Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Not available
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 279-3266
- U.S. EPA Status:
'C-o-c-s R 50-v' is a fungicide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 279-3266. It was originally approved by EPA on 01 Jan 1976. Its registration got cancelled on 01 Jul 1987. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Copper as elemental. It's approved for 39 sites including beans, carrots, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, grapefruit, hops, lemons, lettuce, and limes. It is also approved for 20 pests and pest groups including but not limited to alternaria blight, bacterial wilt, celery blights, damping-off, downy mildew, downy mildew of bean, downy mildew of cucurbits, downy mildew of hops, downy mildew of onions, and early blight.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
2929 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Active ingredients:
- Copper as elemental 50%
- Other ingredients 50%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Alternaria blight
- Bacterial wilt (erwinia)
- Celery blights
- Damping-off
- Downy mildew (bremia lactucae)
- Downy mildew of bean (phytophthora phaseoli)
- Downy mildew of cucurbits (pseudoperonospora cubensis)
- Downy mildew of hops (pseudoperonospora humuli)
- Downy mildew of onions (peronospora destructor)
- Early blight (alternaria)
- Late blight
- Late blight (phytophthora)
- Leaf blight (alternaria)
- Leaf spot (septoria)
- Leaf spots
- No pest
- Phytophthora gummosis
- Pod spot of lima bean (nematospora phaseoli)
- Scab of cucumber (cladosporium cucumberinum)
- Scab of cucurbits (cladosporium cucumerinum)
Registered target sites:
- Beans (lima) (foliar treatment)
- Carrots (foliar treatment)
- Celery (foliar treatment)
- Cucumbers (foliar treatment)
- Eggplant (foliar treatment)
- Grapefruit (basal bark treatment)
- Grapefruit (foliar treatment)
- Grapefruit (soil treatment)
- Hops (foliar treatment)
- Lemons (basal bark treatment)
- Lemons (foliar treatment)
- Lemons (soil treatment)
- Lettuce (foliar treatment)
- Limes (basal bark treatment)
- Limes (foliar treatment)
- Limes (soil treatment)
- Melons (foliar treatment)
- Onions (foliar treatment)
- Oranges (basal bark treatment)
- Oranges (foliar treatment)
- Oranges (soil treatment)
- Peppers (cold frame foliar treatment)
- Peppers (foliar treatment)
- Peppers (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Peppers (hotbed-foliar treatment)
- Potatoes (foliar treatment)
- Squash (foliar treatment)
- Sugar beets (foliar treatment)
- Tangelos (basal bark treatment)
- Tangelos (foliar treatment)
- Tangelos (soil treatment)
- Tangerines (basal bark treatment)
- Tangerines (foliar treatment)
- Tangerines (soil treatment)
- Tomatoes (cold frame-foliar treatment)
- Tomatoes (foliar treatment)
- Tomatoes (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
- Tomatoes (hotbed-foliar treatment)
- Vegetable crops (seedling)