Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 90287-1
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Cleanpath Tm Antibacterial Bathroom Cleaner' is an algaecide, disinfectant, fungicide/fungistat, and virucide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 90287-1. It was originally approved by EPA on 27 May 2011. It has a 'Warning' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Alkyl* dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride *(60%C14, 30%C16, 5%C18, 5%C12) and Alkyl* dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride *(68%C12, 32%C14). It's approved for 59 sites including agricultural premises, aircraft, animal equipment, animal living quarters, athletic facilities, automobiles, barber and beauty shop instruments, barber and beauty shop premises, campgrounds, and carpets. It is also approved for 29 pests and pest groups including but not limited to adenovirus type 2, algae, animal pathogenic bacteria, animal pathogenic fungi, aspergillus niger, avian influenza a/turkey/wisconsin, avian reovirus, bovine rhinotracheitis virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, and canine coronavirus.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- MAQUAT 25.6-PDXActive
- Address:
8515 Page Aveneue
St. Louis, MO 63114
Active ingredients:
- Alkyl* dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride *(60%c14, 30%c16, 5%c18, 5%c12) 0.62%
- Alkyl* dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride *(68%c12, 32%c14) 0.62%
- Other ingredients 98.76%
Signal word:
Product type:
- Algaecide
- Disinfectant
- Fungicide/fungistat
- Virucide
Registered target pests:
- Adenovirus type 2
- Algae
- Animal pathogenic bacteria (g- and g+ vegetative)
- Animal pathogenic fungi
- Aspergillus niger
- Avian influenza a/turkey/wisconsin
- Avian reovirus
- Bovine rhinotracheitis virus
- Bovine viral diarrhea virus
- Canine coronavirus
- Canine distemper virus
- Coronavirus
- Duck hepatitis b virus (dhbv) 2
- Equine arteritis virus
- Hepatitis b
- Hepatitis c virus (hcv)
- Herpes simplex virus i
- Herpes simplex virus ii
- Hiv-i (human immunodeficiency virus)
- Influenza a (h1n1)
- Influenza virus a
- Influenza virus a2 (london flu)
- Laryngotracheitis virus
- Mold/mildew
- Newcastle disease virus
- Porcine rotavirus vr-893
- Pseudomonas spp.
- Pseudorabies virus
- Vaccinia virus
Registered target sites:
- Agricultural premises
- Aircraft
- Animal equipment
- Animal living quarters
- Athletic facilities
- Automobiles
- Barber and beauty shop instruments
- Barber and beauty shop premises
- Campgrounds
- Carpets
- Commercial premises
- Cosmetic plant premises
- Dairy premises (unspecified)
- Eating est premises
- Egg process plant premises
- Evaporative condenser water systems
- Farm equipment (unspecified)
- Farm premises (unspecified)
- Food handling premises
- Food marketing, storage and distribution facilities
- Greenhouse benches
- Greenhouse equipment
- Hatchery premises
- Hatchery premises (fogging)
- Hog farms
- Hospital instruments
- Hospital premises
- Household premises
- Ice making equipment
- Immersion ultrasonic tank water
- Incubators (fumigant)
- Industrial premises
- Institutional premises
- Laboratory premises
- Leather process plant premises
- Livestock barns (enclosed premise treatment)
- Meat packaging plant
- Meat process plant premises
- Morgues, mortuaries and funeral home premises
- Mushroom house premises
- Pet bedding
- Pet kennels (enclosed premise treatment)
- Playgrounds
- Poultry house premises (enclosed premise treatment)
- Recreational vehicles
- Rendering plant premises
- Reptile quarters (enclosed premise treatment)
- Septic tanks
- Ships, boats, shipholds (all or unspecified)
- Shoe baths (farm)
- Shower room premises
- Tanneries
- Transportation vehicles (feed/food-full) (non-residual treatment)
- Veterinary hospital premises
- Warehouses
- Waterbed water
- Whirlpool bath surfaces
- Winery process plant premises
- Zoo premises (enclosed premise treatment)