Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 62719-387
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Dithane M45 Agricultural Fungicide' is a fungicide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 62719-387. It was originally approved by EPA on 28 May 1962. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Mancozeb. It's approved for 242 sites including african violets, almonds, anthurium, apples, arborvitae, arizona cypress, asparagus, aster, atemoya, and aucuba. It is also approved for 147 pests and pest groups including but not limited to alternaria blight, alternaria spot, anthracnose, anthracnose of cucurbits, anthracnose of tomato, apple scab, ascochyta blight, asparagus rust, bacterial speck of tomato, and black rot of grapes.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- DITHANE M-45Active
- Address:
9330 Zionsville Road
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Active ingredients:
- Mancozeb 80%
- Other ingredients 20%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Alternaria blight
- Alternaria spot
- Anthracnose
- Anthracnose (colletotricum)
- Anthracnose (gloeosporium)
- Anthracnose (glomerella cingulata)
- Anthracnose (gnomonia)
- Anthracnose (marssonina melonis)
- Anthracnose of cucurbits (colletotrichum lagenarium)
- Anthracnose of tomato (colletotrichum phomoides)
- Apple scab (venturia inaequailis)
- Ascochyta blight
- Asparagus rust (puccinia asparagi)
- Bacterial speck of tomato (pseudomonas)
- Black rot of grapes (guignardia bidwellii)
- Black spot of elm (gnomonia ulmi)
- Black spot of rose (diplocarpon rosae)
- Blossom blight
- Botrytis blight
- Botrytis blossom blight
- Botrytis leaf blight
- Botrytis petal spot
- Brown patch (rhizoctonia)
- Brown spot (scirrhia)
- Bunch rot
- Bunt of rye (tilletia)
- Canker / dieback (monochaetia)
- Cedar-apple rust (gymnosporangium)
- Cercospora blight
- Common corn rust
- Copper spot of turf grasses (gloeocercospora/ramulispora sorghi)
- Covered kernel smut (sphacelotheca)
- Covered smut (ustilago hordei)
- Covered smut (ustilago)
- Crown rot (penicillium)
- Cylindrocladium rot
- Damping-off
- Damping-off (pythium)
- Damping-off (rhizoctonia)
- Dead-arm (grape) cryptosporella viticola
- Dollar spot/small brown patch (sclerotinia homeocarpa)
- Downy mildew
- Downy mildew (plasmopara)
- Downy mildew of cucurbits (pseudoperonospora cubensis)
- Downy mildew of grape (plasmopara viticola)
- Downy mildew of onions (peronospora destructor)
- Early blight
- Early blight (alternaria)
- Endosepsis (internal fruit rot) of fig (fusarium moniliforme)
- False loose smut (ustilago avenae/u. nigra)
- Frogeye leaf spot
- Frogeye leaf spot (cercospora)
- Fruit molds/rots
- Fruit rot (phytophthora)
- Fungal diseases (plants)
- Fusarium blight (f.roseum)
- Fusarium blight (f.tricinctum)
- Fusarium leaf spot
- Gray leaf spot (stemphylium)
- Gummy stem blight (mycosphaerella citrullina/melonis)
- Hawthorn rust (gymnosporangium)
- Heart rot (phytophthora)
- Herpobasidium blight
- Ink spot (mystrosporium)
- Late blight
- Late blight (phytophthora)
- Leaf blight (alternaria)
- Leaf blight (helminthosporium)
- Leaf blister (taphrina)
- Leaf blotch (guignardia)
- Leaf mold (botryosporium)
- Leaf rust (puccinia)
- Leaf rust of wheat (puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici)
- Leaf spot (actinopelte)
- Leaf spot (alternaria)
- Leaf spot (cephalosporium)
- Leaf spot (cercospora)
- Leaf spot (curvularia)
- Leaf spot (cylindrosporium)
- Leaf spot (dactylaria)
- Leaf spot (didymellina)
- Leaf spot (discosia)
- Leaf spot (elsinoe)
- Leaf spot (entomosporium)
- Leaf spot (fabraea)
- Leaf spot (gloeosporium)
- Leaf spot (helminthosporium)
- Leaf spot (phyllosticta)
- Leaf spot (phytophthora)
- Leaf spot (ramularia)
- Leaf spot (septoria)
- Leaf spot (sphaeropsis)
- Leafspot (actinopelte)
- Leptosphaeria brown spot
- Loose smut of oat (ustilago avenae)
- Melting-out (helminthosporium)
- Mold
- Neck rot (botrytis)
- Needle cast (lophodermium)
- No pest
- Onion smut (urocystis cepulae)
- Ovulinia petal blight
- Pear scab (venturia pyrina)
- Petal blight
- Petal blight (pestalotia)
- Phomopsis blight
- Phytophthora blight
- Phytophthora rot
- Pine gall rust
- Pine rust (cronartium quercuum)
- Potato scab (streptomyces)
- Powdery mildew (erysiphe)
- Purple blotch (alternaria)
- Purple leaf blotch (purple spot) (nonparasitic disease)
- Pythium blight
- Red thread (pink patch) (corticium fuciforme)
- Rhizoctonia blight
- Rose rust (phragmidium)
- Rust (gymnosporiangium)
- Rust (puccinia)
- Rust (pucciniastrum)
- Rust (uromyces)
- Scab (fusicladium)
- Scab (sphaceloma)
- Scab (venturia)
- Scab of cucumber (cladosporium cucumberinum)
- Scab of cucurbits (cladosporium cucumerinum)
- Seed piece decay (fusarium)
- Seed rot
- Seed rot (rhizoctonia)
- Seed rot (rhizopus)
- Seedling blight/rot
- Seedling blight/rot (rhizoctonia)
- Septoria glume blotch (s. nodorum)
- Sigatoka disease (cercospora l.s.)
- Silver scurf (helminthosporium)
- Slime mold
- Smoulder (sclerotinia neck rot)
- Smut
- Snapdragon rust (puccinia antirrhini)
- Snow mold (fusarium)
- Spadix rot (colletotrichum)
- Stem rust (puccinia graminis)
- Stripe rust (puccinia)
- Swiss needlecast (phaeocryptopus)
- Tan spot (pyrenophora)
- Volutella leaf & branch blight
Registered target sites:
- African violets (foliar treatment)
- African violets (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Almonds (dormant application)
- Almonds (foliar treatment)
- Anthurium (foliar treatment)
- Anthurium (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Apples (delayed dormant application)
- Apples (foliar treatment)
- Arborvitae (foliar treatment)
- Arborvitae (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Arizona cypress (foliar treatment)
- Arizona cypress (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Asparagus (crowns) (dip treatment)
- Asparagus (postharvest application to plants)
- Aster (foliar treatment)
- Aster (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Atemoya (foliar treatment)
- Aucuba (foliar treatment)
- Aucuba (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Azalea (foliar treatment)
- Azalea (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Azalea (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Azalea (soil treatment)
- Bananas (foliar treatment)
- Barley (foliar treatment)
- Barley (seed treatment)
- Begonia (foliar treatment)
- Begonia (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Broccoli (foliar treatment)
- Buckeye (foliar treatment)
- Buckeye (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Buffaloberry (foliar treatment)
- Buffaloberry (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Cabbage (foliar treatment)
- Camellia (foliar treatment)
- Camellia (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Canistel (foliar treatment)
- Cantaloupes (foliar treatment)
- Caprifig (dip treatment)
- Carnation (foliar treatment)
- Carnation (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Casaba melons (foliar treatment)
- Chayote (foliar treatment)
- Cherimoya (foliar treatment)
- Chinese waxgourd (foliar treatment)
- Christmas tree plantings (foliar treatment)
- Chrysanthemum (foliar treatment)
- Chrysanthemum (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Citron melon (foliar treatment)
- Conifer plantings (foliar treatment)
- Conifers (forest) (greenhouse foliar treatment)
- Cordyline (foliar treatment)
- Cordyline (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Corn (field) (foliar treatment)
- Corn (field) (seed treatment)
- Corn (foliar treatment)
- Corn (pop) (foliar treatment)
- Corn (seed crop foliar treatment)
- Corn (sweet) (foliar treatment)
- Corn (sweet) (seed crop foliar treatment)
- Cotton (acid delinted) (seed treatment)
- Cotton (reginned) (seed treatment)
- Crabapple (ornamental) (foliar treatment)
- Crabapple (ornamental) (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Crabapples (delayed dormant application)
- Crabapples (foliar treatment)
- Cranberries (foliar treatment)
- Crenshaw melons (foliar treatment)
- Cucumbers (foliar treatment)
- Cucurbits (foliar treatment)
- Custard apple (foliar treatment)
- Dahlias (foliar treatment)
- Dahlias (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Dendrobium orchids (foliar treatment)
- Dendrobium orchids (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Dieffenbachia (foliar treatment)
- Dieffenbachia (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Douglas-fir (foliar treatment)
- Douglas-fir (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Dracaena (foliar treatment)
- Dracaena (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Elm (foliar treatment)
- Elm (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Euonymus (foliar treatment)
- Euonymus (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Fatsia (foliar treatment)
- Fatsia (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Fennel (foliar treatment)
- Ferns (foliar treatment)
- Ficus (foliar treatment)
- Ficus (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Firethorn (foliar treatment)
- Firethorn (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Flax (seed treatment)
- Flowering dogwood (foliar treatment)
- Flowering dogwood (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Fuchsia (foliar treatment)
- Fuchsia (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Garlic (foliar treatment)
- Garlic (soil treatment)
- Geranium (foliar treatment)
- Geranium (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Gherkin (foliar treatment)
- Ginseng (foliar treatment)
- Gladiolus (foliar treatment)
- Gladiolus (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Gourds (edible) (foliar treatment)
- Grapes (delayed dormant application)
- Grapes (foliar treatment)
- Hawthorn (foliar treatment)
- Hawthorn (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Holly (foliar treatment)
- Holly (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Hollyhock (foliar treatment)
- Hollyhock (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Honeydew melons (foliar treatment)
- Honeysuckle (foliar treatment)
- Honeysuckle (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Horsechestnut (foliar treatment)
- Horsechestnut (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Hydrangea (foliar treatment)
- Hydrangea (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Iris (foliar treatment)
- Iris (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Irrigation supply systems (water treatment)
- Japanese aucuba (foliar treatment)
- Japanese aucuba (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Japonica (foliar treatment)
- Japonica (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Juniper (foliar treatment)
- Juniper (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Lettuce (foliar treatment)
- Ligustrum (foliar treatment)
- Ligustrum (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Lilies (foliar treatment)
- Lilies (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Magnolia (foliar treatment)
- Magnolia (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Mamey sapote (foliar treatment)
- Mangos (foliar treatment)
- Maple (foliar treatment)
- Maple (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Marigold (foliar treatment)
- Marigold (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Melons (foliar treatment)
- Mountain-laurel (foliar treatment)
- Mountain-laurel (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Mountainash (foliar treatment)
- Mountainash (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Muskmelons (foliar treatment)
- Narcissus (foliar treatment)
- Narcissus (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Oak (foliar treatment)
- Oak (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Oats (foliar treatment)
- Oats (seed treatment)
- Onions (bulb) (foliar treatment)
- Onions (dry) (foliar treatment)
- Onions (soil treatment)
- Orchids (foliar treatment)
- Orchids (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Ornamental conifers (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental conifers (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Ornamental ferns (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental ferns (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Ornamental plants (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Pansies (foliar treatment)
- Pansies (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Papayas (foliar treatment)
- Peanuts (foliar treatment)
- Peanuts (shelled) (seed treatment)
- Pears (delayed dormant application)
- Pears (foliar treatment)
- Peonies (foliar treatment)
- Peonies (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Peonies (greenhouse-soil treatment)
- Peonies (soil treatment)
- Peperomia (foliar treatment)
- Peperomia (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Peppers (foliar treatment)
- Philodendron (foliar treatment)
- Philodendron (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Photinia (foliar treatment)
- Photinia (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Plantain (foliar treatment)
- Pleomele (foliar treatment)
- Pleomele (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Poinsettia (foliar treatment)
- Poinsettia (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Potatoes (foliar treatment)
- Potatoes (seed piece)
- Pumpkin (foliar treatment)
- Quinces (delayed dormant application)
- Quinces (foliar treatment)
- Red-cedar (foliar treatment)
- Red-cedar (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Rhododendron (foliar treatment)
- Rhododendron (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Rice (seed treatment)
- Roses (foliar treatment)
- Roses (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Rye (foliar treatment)
- Rye (seed treatment)
- Safflower (seed treatment)
- Sapodilla (foliar treatment)
- Schefflera (foliar treatment)
- Schefflera (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Shallots (foliar treatment)
- Shallots (soil treatment)
- Skunkbush sumac (foliar treatment)
- Skunkbush sumac (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Snapdragon (foliar treatment)
- Snapdragon (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Sorghum (seed treatment)
- Squash (summer) (foliar treatment)
- Squash (winter) (foliar treatment)
- Star apple (foliar treatment)
- Statice (foliar treatment)
- Statice (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Sugar apple (foliar treatment)
- Sugar beets (foliar treatment)
- Syngonium (foliar treatment)
- Syngonium (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Tomatoes (foliar treatment)
- Tomatoes (seed treatment)
- Triticale (foliar treatment)
- Tulips (foliar treatment)
- Tulips (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Venus fly trap (foliar treatment)
- Venus fly trap (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Viburnum (foliar treatment)
- Viburnum (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Walnut (ornamental) (foliar treatment)
- Walnut (ornamental) (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Watermelon (foliar treatment)
- Wheat (foliar treatment)
- Wheat (seed treatment)
- White ash (foliar treatment)
- White ash (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- White sapote (foliar treatment)
- Zinnia (foliar treatment)
- Zinnia (greenhouse-foliar treatment)