Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 67702-3
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Garden Safe Brand Slug & Snail Bait' is a microbial pesticide and molluscicide and tadpole shrimp. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 67702-3. It was originally approved by EPA on 14 Aug 1997. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Phosphoric acid, iron(3+) salt (1:1). It's approved for 89 sites including airports, apples, apricots, artichokes, asparagus, avocados, barrier strips, beans, beets, and blackberries. It is also approved for 12 pests and pest groups including but not limited to banana slug, blackfield slug, dusky slug, european black slug, gray field slug, gray garden slug, large red slug, slender slug, slugs, and smooth slug.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
An Der M?hle 3
31860 Emmerthal,
Active ingredients:
- Phosphoric acid, iron(3+) salt (1:1) 1%
- Other ingredients 99%
Signal word:
Product type:
- Microbial Pesticide
- Molluscicide And Tadpole Shrimp
Registered target pests:
- Banana slug
- Blackfield slug
- Dusky slug
- European black slug
- Gray field slug
- Gray garden slug
- Large red slug
- Slender slug
- Slugs
- Smooth slug
- Snails
- Spotted garden slug
Registered target sites:
- Airports (bait application)
- Apples (bait application)
- Apricots (bait application)
- Artichokes (bait application)
- Asparagus (bait application)
- Avocados (bait application)
- Barrier strips
- Beans (bait application)
- Beets (bait application)
- Blackberries (bait application)
- Blackeyed peas (bait application)
- Blueberries (bait application)
- Boysenberries (bait application)
- Broccoli (bait application)
- Brussels sprouts (bait application)
- Building foundations (bait application)
- Cabbage (bait application)
- Cantaloupes (bait application)
- Carrots (bait application)
- Cauliflower (bait application)
- Celery (bait application)
- Cherries (bait application)
- Citrus (bait application)
- Citrus (ornamental) (bait application)
- Corn (bait application)
- Corn (field) (bait application)
- Corn (sweet) (bait application)
- Cucumbers (bait application)
- Dichondra (lawns) (bait application)
- Eggplant (bait application)
- Fallow land
- Fencerows (bait application)
- Garlic (bait application)
- Grapes (bait application)
- Grasses grown for seed
- Greenhouses (bait application)
- Guardrails
- Industrial sites
- Ivy (bait application)
- Lettuce (bait application)
- Loganberries (bait application)
- Lumber yards
- Melons (bait application)
- Nectarines (bait application)
- Noncrop areas (bait application)
- Onions (bait application)
- Ornamental broadleaf evergreen shrubs (bait application)
- Ornamental flowering plants (bait application)
- Ornamental fruit trees (bait application)
- Ornamental garden plants (bait application)
- Ornamental grasses (bait application)
- Ornamental ground covers (bait application)
- Ornamental hedges (bait application)
- Ornamental lawns (bait application)
- Ornamental plants (bait application)
- Ornamental trees (bait application)
- Ornamental turf (golf courses) (bait application)
- Ornamental turf (grown for sod)
- Parking areas (bait application)
- Parks (bait application)
- Peaches (bait application)
- Pears (bait application)
- Peas (bait application)
- Peppers (bait application)
- Plums (bait application)
- Potatoes (bait application)
- Radishes (bait application)
- Railroads
- Raspberries (bait application)
- Recreational areas (bait application)
- Rights of way (utility) (bait treatment)
- Rights-of-way (highway) (bait application)
- Rights-of-way (pipeline)
- Rights-of-way (power lines) (bait application)
- Rights-of-way (railroad)
- Rutabagas (bait application)
- Soybeans (bait application)
- Spinach (bait application)
- Squash (bait application)
- Storage areas
- Strawberries (bait application)
- Sugar beets (bait application)
- Sugarcane (bait application)
- Swiss chard (bait application)
- Tomatoes (bait application)
- Turnips (bait application)
- Uncultivated nonagricultural areas (bait treatment)
- Vegetable garden crops (bait application)
- Wheat (bait application)