Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 66330-7
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Captan Methoxychlor Seed Protectant' is a fungicide, insecticide, and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 66330-7. It was originally approved by EPA on 27 Dec 1989. Its registration got cancelled on 25 Aug 2000. It has a 'Danger' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Captan and Methoxychlor. It's approved for 68 sites including alfalfa, barley, beans, beets, bluegrass, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupes, and cauliflower. It is also approved for 10 pests and pest groups including but not limited to angoumois grain moth, bulb rot, cadelle, confused flour beetle, damping-off, indian meal moth, kernel smut, onion smut, rice weevil, and seed rot.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
C/o Upl Na Inc.630 Freedom Business Center, Suite 402
King Of Prussia, PA 19406
Active ingredients:
- Captan 70.9%
- Methoxychlor 5%
- Other ingredients 24.1%
Signal word:
Product type:
- Fungicide
- Insecticide
- Miticide
Registered target pests:
- Angoumois grain moth
- Bulb rot
- Cadelle
- Confused flour beetle
- Damping-off
- Indian meal moth
- Kernel smut (sphacelotheca)
- Onion smut (urocystis cepulae)
- Rice weevil
- Seed rot
Registered target sites:
- Alfalfa (seed treatment)
- Barley (seed treatment)
- Beans (seed treatment)
- Beets (seed treatment)
- Bluegrass (seed treatment)
- Broccoli (seed treatment)
- Brussels sprouts (seed treatment)
- Cabbage (seed treatment)
- Cantaloupes (seed treatment)
- Cauliflower (seed treatment)
- Clover (seed treatment)
- Corn (field) (seed treatment)
- Corn (sweet) (seed treatment)
- Cotton (acid delinted) (seed treatment)
- Cotton (machine delinted) (seed treatment)
- Cotton seed (fuzzy) (seed treatment)
- Cowpeas (seed treatment)
- Cucumbers (seed treatment)
- Flax (seed treatment)
- Gladiolus (corms)
- Oats (seed treatment)
- Onions (seed treatment)
- Peas (seed treatment)
- Peppers (seed treatment)
- Pumpkin (seed treatment)
- Rye (seed treatment)
- Sorghum (grain) (hulled) (seed treatment)
- Soybeans (seed treatment)
- Spinach (seed treatment)
- Squash (seed treatment)
- Stored alfalfa seed
- Stored barley seed
- Stored bean seed
- Stored beet seed
- Stored bluegrass seed
- Stored broccoli seed
- Stored brussels sprouts seed
- Stored cabbage seed
- Stored cantaloupe seed
- Stored cauliflower seed
- Stored clover seed
- Stored corn (field) seed
- Stored corn (sweet) seed
- Stored cotton seed
- Stored cotton seed (acid delinted)
- Stored cotton seed (fuzzy)
- Stored cowpea seed
- Stored cucumber seed
- Stored flax seed
- Stored gladiolus (corms)
- Stored oat seed
- Stored onion seed
- Stored pea seed
- Stored pepper seed
- Stored pumpkin seed
- Stored rye seed
- Stored sorghum seed (hulled)
- Stored soybean seed
- Stored spinach seed
- Stored squash seed
- Stored sugar beet seed
- Stored swiss chard seed
- Stored watermelon seed
- Stored wheat seed
- Sugar beets (seed treatment)
- Swiss chard (seed treatment)
- Watermelon (seed treatment)
- Wheat (seed treatment)