Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Not available
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 10107-9
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Cythion 57% Premium Grade Malathion Grain Protection' is an insecticide and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 10107-9. It was originally approved by EPA on 10 Oct 1973. Its registration got cancelled on 21 Jul 1998. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Malathion (NO INERT USE). It's approved for 42 sites including barley, corn, grain elevator machinery, grain elevators, oats, railroad boxcars, rice, rye, shipholds, and sorghum. It is also approved for 10 pests and pest groups including but not limited to confused flour beetle, flat grain beetle, granary weevil, indian meal moth, khapra beetle, lesser grain borer, red flour beetle, rice weevil, rusty grain beetle, and sawtoothed grain beetle.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
1434 220th Street
Webster City, IA 50595
Active ingredients:
- Malathion (no inert use) 57%
- Other ingredients 43%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Confused flour beetle
- Flat grain beetle
- Granary weevil
- Indian meal moth
- Khapra beetle
- Lesser grain borer
- Red flour beetle
- Rice weevil
- Rusty grain beetle
- Sawtoothed grain beetle
Registered target sites:
- Barley (equipment)
- Barley (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Barley (storage areas-empty)
- Barley (transportation vehicles)
- Corn (equipment)
- Corn (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Corn (storage areas)
- Corn (transportation vehicles)
- Grain elevator machinery (residual general treatment)
- Grain elevators (empty) (residual general treatment)
- Oats (equipment)
- Oats (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Oats (storage areas-empty)
- Oats (transportation vehicles)
- Railroad boxcars (feed/food-empty) (residual general treatment)
- Rice (equipment)
- Rice (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Rice (storage areas-empty)
- Rice (transportation vehicles)
- Rye (equipment)
- Rye (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Rye (storage areas-empty)
- Rye (transportation vehicles)
- Shipholds (feed/food-empty) (residual general treatment)
- Sorghum (grain) (equipment)
- Sorghum (grain) (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Sorghum (grain) (storage areas-empty)
- Sorghum (grain) (transportation vehicles)
- Stored barley
- Stored corn
- Stored field seed
- Stored oats
- Stored rice
- Stored rye
- Stored seed (garden)
- Stored sorghum (grain)
- Stored wheat
- Truck beds (feed/food-empty) (residual general treatment)
- Wheat (equipment)
- Wheat (postharvest application to non-stored commodity)
- Wheat (storage areas-empty)
- Wheat (transportation vehicles)