliar treatment)
- Walnuts (foliar treatment)
- Wasteland (foliar treatment)
- Wheat (foliar treatment)
- Wheat (spring) (bait application)