Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 51699-1
- U.S. EPA Status:
'C-h Formula #9 Bug Killer' is an insecticide and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 51699-1. It was originally approved by EPA on 09 Jul 1968. Its registration got cancelled on 29 Jul 2002. It has a 'Warning' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: MGK 264, Piperonyl butoxide, and Pyrethrins. It's approved for 19 sites including boats/ships, commercial/institutional/industrial buildings, dairies, domestic dwellings, eating establishments, egg handling premises, food marketing/storage/distribution facilities, food processing plants, hospitals, and hotels/motels/tourist courts. It is also approved for 7 pests and pest groups including but not limited to cockroaches, crickets, fleas, flies, gnats, mosquitoes, and small flying moths.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
290 Alpha Dr, Ridc Industrial Park
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Active ingredients:
- Mgk 264 3.34%
- Piperonyl butoxide 2%
- Pyrethrins 1%
- Other ingredients 93.66%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Cockroaches
- Crickets
- Fleas
- Flies
- Gnats
- Mosquitoes
- Small flying moths
Registered target sites:
- Boats/ships (non-residual) (general treatment)
- Commercial/institutional/industrial buildings (indoor edible)
- Dairies (indoor edible)
- Domestic dwellings (indoor)
- Eating establishments (indoor edible)
- Egg handling premises
- Food marketing/storage/distribution facilities (indoor edible)
- Food processing plants (indoor edible)
- Hospitals (indoor-edible)
- Hotels/motels/tourist courts (indoor edible)
- Livestock barns (enclosed premise treatment)
- Meat processing plants (indoor edible)
- Milk handling facilities (indoor)
- Milk houses (indoor)
- Pet kennels (enclosed premise treatment)
- Poultry houses (enclosed premise treatment)
- Poultry processing plants (indoor edible)
- Restaurants (indoor edible)
- Transportation vehicles (feed/food-empty) (non-residual treatment)