Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 34704-1061
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Dyna-shield Metalaxyl 318 Fs Fungicide' is a fungicide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 34704-1061. It was originally approved by EPA on 03 Mar 2011. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Metalaxyl. It's approved for 160 sites including alfalfa, artichokes, barley, beans, beets, black salsify, blackeyed peas, broccoli, broccoli raab, and brussels sprouts. It is also approved for 7 pests and pest groups including but not limited to damping-off, downy mildew, no pest, phytophthora, pythium, seed decay, and seed rot.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
Po Box 1286
Greeley, CO 80632
Active ingredients:
- Metalaxyl 30.14%
- Other ingredients 69.86%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Damping-off (pythium)
- Downy mildew
- No pest
- Phytophthora
- Pythium
- Seed decay (pythium)
- Seed rot (pythium)
Registered target sites:
- Alfalfa (seed treatment)
- Artichokes (seed treatment)
- Barley (seed treatment)
- Beans (field) (seed treatment)
- Beans (green) (seed treatment)
- Beans (kidney) (seed treatment)
- Beans (navy) (seed treatment)
- Beans (pole) (seed treatment)
- Beans (seed treatment)
- Beans (snap) (seed treatment)
- Beans (string) (seed treatment)
- Beans (wax) (seed treatment)
- Beets (garden) (seed treatment)
- Black salsify (seed treatment)
- Blackeyed peas (seed treatment)
- Broccoli (seed treatment)
- Broccoli raab (seed treatment)
- Brussels sprouts (seed treatment)
- Buckwheat (seed treatment)
- Burdock (edible) (seed treatment)
- Cabbage (seed treatment)
- Canola (seed treatment)
- Cantaloupes (seed treatment)
- Cardoon (seed treatment)
- Carrots (seed treatment)
- Casaba melons (seed treatment)
- Cassava (bitter) (seed treatment)
- Cassava (sweet) (seed treatment)
- Cauliflower (seed treatment)
- Celery (seed treatment)
- Celtuce (seed treatment)
- Chayote (seed treatment)
- Chervil (seed treatment)
- Chicory (seed treatment)
- Chinese broccoli (seed treatment)
- Chinese cabbage (bok choy) (seed treatment)
- Chinese cabbage (mizuna) (seed treatment)
- Chinese cabbage (napa) (seed treatment)
- Chinese okra (seed treatment)
- Chinese waxgourd (seed treatment)
- Chrysanthemum (edible) (seed treatment)
- Chrysanthemum (garland) (seed treatment)
- Chrysanthemum (seed treatment)
- Chufa (seed treatment)
- Citron melon (seed treatment)
- Clover (seed treatment)
- Collards (seed treatment)
- Corn (field) (seed treatment)
- Corn (pop) (seed treatment)
- Corn (sweet) (seed treatment)
- Corn salad (seed treatment)
- Cotton (seed treatment)
- Cowpeas (forage) (seed treatment)
- Cowpeas (hay) (seed treatment)
- Cowpeas (seed treatment)
- Cucumbers (seed treatment)
- Cucurbits (seed treatment)
- Dandelion (seed treatment)
- Dasheen (seed treatment)
- Dill (seed treatment)
- Dock (sorrel) (seed treatment)
- Eggplant (seed treatment)
- Endive (escarole) (seed treatment)
- Florence fennel (seed treatment)
- Fruiting vegetables (seed treatment)
- Garbanzo peas (chick peas) (seed treatment)
- Garden cress (seed treatment)
- Garden purslane (seed treatment)
- Gherkin (seed treatment)
- Ginger (seed treatment)
- Ginseng (seed treatment)
- Gourds (edible) (seed treatment)
- Grain crops (seed treatment)
- Grasses (forage) (seed treatment)
- Grasses (hay) (seed treatment)
- Grasses (silage) (seed treatment)
- Ground cherry (seed treatment)
- Honeydew melons (seed treatment)
- Horseradish (seed treatment)
- Hyotan squash (seed treatment)
- Jerusalem artichoke (seed treatment)
- Kale (seed treatment)
- Kohlrabi (seed treatment)
- Leafy amaranth (seed treatment)
- Leafy vegetables (seed treatment)
- Legumes (seed treatment)
- Lentils (seed treatment)
- Leren (seed treatment)
- Lespedeza (seed treatment)
- Lettuce (head) (seed treatment)
- Lettuce (leaf) (seed treatment)
- Lima beans (seed treatment)
- Lupine (seed treatment)
- Millet (seed treatment)
- Muskmelons (seed treatment)
- Mustard (greens) (seed treatment)
- Mustard (seed treatment)
- Mustard (spinach) (seed treatment)
- New zealand spinach (seed treatment)
- Oats (seed treatment)
- Okra (seed treatment)
- Onions (bulb) (seed treatment)
- Onions (dry) (seed treatment)
- Onions (green) (seed treatment)
- Orach (seed treatment)
- Ornamental turf (golf courses) (seed treatment)
- Ornamental turf (lawns) (seed treatment)
- Parsley (seed treatment)
- Parsnips (seed treatment)
- Pea vines (forage) (seed treatment)
- Peanuts (forage) (seed treatment)
- Peanuts (hay) (seed treatment)
- Peanuts (seed treatment)
- Peas (field) (seed treatment)
- Peas (forage) (seed treatment)
- Peas (garden) (seed treatment)
- Peas (seed treatment)
- Pepinos (seed treatment)
- Peppers (bell) (seed treatment)
- Peppers (chili) (seed treatment)
- Peppers (cooking) (seed treatment)
- Peppers (sweet) (seed treatment)
- Pimentos (seed treatment)
- Pumpkin (seed treatment)
- Radishes (seed treatment)
- Rape (greens) (seed treatment)
- Rapeseed (seed treatment)
- Rhubarb (seed treatment)
- Rice (seed treatment)
- Root crop vegetables (seed treatment)
- Rutabagas (seed treatment)
- Rye (seed treatment)
- Skirret (seed treatment)
- Small grains (seed treatment)
- Sorghum (milo) (seed treatment)
- Sorghum (seed treatment)
- Soybeans (forage) (seed treatment)
- Soybeans (hay) (seed treatment)
- Soybeans (seed treatment)
- Spanish salsify (seed treatment)
- Squash (summer) (seed treatment)
- Squash (winter) (seed treatment)
- Sugar beets (seed treatment)
- Sunflowers (seed treatment)
- Sweet potatoes (seed treatment)
- Swiss chard (seed treatment)
- Taniers (seed treatment)
- Tomatillo (seed treatment)
- Tomatoes (seed treatment)
- Trefoil (seed treatment)
- Triticale (seed treatment)
- Turmeric (seed treatment)
- Turnips (seed treatment)
- Upland cress (seed treatment)
- Velvet beans (forage) (seed treatment)
- Vetch (seed treatment)
- Watermelon (seed treatment)
- Wheat (seed treatment)
- Winter purslane (seed treatment)
- Yams (seed treatment)