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Label & SDS

EPA Label: link

Registration information

  • U.S. EPA Registration number: 100-941
  • U.S. EPA Status: ACTIVE


'Cruiser 5fs Alfalfa' is an insecticide and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 100-941. It was originally approved by EPA on 04 Dec 2000. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Thiamethoxam. It's approved for 146 sites including alfalfa, asparagus beans, balsam apple, balsam pear, barley, beans, bitter melon, blackeyed peas, borage, and broccoli. It is also approved for 75 pests and pest groups including but not limited to annual white grubs, aphids, bean leaf beetle, beet leafhopper, billbugs, bird cherry-oat aphid, black cutworm, cabbage maggot, chinch bug, and colorado potato beetle.

Original registration date:

  • 04 Dec 2000

Cancellation date:

  • n/a

Alternative names:

  • ADAGEInactive
  • CRUISER 5FSAlternate


  • Address:
    410 Swing Road
    Greensboro, NC 27419

Active ingredients:

  • Thiamethoxam 47.6%
  • Other ingredients 52.4%

Signal word:

  • Caution

Product type:

  • Insecticide
  • Miticide


  • Soluble Concentrate

Registered target pests:

  • Annual white grubs
  • Aphids
  • Bean leaf beetle
  • Beet leafhopper
  • Billbugs
  • Bird cherry-oat aphid
  • Black cutworm
  • Cabbage maggot
  • Chinch bug
  • Colorado potato beetle
  • Corn flea beetles
  • Corn leaf aphid
  • Corn root webworm
  • Corn rootworms
  • Cotton aphid
  • Cotton fleahopper
  • Cucumber beetles
  • Cutworms
  • English grain aphid
  • European chafer (larvae)
  • European corn borer
  • Fire ant
  • Flea beetles
  • Flower thrips
  • Grape colaspis
  • Green peach aphid
  • Green stink bug
  • Greenbug
  • Hessian fly
  • Indian meal moth
  • Japanese beetle (larvae)
  • June beetles (larvae)
  • Leafhoppers
  • Leafminers
  • Lesser grain borer
  • May beetles (larvae)
  • Mexican bean beetle
  • Mexican bean weevil
  • Mexican corn rootworm
  • No pest
  • Northern corn rootworm
  • Pea leaf weevil
  • Pea weevil
  • Plant bugs
  • Planthoppers
  • Potato aphid
  • Potato leafhopper
  • Psyllids
  • Red flour beetle
  • Rice water weevil
  • Rice weevil
  • Root aphids
  • Root maggots
  • Russian wheat aphid
  • Rusty grain beetle
  • Sawtoothed grain beetle
  • Seedcorn beetle
  • Seedcorn maggot
  • Southern corn leaf beetle
  • Southern corn rootworm
  • Southern green stink bug
  • Springtails
  • Stored grain insects
  • Sugarbeet root maggot
  • Sugarcane beetle
  • Sunflower beetle
  • Threecornered alfalfa hopper
  • Thrips
  • Tobacco thrips
  • Western corn rootworm
  • Western flower thrips
  • White grubs
  • Whiteflies
  • Wireworms
  • Yellow sugarcane aphid

Registered target sites:

  • Alfalfa (seed treatment)
  • Asparagus beans (seed treatment)
  • Balsam apple
  • Balsam pear
  • Barley (seed treatment)
  • Beans (adzuki) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (broad) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (cranberry) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (field) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (green) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (kidney) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (moth) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (navy) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (runner) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (seed treatment)
  • Beans (snap) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (sword) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (tepary) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (urd) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (wax) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (white) (seed treatment)
  • Beans (yardlong) (seed treatment)
  • Bitter melon
  • Blackeyed peas (seed treatment)
  • Borage (seed treatment)
  • Broccoli (seed treatment)
  • Broccoli raab (seed treatment)
  • Brussels sprouts (seed treatment)
  • Buckwheat (seed treatment)
  • Cabbage (seed treatment)
  • Cantaloupes (seed treatment)
  • Cardoon (seed treatment)
  • Carrots (seed treatment)
  • Casaba melons (seed treatment)
  • Catjang (seed treatment)
  • Cauliflower (seed treatment)
  • Celery (seed treatment)
  • Celtuce (seed treatment)
  • Chayote (seed treatment)
  • Chervil (seed treatment)
  • Chick peas (seed treatment)
  • Chinese broccoli (seed treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (bok choy) (seed treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (mizuna) (seed treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (napa) (seed treatment)
  • Chinese longbean (seed treatment)
  • Chinese okra (seed treatment)
  • Chinese spinach amaranth (seed treatment)
  • Chinese waxgourd (seed treatment)
  • Chrysanthemum (edible) (seed treatment)
  • Chrysanthemum (garland) (seed treatment)
  • Citron melon (seed treatment)
  • Collards (seed treatment)
  • Corn (field) (seed treatment)
  • Corn (pop) (seed treatment)
  • Corn (seed treatment)
  • Corn (storage areas)
  • Corn (sweet) (seed treatment)
  • Corn salad (seed treatment)
  • Cotton (acid delinted) (seed treatment)
  • Cotton (seed treatment)
  • Cowpeas (forage) (seed treatment)
  • Crenshaw melons
  • Crowder peas (seed treatment)
  • Cucumbers (seed treatment)
  • Cucurbits (seed treatment)
  • Dandelion (seed treatment)
  • Dock (sorrel) (seed treatment)
  • Endive (escarole) (seed treatment)
  • Fava beans (seed treatment)
  • Fennel (seed treatment)
  • Flax (seed treatment)
  • Garbanzo peas (chick peas) (seed treatment)
  • Garden cress (seed treatment)
  • Garden peas (seed treatment)
  • Garden purslane (seed treatment)
  • Gherkin (seed treatment)
  • Gourds (edible) (seed treatment)
  • Guar (seed treatment)
  • Honeydew melons (seed treatment)
  • Hyotan squash (seed treatment)
  • Jackbean (seed treatment)
  • Kale (seed treatment)
  • Kohlrabi (seed treatment)
  • Lablab beans (seed treatment)
  • Leafy amaranth (seed treatment)
  • Leafy vegetables (seed treatment)
  • Legumes (seed treatment)
  • Lentils (seed treatment)
  • Lettuce (head) (seed treatment)
  • Lettuce (leaf) (seed treatment)
  • Lima beans (seed treatment)
  • Lupine (grain) (seed treatment)
  • Lupine (sweet) (seed treatment)
  • Lupine (white) (seed treatment)
  • Millet pearl (seed treatment)
  • Moth beans (seed treatment)
  • Mung beans (seed treatment)
  • Muskmelons (seed treatment)
  • Mustard (greens) (seed treatment)
  • Mustard (seed treatment)
  • Mustard (spinach) (seed treatment)
  • New zealand spinach (seed treatment)
  • Oats (seed treatment)
  • Onions (bulb) (seed treatment)
  • Onions (dry) (seed treatment)
  • Orach (seed treatment)
  • Parsley (seed treatment)
  • Peanuts (seed treatment)
  • Peas (edible) (seed treatment)
  • Peas (english) (seed treatment)
  • Peas (field) (seed treatment)
  • Peas (garden) (seed treatment)
  • Peas (green) (seed treatment)
  • Peas (seed treatment)
  • Persian melons
  • Pigeon peas (seed treatment)
  • Potatoes (seed treatment)
  • Proso millet (seed treatment)
  • Pumpkin (seed treatment)
  • Rape (greens) (seed treatment)
  • Rapeseed (oil crop) (seed treatment)
  • Rhubarb (seed treatment)
  • Rice (seed treatment)
  • Rye (seed treatment)
  • Safflower (seed treatment)
  • Sorghum (seed treatment)
  • Southern peas (seed treatment)
  • Soybeans (seed treatment)
  • Squash (seed treatment)
  • Squash (summer) (seed treatment)
  • Squash (winter) (seed treatment)
  • Squash (zucchini)
  • Stored cotton seed
  • Sugar beets (seed treatment)
  • Sunflowers (seed treatment)
  • Swiss chard (seed treatment)
  • Tampala amaranth (seed treatment)
  • Teosinte (seed treatment)
  • Triticale (seed treatment)
  • Upland cress (seed treatment)
  • Watermelon (seed treatment)
  • Wheat (seed treatment)
  • Wild rice (seed treatment)
  • Winter purslane (seed treatment)
  • Yard long beans (seed treatment)