Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 228-395
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Cool Power Selective Ivm Herbicide' is an herbicide terrestrial. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 228-395. It was originally approved by EPA on 29 Apr 2004. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Dicamba, MCPA, 2-ethylhexyl ester, and Triclopyr, butoxyethyl ester. It's approved for 54 sites including airports, aspen, barrier strips, birch, blackjack oak, campgrounds, conservation reserve program land, ditchbanks, ditches, and dogwood. It is also approved for 144 pests and pest groups including but not limited to alder, annual broadleaf weeds, ash, aspen, beech, beggarweed, biennial weeds, bindweed, birch, and black medic.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
11901 S. Austin Avenue
Alsip, IL 60803
Active ingredients:
- Dicamba 3.6%
- Mcpa, 2-ethylhexyl ester 56.14%
- Triclopyr, butoxyethyl ester 5%
- Other ingredients 35.26%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Alder
- Annual broadleaf weeds
- Ash
- Aspen
- Beech
- Beggarweed
- Biennial weeds
- Bindweed
- Birch
- Black medic
- Blackberry
- Blackbrush acacia
- Blackjack oak
- Broadleaf weeds
- Brush
- Buckthorn
- Burdock
- Buttercup
- Canada thistle
- Carpetweed
- Cascara buckthorn
- Catnip
- Ceanothus
- Chamise
- Cherry
- Chickweed
- Chicory
- Chokecherry
- Cinquefoil
- Clover
- Cocklebur
- Coffeeweed
- Corn speedwell
- Cornflower
- Cottonwood
- Curly dock
- Dandelion
- Dock
- Dogfennel
- Dogwood
- Eastern persimmon
- Elbowbush
- Elderberry
- Elm
- English daisy
- Florida pusley
- Frenchweed
- Goldenrod
- Granjeno
- Greenbrier
- Ground ivy
- Guajillo
- Guava
- Hackberry
- Hawkweed
- Hawthorn
- Healall
- Heartleaf drymary
- Henbit
- Herbaceous weeds
- Huisache
- Jimsonweed
- Knawel
- Knotweed
- Kochia
- Kudzu
- Lambsquarters
- Lantana
- Lespedeza
- Little starwort
- Locust
- Mallow
- Maple
- Matchweed
- Mesquite
- Milkweed vine
- Morningglory
- No pest
- Oak
- Osageorange
- Oxalis
- Parsley-piert
- Pennywort
- Peppervine
- Pepperweed
- Perennial broadleaf weeds
- Pigweed
- Plantain
- Poison ivy
- Poison oak
- Poplar
- Post oak
- Pricklyash
- Primrose willow
- Purslane
- Ragweed
- Red clover
- Red maple
- Red oak
- Red sorrel
- Saltbush
- Sand shinnery oak
- Sassafras
- Servicea lespediza
- Sheep sorrel
- Shepherdspurse
- Shinnery oak
- Smartweed
- Sowthistle
- Speedwell
- Spiderwort
- Spotted catsear
- Spurge
- Spurweed
- Stinging nettle
- Stitchwort
- Sulphur cinquefoil
- Sumac
- Thistle
- Toadflax
- Tropical soda apple
- Trumpetcreeper
- Twisted acacia
- Veronica
- Vetch
- Virginia creeper
- Waxmyrtle
- White oak
- Wild aster
- Wild carrot
- Wild garlic
- Wild geranium
- Wild grape
- Wild lettuce
- Wild onion
- Wild radish
- Wild rose
- Wild violet
- Willow
- Woodsorrel
- Woody plants
- Yarrow
- Yaupon
- Yucca
Registered target sites:
- Airports (foliar treatment)
- Aspen (bark treatment)
- Barrier strips (foliar treatment)
- Birch (bark treatment)
- Blackjack oak
- Blackjack oak (foliar treatment)
- Campgrounds
- Conservation reserve program land (foliar treatment)
- Ditchbanks
- Ditches
- Dogwood (bark treatment)
- Fence rows (foliar treatment)
- Forest plantations (foliar treatment)
- Guardrails
- Guardrails (foliar treatment)
- Hackberry (bark treatment)
- Hedgerows (foliar treatment)
- Industrial sites (foliar treatment)
- Locust (dormant application)
- Locust (foliar treatment)
- Lumber yards (foliar treatment)
- Mesquite (bark treatment)
- Mesquite (foliar treatment)
- Noncrop areas (dormant application)
- Noncrop areas (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental plants (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental plants (nursery)
- Parks
- Pastures (grass) (foliar treatment)
- Post oak
- Post oak (foliar treatment)
- Rangeland (foliar treatment)
- Recreational areas (foliar treatment)
- Red maple (bark treatment)
- Red oak
- Red oak (bark treatment)
- Rights-of-way (firebreaks) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (pipeline) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (power lines) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (railroad) (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (utility) (foliar treatment)
- Roadsides (foliar treatment)
- Sassafras (dormant application)
- Sassafras (foliar treatment)
- Storage yards (foliar treatment)
- Sumac (dormant application)
- Sumac (foliar treatment)
- Tank farms (fuel) (foliar treatment)
- Trails (foliar treatment)
- White oak
- White oak (bark treatment)
- Yaupon
- Yaupon (bark treatment)