Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 66222-103
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Diazinon Ag600 Wbc Insecticide' is an insecticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 66222-103. It was originally approved by EPA on 10 Jun 2004. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Diazinon. It's approved for 108 sites including almonds, apples, apricots, arborvitae, azalea, balsam fir, beets, birch, blackberries, and blueberries. It is also approved for 56 pests and pest groups including but not limited to aphids, apple aphid, apple-and-thorn skeletonizer, apricot mealybug, bagworm, black cherry aphid, black scale, brown apricot scale, brown mite, and brown soft scale.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- DIAZINON AG600Inactive
- DIAZOL AG600Inactive
D/b/a Adama - Address:
8601 Six Forks Road, Suite 300
Raleigh, NC 27615
Active ingredients:
- Diazinon 56%
- Other ingredients 44%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Aphids
- Apple aphid (eggs)
- Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer
- Apricot mealybug
- Bagworm
- Black cherry aphid (eggs)
- Black scale
- Brown apricot scale
- Brown mite
- Brown mite (eggs)
- Brown soft scale
- Carnation bud mite
- Carnation shoot mite
- Clover mite
- Cotoneaster webworm
- Cutworms
- Cyclamen mite
- Dipterous leafminers
- European pine sawfly
- European pine shoot moth
- European red mite
- European red mite (eggs)
- Fall webworm
- Flea beetles
- Hemlock chermes
- Holly bud moth
- Juniper
- Leafhoppers
- Lecanium scales
- Mealy plum aphid (eggs)
- Mealybugs
- Mimosa webworm
- Mole crickets
- No pest
- Obliquebanded leafroller
- Obscure root weevil
- Olive scale (crawlers)
- Omnivorous leaftier
- Parlatoria scale
- Pearslug
- Pine needle scale
- Privet mite
- Root maggots
- San jose scale
- San jose scale (crawlers)
- Scales (crawlers)
- Soft scales
- Spider mites
- Tent caterpillars
- Thrips
- Twig borers
- Twospotted spider mite
- Webworms
- Whiteflies
- Wireworms
- Woolly apple aphid
Registered target sites:
- Almonds (dormant application)
- Apples (delayed dormant application)
- Apples (dormant)
- Apples (foliar treatment)
- Apricots (dormant application)
- Apricots (foliar treatment)
- Arborvitae (foliar treatment)
- Azalea (foliar treatment)
- Balsam fir (foliar treatment)
- Beets (red) (foliar treatment)
- Beets (red) (soil treatment)
- Birch (foliar treatment)
- Blackberries (delayed dormant application)
- Blackberries (foliar treatment)
- Blackberries (soil treatment)
- Blueberries (foliar treatment)
- Boxwood (foliar treatment)
- Broccoli (foliar treatment)
- Broccoli (soil treatment)
- Brussels sprouts (foliar treatment)
- Brussels sprouts (soil treatment)
- Cabbage (foliar treatment)
- Cabbage (soil treatment)
- Camellia (foliar treatment)
- Caneberries (foliar treatment)
- Cantaloupes (foliar treatment)
- Cantaloupes (soil treatment)
- Carnation (foliar treatment)
- Carrots (foliar treatment)
- Carrots (soil treatment)
- Casaba melons (foliar treatment)
- Casaba melons (soil treatment)
- Cauliflower (foliar treatment)
- Cauliflower (soil treatment)
- Cherries (foliar treatment)
- Chrysanthemum (foliar treatment)
- Collards (foliar treatment)
- Collards (soil treatment)
- Crabapples (foliar treatment)
- Cranberries (foliar treatment)
- Crenshaw melons (foliar treatment)
- Crenshaw melons (soil treatment)
- Dogwood (foliar treatment)
- Douglas-fir (foliar treatment)
- Elm (foliar treatment)
- Endive (escarole) (foliar treatment)
- Endive (escarole) (soil treatment)
- Euonymus (foliar treatment)
- Ginseng (foliar treatment)
- Ginseng (soil treatment)
- Gladiolus (foliar treatment)
- Hawthorn (foliar treatment)
- Holly (foliar treatment)
- Honeydew melons (foliar treatment)
- Honeydew melons (soil treatment)
- Honeysuckle (foliar treatment)
- Irrigation supply systems
- Juniper (foliar treatment)
- Kale (foliar treatment)
- Kale (soil treatment)
- Lettuce (head) (foliar treatment)
- Lettuce (head) (soil treatment)
- Lettuce (leaf) (foliar treatment)
- Lettuce (leaf) (soil treatment)
- Lilac (foliar treatment)
- Locust (foliar treatment)
- Maple (foliar treatment)
- Marigold (foliar treatment)
- Muskmelons (foliar treatment)
- Muskmelons (soil treatment)
- Mustard (foliar treatment)
- Mustard (soil treatment)
- Nectarines (foliar treatment)
- Oak (foliar treatment)
- Onions (foliar treatment)
- Onions (soil treatment)
- Pansies (foliar treatment)
- Peaches (foliar treatment)
- Pears (foliar treatment)
- Persian melons (foliar treatment)
- Persian melons (soil treatment)
- Petunia (foliar treatment)
- Pine (foliar treatment)
- Plum (ornamental) (foliar treatment)
- Plums (foliar treatment)
- Poplar (foliar treatment)
- Prunes (foliar treatment)
- Radishes (foliar treatment)
- Radishes (soil treatment)
- Rhododendron (foliar treatment)
- Roses (foliar treatment)
- Rutabagas (foliar treatment)
- Rutabagas (soil treatment)
- Scotch pine (foliar treatment)
- Spinach (foliar treatment)
- Spinach (soil treatment)
- Spirea (foliar treatment)
- Spruce (foliar treatment)
- Strawberries (foliar treatment)
- Sycamore (foliar treatment)
- Tomatoes (foliar treatment)
- Tomatoes (soil treatment)
- Watermelon (foliar treatment)
- Watermelon (soil treatment)
- Wax plant (foliar treatment)
- Willow (foliar treatment)
- Yellowwood (foliar treatment)
- Yew (foliar treatment)