Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 70627-53
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Divosan Plus' is a disinfectant and sanitizer. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 70627-53. It was originally approved by EPA on 11 Jul 2005. It has a 'Danger' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Ethaneperoxoic acid and Hydrogen peroxide. It's approved for 60 sites including animal cages, animal equipment, animal feeding/watering equipment, animal quarters, animal research facilities, animal transportation vehicles, beverage plant premises, beverage processing equipment, bottle washer water, and brewery processing equipment. It is also approved for 3 pests and pest groups including but not limited to animal pathogenic bacteria, bacteriophage, and pseudomonas spp..
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- SU 388Inactive
- Address:
Po Box 19747
Charlotte, NC 28219
Active ingredients:
- Ethaneperoxoic acid 5.2%
- Hydrogen peroxide 13.4%
- Other ingredients 81.4%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Animal pathogenic bacteria (g- and g+ vegetative)
- Bacteriophage
- Pseudomonas spp.
Registered target sites:
- Animal cages
- Animal equipment
- Animal feeding/watering equipment
- Animal quarters (enclosed premise treatment)
- Animal research facilities (enclosed premise treatment)
- Animal transportation vehicles
- Beverage plant premises (fogging)
- Beverage processing equipment
- Bottle washer water
- Brewery processing equipment
- Cannery cooling canal water
- Commercial equipment
- Commercial premises
- Dairy utensils
- Eating est equipment
- Eating est food contact surfaces
- Eating est utensils
- Egg processing equipment
- Evaporative condenser water
- Food contact utensils
- Food process plant premises (fogging)
- Food process plant surfaces
- Food processing equipment
- Food processing equipment (conveyors)
- Hatcheries (enclosed premise treatment)
- Hatchery equipment
- Heat exchanger water
- Hospital critical premises
- Hospital materials
- Hospital premises
- Industrial equipment
- Industrial premises
- Institutional equipment
- Institutional premises
- Livestock equipment
- Livestock feeding equipment
- Livestock quarters (enclosed premise treatment)
- Livestock transportation vehicles
- Livestock watering equipment
- Meat processing equipment
- Milk processing equipment
- Mortuary equipment
- Mortuary premises
- Pasteurizer water
- Pet kennels (enclosed premise treatment)
- Pet quarters (enclosed premise treatment)
- Pharmaceutical equipment
- Pharmaceutical materials
- Pharmaceutical plant premises
- Poultry equipment
- Poultry feeding equipment
- Poultry house premises (enclosed premise treatment)
- Poultry processing equipment
- Poultry transportation vehicles
- Poultry watering equipment
- Veterinary hospital materials
- Veterinary hospital premises
- Warmer water
- Winery processing equipment
- Zoo premises (enclosed premise treatment)