Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 239-2763
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Bbg 2701' is an insecticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 239-2763. It was originally approved by EPA on 15 May 2020. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Bifenthrin and Chlorantraniliprole. It's approved for 4 sites including ornamental grasses, ornamental lawns, and ornamental turf. It is also approved for 119 pests and pest groups including but not limited to acrobat ants, aedes mosquito, allegheny mound ant, american cockroach, american dog tick, ants, aphodius beetle, argentine ant, armyworm, and asian cockroach.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
D/b/a The Ortho Group - Address:
Po Box 190
Marysville, OH 43040
Active ingredients:
- Bifenthrin 0.55%
- Chlorantraniliprole 0.27%
- Other ingredients 99.18%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Acrobat ants
- Aedes mosquito
- Allegheny mound ant
- American cockroach
- American dog tick
- Ants
- Aphodius beetle
- Aphodius beetle (larvae)
- Argentine ant
- Armyworm
- Asian cockroach
- Asian lady beetles
- Asiatic garden beetle
- Asiatic garden beetle (larvae)
- Beetles
- Big headed ants
- Billbugs
- Billbugs (larvae)
- Biting flies
- Black cutworm
- Black turfgrass ataenius
- Black turfgrass ataenius (adult)
- Black widow spider
- Bluegrass billbug
- Bluegrass weevil
- Brown dog tick
- Brown recluse spider
- Brown stink bug
- Brownbanded cockroach
- Carpenter ants
- Cat flea
- Caterpillars
- Caterpillars (larvae)
- Centipedes
- Chinch bug
- Cockroaches
- Cornfield ant
- Crazy ant
- Crickets
- Cutworms
- Daddy longlegs spider
- Deer ticks
- Dog flea
- Earwigs
- European chafer
- European chafer (larvae)
- European crane fly
- European crane fly (larvae)
- Fall armyworm
- False chinch bug
- Field crickets
- Fiery skipper
- Firebrat
- Flea beetles
- Frit fly
- Fungus gnats
- Ghost ant
- Granulate cutworm
- Grass webworm
- Grasshoppers
- Green june beetle
- Green june beetle (larvae)
- Ground beetles
- Hairy chinch bug
- Harvester ants
- House cricket
- Hunting billbug
- Hyperodes weevils
- Japanese beetle
- Japanese beetle (larvae)
- June beetles
- June beetles (larvae)
- Lace bugs
- Lady beetles (lady bird beetles)
- Lawn armyworm
- Leaffooted bug
- Leafhoppers
- Little black ant
- May beetles
- May beetles (larvae)
- Mealybugs
- Millipedes
- Mole crickets
- Mosquitoes
- Moths
- Northern masked chafer
- Northern masked chafer (larvae)
- Odorous house ant
- Oriental beetle
- Oriental beetle (larvae)
- Oriental cockroach
- Pavement ant
- Periodical cicada
- Pillbugs
- Pyramid ant
- Scorpions
- Small honey ant
- Smoky brown cockroach
- Sod webworms
- Sod webworms (larvae)
- Southern chinch bug
- Southern masked chafer
- Southern masked chafer (larvae)
- Sowbugs
- Spiders
- Spittlebugs
- Springtails
- Stink bugs
- Striped ground cricket
- Thief ant
- Ticks
- Treehoppers
- Tropical sod webworm
- Variegated cutworm
- Weevils
- White grubs
- White grubs (larvae)
- Whiteflies
- Yellowjackets
Registered target sites:
- Ornamental grasses (lawns) (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental lawns (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental lawns (grass) (foliar treatment)
- Ornamental turf (foliar treatment)