Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 91234-264
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Fraxel Psp Insecticide' is an insecticide and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 91234-264. It was originally approved by EPA on 26 Jan 2022. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Spinosad. It's approved for 25 sites including alleys, animal litter, beef cattle barns, birds, building foundations, dairy barns, doors, floors, livestock corrals, and livestock feedlots. It is also approved for 8 pests and pest groups including but not limited to darkling beetles, hide beetle, house fly, little house fly, northern fowl mite, poultry red mite, and stable fly.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- A1101.18Active
- Fraxel PSP InsecticideAlternate
- Address:
940 Nw Cary Parkway, Suite 200
Cary, NC 27513
Active ingredients:
- Spinosad 44.2%
- Other ingredients 55.8%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Darkling beetles
- Hide beetle
- House fly (adult)
- House fly (larvae)
- Little house fly
- Northern fowl mite
- Poultry red mite
- Stable fly
Registered target sites:
- Alleys
- Animal litter
- Beef cattle barns (enclosed premise treatment)
- Beef cattle barns (open premise treatment)
- Birds (caged)
- Building foundations
- Dairy barns (enclosed premise treatment)
- Dairy barns (open premise treatment)
- Doors
- Floors
- Livestock corrals (enclosed premise treatment)
- Livestock corrals (open premise treatment)
- Livestock feedlots
- Livestock manure
- Livestock premises (enclosed premise treatment)
- Livestock stables (enclosed premise treatment)
- Livestock stables (open premise treatment)
- Livestock stanchions
- Poultry (egg production) (animal treatment)
- Poultry buildings (open premise treatment)
- Poultry house premises (enclosed premise treatment)
- Poultry houses (open premise treatment)
- Poultry manure
- Walls
- Windows