Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 63950-3
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Blue Circle (tm) Liquid' is a fungicide and nematicide and microbial pesticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 63950-3. It was originally approved by EPA on 21 Jul 1995. Its registration got cancelled on 27 Feb 2003. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Burkholderia (pseudomonas) cepacia type Wisconsin isolate/strain J82. It's approved for 63 sites including apples, azalea, barberry, basil, beans, begonia, birch, brambles, canola, and carrots. It is also approved for 8 pests and pest groups including but not limited to fusarium, lesion nematodes, no pest, pythium, rhizoctonia, root-knot nematodes, spiral nematodes, and sting nematodes.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
Attn: Jerald L. Reichling - Address:
2225 Laredo Trail
Adel, IA 50003
Active ingredients:
- Burkholderia (pseudomonas) cepacia type wisconsin isolate/strain j82 2%
- Other ingredients 98%
Signal word:
Product type:
- Fungicide And Nematicide
- Microbial Pesticide
Registered target pests:
- Fusarium
- Lesion nematodes
- No pest
- Pythium
- Rhizoctonia
- Root-knot nematodes
- Spiral nematodes
- Sting nematodes
Registered target sites:
- Apples (seed treatment)
- Azalea (seed treatment)
- Barberry (cuttings)
- Basil (seed treatment)
- Beans (dry) (seed treatment)
- Begonia (seed treatment)
- Birch (cuttings)
- Brambles (seed treatment)
- Canola (seed treatment)
- Carrots (seed treatment)
- Cherries (seed treatment)
- Chrysanthemum (seed treatment)
- Cinnamon (seed treatment)
- Corn (seed treatment)
- Cotoneaster (cuttings)
- Cotton (seed treatment)
- Cucumbers (seed treatment)
- Cyclamen (seed treatment)
- Dieffenbachia (seed treatment)
- Dracaena (seed treatment)
- Euonymus (seed treatment)
- Exacum (seed treatment)
- Ficus (seed treatment)
- Geranium (seed treatment)
- Gloxinia (seed treatment)
- Grapes (seed treatment)
- Holly (cuttings)
- Impatiens (seed treatment)
- Irrigation systems
- Ivy (seed treatment)
- Juniper (seed treatment)
- Kalanchoe (seed treatment)
- Lettuce (seed treatment)
- Lilies (bulbs)
- Maple (seed treatment)
- Melons (seed treatment)
- Nutmeg (seed treatment)
- Oak (cuttings)
- Oregano (seed treatment)
- Peaches (seed treatment)
- Peanuts (seed treatment)
- Pecans (seed treatment)
- Peppers (seed treatment)
- Petunia (seed treatment)
- Philodendron (seed treatment)
- Pine (seed treatment)
- Pistachio nuts (seed treatment)
- Potatoes (seed treatment)
- Rhododendron (cuttings)
- Roses (seed treatment)
- Sage (seed treatment)
- Soybeans (seed treatment)
- Spirea (cuttings)
- Spruce (seed treatment)
- Sunflowers (seed treatment)
- Sweet marjoram (seed treatment)
- Tomatoes (seed treatment)
- Tropical fruits (seed treatment)
- Viburnum (cuttings)
- Violets (seed treatment)
- Walnuts (seed treatment)
- Wheat (seed treatment)
- Yew (cuttings)