Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 432-1578
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Lineage Clearstand' is an herbicide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 432-1578. It was originally approved by EPA on 07 Feb 2008. Its registration got cancelled on 14 Feb 2019. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Imazapyr and Metsulfuron. It's approved for 37 sites including airports, bare ground, bermudagrass, conifer plantings, conifer release, douglas-fir, drainage ditch banks, flood plain, industrial sites, and loblolly pine. It is also approved for 209 pests and pest groups including but not limited to alligatorweed, annual bluegrass, annual sowthistle, annual spurge, arrowwood, aster, bahiagrass, barnyardgrass, beardgrass, and bedstraw.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
A Division Of Bayer Cropscience Lp - Address:
700 Chesterfield Parkway West
Chesterfield, MO 63017
Active ingredients:
- Imazapyr 63.2%
- Metsulfuron 9.5%
- Other ingredients 27.3%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Alligatorweed
- Annual bluegrass
- Annual sowthistle
- Annual spurge
- Arrowwood
- Aster
- Bahiagrass
- Barnyardgrass
- Beardgrass
- Bedstraw
- Beebalm
- Bermudagrass
- Big bluestems
- Bishops goutweed (bishopsweed)
- Bitter sneezeweed
- Bittercress
- Black henbane
- Blackeyedsusan
- Blue mustard
- Broadleaf signalgrass
- Broadleaf weeds
- Broom snakeweed
- Browntop panicum
- Brush
- Buckhorn plantain
- Bull thistle
- Burclover
- Burdock
- Burr buttercup
- Buttercup
- Camelthorn
- Camphorweed
- Canada bluegrass
- Canada thistle
- Carolina geranium
- Carpetweed
- Cattail
- Cheat
- Chicory
- Clover
- Cocklebur
- Cogongrass
- Common chickweed
- Common crupina
- Common groundsel
- Common mullein
- Common purslane
- Common ragweed
- Common tansy
- Common yarrow
- Conical catchfly
- Corn cockle
- Cow cockle
- Crabgrass
- Crowfootgrass
- Crownvetch
- Cudweed
- Curly dock
- Dallisgrass
- Dalmatian toadflax
- Dandelion
- Dewberry
- Diffuse knapweed
- Dock
- Dogfennel
- Downy brome
- Dyers woad
- Fall panicum
- False chamomile
- Feathertop
- Ferns
- Fescue
- Fiddleneck
- Field bindweed
- Field sandbur
- Florida pusley
- Foxtail
- Garlic mustard
- Giant ragweed
- Giant reed
- Goldenrod
- Goosegrass
- Gorse
- Grasses
- Greasewood
- Guineagrass
- Gumweed
- Halogeton
- Hedge bindweed
- Henbit
- Hoary cress
- Hoary vervain
- Honeysuckle
- Hop clover
- Horseweed
- Houndstongue
- Indian mustard
- Italian ryegrass
- Itchgrass
- Johnsongrass (seedling)
- Junglerice
- Kentucky bluegrass
- Knotweed
- Kochia
- Kudzu
- Lambsquarters
- Larkspur
- Lespedeza
- Little barley
- Little mallow
- London rocket
- Loosestrife
- Lovegrass
- Lupine
- Macartney rose
- Maidencane
- Marestail
- Maximilian sunflower
- Milkweed
- Minerslettuce
- Morningglory
- Mouseear chickweed
- Multiflora rose
- Musk thistle
- Nettleleaf goosefoot
- No pest
- Orchardgrass
- Oxeye daisy
- Paragrass
- Pennsylvania smartweed
- Perennial pepperweed
- Phragmites
- Pigweed
- Plains coreopsis
- Plantain
- Plumeless thistle
- Poison hemlock
- Poison ivy
- Pokeweed
- Prairie cordgrass
- Prairie threeawn
- Primrose
- Prostrate knotweed
- Puncturevine
- Quackgrass
- Rabbitbrush
- Redroot pigweed
- Redstem filaree
- Redvine
- Reed canarygrass
- Rosering gaillardia
- Rough fleabane
- Rush skeletonweed
- Russian knapweed
- Russian thistle
- Salsify
- Saltbush
- Saltgrass
- Sand dropseed
- Sandbur
- Scotch thistle
- Scouringrush
- Seaside arrowgrass
- Shepherdspurse
- Silverleaf nightshade
- Smallseed falseflax
- Smooth brome
- Smooth pigweed
- Snowberry
- Sorrel
- Sprangletop
- St. johnswort
- Stinging nettle
- Sulphur cinquefoil
- Sweet clover weevil (adult)
- Tall larkspur
- Tansy ragwort
- Tansymustard
- Teasel
- Texas panicum
- Texas thistle
- Timothy
- Treacle mustard
- Trumpetcreeper
- Tumble mustard
- Vaseygrass
- Velvetleaf
- Virginia creeper
- Western ragweed
- Western salsify
- White clover
- Whitetop
- Wild blackberry
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild carrot
- Wild garlic
- Wild grape
- Wild iris
- Wild lettuce
- Wild mustard
- Wild oatgrass
- Wild parsnip
- Wild rose
- Wild turnip
- Witchgrass
- Woolyleaf bursage
- Yellow starthistle
- Yellow toadflax
- Yellow woodsorrel
Registered target sites:
- Airports (foliar treatment)
- Airports (injection treatment)
- Airports (stump treatment)
- Bare ground
- Bermudagrass (ornamental turf) (foliar treatment)
- Conifer plantings (foliar treatment)
- Conifer release (foliar treatment)
- Douglas-fir (plantation) (foliar treatment)
- Drainage ditch banks (foliar treatment)
- Flood plain (dry) (foliar treatment)
- Industrial sites (foliar treatment)
- Loblolly pine (foliar treatment)
- Marshes (surrounding vegetation-foliar treatment)
- Noncrop areas (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental conifers (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental turf (industrial) (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental vegetation (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental woody plants (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental woody plants (injection treatment)
- Ornamental woody plants (stump treatment)
- Pastures (grass) (foliar treatment)
- Pine (seedlings) (foliar treatment)
- Rangeland (foliar treatment)
- Rangeland (grasses) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (highway) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (highway) (stump treatment)
- Rights-of-way (highway) (tree injection treatment)
- Rights-of-way (railroad) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (railroad) (injection treatment)
- Rights-of-way (railroad) (stump treatment)
- Rights-of-way (utility) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (utility) (stump treatment)
- Rights-of-way (utility) (tree injection treatment)
- Sewage disposal areas (outdoors) (foliar treatment)
- Slash pine (foliar treatment)
- Uncultivated nonagricultural areas (foliar treatment)
- Weed hosts of plant pathogens (foliar treatment)