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Label & SDS

EPA Label: link

Registration information

  • U.S. EPA Registration number: 100-1219
  • U.S. EPA Status: ACTIVE


'Azoxystrobin H&g Fungicide Concentrate' is a fungicide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 100-1219. It was originally approved by EPA on 19 Jan 2005. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Azoxystrobin. It's approved for 308 sites including abelia, adzuki beans, ajuga, alder, almonds, amaranthus, apricots, arborvitae, arracacia, and arrowroot. It is also approved for 118 pests and pest groups including but not limited to alternaria blight, alternaria leaf and fruit spot, anthracnose, anthracnose leaf blight, anthracnose of bean, anthracnose of cucurbits, anthracnose of tomato, ascochyta blight, basal stem rot, and bean rust.

Original registration date:

  • 19 Jan 2005

Cancellation date:

  • n/a

Alternative names:



  • Address:
    410 Swing Road
    Greensboro, NC 27419

Active ingredients:

  • Azoxystrobin 22.9%
  • Other ingredients 77.1%

Signal word:

  • Caution

Product type:

  • Fungicide


  • Soluble Concentrate

Registered target pests:

  • Alternaria blight
  • Alternaria leaf and fruit spot
  • Anthracnose
  • Anthracnose (elsinoe)
  • Anthracnose (gloeosporium)
  • Anthracnose leaf blight
  • Anthracnose of bean (collectotrichum lindemuthianum)
  • Anthracnose of cucurbits (colletotrichum lagenarium)
  • Anthracnose of tomato (colletotrichum phomoides)
  • Ascochyta blight
  • Basal stem rot (thielaviopsis)
  • Bean rust (uromyces)
  • Belly rot of fruit (rhizoctonia)
  • Black mold
  • Black rot of grapes (guignardia bidwellii)
  • Black scurf (rhizoctonia)
  • Black spot
  • Black stem rot (stemphyllium botryosum)
  • Blights
  • Botrytis
  • Botrytis bunch rot
  • Brown patch
  • Brown patch of turf/grasses (fusarium)
  • Brown rot blossom blt. (monilinia)
  • Buckeye rot (phytophthora parasitica)
  • Cane blight (botryosphaeria)
  • Canker
  • Canker (phomopsis)
  • Canker/dieback (botryosphaeria ribis)
  • Citrus scab (elsinoe fawcetti)
  • Crown rot
  • Damping-off (rhizoctonia)
  • Downy mildew
  • Downy mildew of cucurbits (pseudoperonospora cubensis)
  • Downy mildew of grape (plasmopara viticola)
  • Downy mildew of rose (peronospora sparsa)
  • Early blight (alternaria)
  • Early blight (cercospora)
  • Early blight of celery (cercospora apii)
  • Eyespot (kabatiella zeae)
  • Flower blight
  • Fruit rot (alternaria)
  • Fusarium patch (pink snow mold) (fusarium nivale)
  • Gray leaf spot
  • Gray leaf spot (cercospora)
  • Gray snowmold (typhula blight)
  • Greasy spot (mycosphaerella citri/cercospora citrigrisea)
  • Gummy stem blight (mycosphaerella citrullina/melonis)
  • Large patch of zoysia (rhizoctonia solani)
  • Late blight (alternaria)
  • Late blight (phytophthora)
  • Late blight of carrot (alternaria dauci)
  • Late blight of celery (large spot) septoria apii
  • Late blight of celery (small spot) septoria apii graveolentis
  • Leaf blight (botrytis)
  • Leaf blights
  • Leaf blotch (cladosporium)
  • Leaf rust
  • Leaf rust (puccinia)
  • Leaf spot (alternaria)
  • Leaf spot (ascochyta)
  • Leaf spot (cercospora)
  • Leaf spot (septoria)
  • Leaf spots
  • Melanose (diaporthe)
  • Melting-out of bent grasses (helminthosporium sativum)
  • Mummy berry (monilinia/sclerotinia)
  • Necrotic ring spot (leptosphaeria)
  • Northern leaf blight (helminthosporium turcicum)
  • Phomopsis cane blight and leaf spot
  • Pink patch (corticium)
  • Pink snow mold (fusarium patch)
  • Pod spot of lima bean (nematospora phaseoli)
  • Post bloom fruit drop disease
  • Powdery mildew
  • Powdery mildew (erysiphe cichoracearum)
  • Powdery mildew (erysiphe polygoni)
  • Powdery mildew (erysiphe)
  • Powdery mildew (microsphaera alni)
  • Powdery mildew (oidium)
  • Powdery mildew (phyllactinia corylea)
  • Powdery mildew (sphaerotheca macularis)
  • Powdery mildew of grape (uncinula necator)
  • Purple blotch (alternaria)
  • Pythium blight
  • Red thread (pink patch) (corticium fuciforme)
  • Rhizoctonia bottom rot
  • Root rot
  • Root rot (pythium)
  • Root rot (rhizoctonia)
  • Rose powdery mildew (sphaerotheca pannosa rosae)
  • Rose rust (phragmidium)
  • Rosette/double blossom disease (cercosporella rubi)
  • Rust
  • Rust (uromyces)
  • Scab
  • Scab of almond (cladosporium carpophilum)
  • Seedling blight/rot
  • Septoria blight
  • Shothole (coryneum)
  • Silver scurf (helminthosporium)
  • Soilborne fungal diseases
  • Southern blight (sclerotium rolfsii)
  • Southern leaf blight (helminthosporium maydis)
  • Spur blight
  • Stem canker (rhizoctonia)
  • Stem rust (puccinia graminis)
  • Stem-end rot
  • Stemphylium
  • Stripe rust (puccinia)
  • Summer patch (phialophora graminicola)
  • Take-all patch (gaeumannomyces)
  • Target spot (corynespora)
  • Web blight (rhizoctonia)
  • White mold
  • White rot of onion/garlic (sclerotium cepivorum)
  • White rust (albugo)
  • Yellow patch

Registered target sites:

  • Abelia (foliar treatment)
  • Adzuki beans (foliar treatment)
  • Ajuga (foliar treatment)
  • Alder (foliar treatment)
  • Almonds (foliar treatment)
  • Amaranthus (foliar treatment)
  • Apricots (foliar treatment)
  • Arborvitae (foliar treatment)
  • Arracacia (foliar treatment)
  • Arrowroot (foliar treatment)
  • Arrugula (foliar treatment)
  • Asparagus (postharvest application to plants)
  • Asparagus beans (foliar treatment)
  • Aspen (foliar treatment)
  • Aucuba (foliar treatment)
  • Azalea (foliar treatment)
  • Balsam apple (foliar treatment)
  • Barberry (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (dry) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (dry) (soil treatment)
  • Beans (field) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (kidney) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (lima) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (moth) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (navy) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (pinto) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (rice) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (snap) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (soil treatment)
  • Beans (succulent) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (succulent) (soil treatment)
  • Beans (wax) (foliar treatment)
  • Beets (garden) (foliar treatment)
  • Berry plantings (foliar treatment)
  • Birch (foliar treatment)
  • Bitter melon (foliar treatment)
  • Black raspberries (foliar treatment)
  • Black salsify (foliar treatment)
  • Blackberries (foliar treatment)
  • Blackeyed peas (foliar treatment)
  • Bougainvillea (foliar treatment)
  • Boxwood (foliar treatment)
  • Boysenberries (foliar treatment)
  • Bradford pear (foliar treatment)
  • Broad beans (foliar treatment)
  • Broccoli (foliar treatment)
  • Broccoli raab (foliar treatment)
  • Brussels sprouts (foliar treatment)
  • Burdock (foliar treatment)
  • Bushberries (foliar treatment)
  • Butterfly bush (foliar treatment)
  • Cabbage (foliar treatment)
  • Caladium (foliar treatment)
  • Calamondin (foliar treatment)
  • Camellia (foliar treatment)
  • Caneberries (foliar treatment)
  • Canna (foliar treatment)
  • Cantaloupes (foliar treatment)
  • Cardoon (foliar treatment)
  • Carrots (foliar treatment)
  • Carrots (soil treatment)
  • Cassava (bitter) (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
  • Cassava (sweet) (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
  • Catjang (foliar treatment)
  • Cauliflower (foliar treatment)
  • Ceanothus (foliar treatment)
  • Cedar (foliar treatment)
  • Celeriac (foliar treatment)
  • Celery (foliar treatment)
  • Celery (soil treatment)
  • Celtuce (foliar treatment)
  • Chayote (foliar treatment)
  • Cherries (sweet) (foliar treatment)
  • Cherries (tart) (foliar treatment)
  • Chervil (foliar treatment)
  • Chick peas (foliar treatment)
  • Chicory (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese artichoke (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese broccoli (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (mizuna) (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese longbean (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese mustard (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese radish (daikon) (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese waxgourd (foliar treatment)
  • Christmas cactus (foliar treatment)
  • Christmas tree plantings (foliar treatment)
  • Chrysanthemum (edible) (foliar treatment)
  • Chrysanthemum (foliar treatment)
  • Chufa (foliar treatment)
  • Cilantro (foliar treatment)
  • Citron (citrus) (foliar treatment)
  • Citrus (foliar treatment)
  • Coleus (foliar treatment)
  • Conifer plantings (foliar treatment)
  • Coriander (foliar treatment)
  • Corn (pop) (foliar treatment)
  • Corn (sweet) (foliar treatment)
  • Corn salad (foliar treatment)
  • Cotoneaster (foliar treatment)
  • Cowpeas (foliar treatment)
  • Crape myrtle (foliar treatment)
  • Cress (foliar treatment)
  • Crowder peas (foliar treatment)
  • Cucumbers (foliar treatment)
  • Cucurbits (foliar treatment)
  • Cucurbits (soil treatment)
  • Currants (foliar treatment)
  • Cyclamen (foliar treatment)
  • Cypress (foliar treatment)
  • Dandelion (foliar treatment)
  • Dasheen (foliar treatment)
  • Dewberries (foliar treatment)
  • Dieffenbachia (foliar treatment)
  • Dock (sorrel) (foliar treatment)
  • Dogwood (foliar treatment)
  • Eggplant (foliar treatment)
  • Eggplant (soil treatment)
  • Elderberry (foliar treatment)
  • Endive (escarole) (foliar treatment)
  • Euonymus (foliar treatment)
  • Fatsia (foliar treatment)
  • Fava beans (foliar treatment)
  • Fennel (foliar treatment)
  • Fig (ornamental) (foliar treatment)
  • Fir (foliar treatment)
  • Flowering plum (foliar treatment)
  • Forsythia (foliar treatment)
  • Fruit trees (foliar treatment)
  • Garden peas (foliar treatment)
  • Gardenia (foliar treatment)
  • Garlic (foliar treatment)
  • Geranium (foliar treatment)
  • Ginseng (foliar treatment)
  • Gooseberries (foliar treatment)
  • Gourds (foliar treatment)
  • Grapefruit (foliar treatment)
  • Grapes (foliar treatment)
  • Grapes (muscadine) (foliar treatment)
  • Greens (brassica spp.) (foliar treatment)
  • Greens (brassica spp.) (soil treatment)
  • Guar (foliar treatment)
  • Hawthorn (foliar treatment)
  • Heather (foliar treatment)
  • Hibiscus (foliar treatment)
  • Holiday cactus (foliar treatment)
  • Holly (foliar treatment)
  • Honeydew melons (foliar treatment)
  • Horseradish (foliar treatment)
  • Huckleberries (foliar treatment)
  • Hyacinth bean (foliar treatment)
  • Hydrangea (foliar treatment)
  • Impatiens (foliar treatment)
  • Ivy (foliar treatment)
  • Jackbean (sword bean) (foliar treatment)
  • Japanese andromeda (foliar treatment)
  • Jerusalem artichoke (foliar treatment)
  • Juneberries (foliar treatment)
  • Juniper (foliar treatment)
  • Kale (foliar treatment)
  • Kohlrabi (foliar treatment)
  • Kumquat (foliar treatment)
  • Lablab beans (foliar treatment)
  • Laurel (foliar treatment)
  • Leafy vegetables (foliar treatment)
  • Leafy vegetables (soil treatment)
  • Leeks (foliar treatment)
  • Legumes (foliar treatment)
  • Legumes (soil treatment)
  • Lemons (foliar treatment)
  • Leren (foliar treatment)
  • Lettuce (head) (foliar treatment)
  • Lettuce (leaf) (foliar treatment)
  • Lilac (foliar treatment)
  • Limes (foliar treatment)
  • Liriope (foliar treatment)
  • Loganberries (foliar treatment)
  • Magnolia (foliar treatment)
  • Mandarin (foliar treatment)
  • Maple (foliar treatment)
  • Mint (foliar treatment)
  • Mock-orange (foliar treatment)
  • Mung beans (foliar treatment)
  • Muskmelons (foliar treatment)
  • Mustard (greens) (foliar treatment)
  • Mustard (spinach) (foliar treatment)
  • Nandina (foliar treatment)
  • Nectarines (foliar treatment)
  • Nut trees (foliar treatment)
  • Oak (foliar treatment)
  • Okra (foliar treatment)
  • Okra (soil treatment)
  • Olallieberries (foliar treatment)
  • Oleander (foliar treatment)
  • Onions (bulb) (foliar treatment)
  • Onions (foliar treatment)
  • Onions (green) (foliar treatment)
  • Orach (foliar treatment)
  • Oranges (sour) (foliar treatment)
  • Oranges (sweet) (foliar treatment)
  • Oriental radish (foliar treatment)
  • Ornamental broadleaf evergreen shrubs (foliar treatment)
  • Ornamental flowering plants (annual) (foliar treatment)
  • Ornamental flowering plants (bedding) (foliar treatment)
  • Ornamental flowering plants (perennial) (foliar treatment)
  • Ornamental flowering shrubs (foliar treatment)
  • Ornamental grasses (foliar treatment)
  • Ornamental lawns (foliar treatment)
  • Ornamental plants (foliar treatment)
  • Ornamental trees (foliar treatment)
  • Ornamental woody shrubs (foliar treatment)
  • Palm (foliar treatment)
  • Pampasgrass (foliar treatment)
  • Parsley (foliar treatment)
  • Parsley, turnip-rooted (foliar treatment)
  • Parsnips (foliar treatment)
  • Pawpaw (foliar treatment)
  • Peaches (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (dwarf) (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (edible-pod) (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (english) (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (field) (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (green) (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (snap) (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (sugar) (foliar treatment)
  • Peppers (bell) (foliar treatment)
  • Peppers (bell) (soil treatment)
  • Peppers (foliar treatment)
  • Peppers (soil treatment)
  • Peppers (sweet) (foliar treatment)
  • Peppers (sweet) (soil treatment)
  • Persimmons (foliar treatment)
  • Petunia (foliar treatment)
  • Philodendron (foliar treatment)
  • Photinia (foliar treatment)
  • Pigeon peas (foliar treatment)
  • Pine (foliar treatment)
  • Pistachio nuts (foliar treatment)
  • Plum (ornamental) (foliar treatment)
  • Plums (foliar treatment)
  • Poinsettia (foliar treatment)
  • Potatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Potatoes (soil treatment)
  • Pothos (foliar treatment)
  • Prunes (foliar treatment)
  • Pummelo (foliar treatment)
  • Pumpkin (foliar treatment)
  • Purslane (foliar treatment)
  • Radicchio (foliar treatment)
  • Radishes (foliar treatment)
  • Rapeseed (greens) (foliar treatment)
  • Red raspberries (foliar treatment)
  • Redbud (foliar treatment)
  • Rhododendron (foliar treatment)
  • Rhubarb (foliar treatment)
  • Ribbon grass (foliar treatment)
  • Root crop vegetables (foliar treatment)
  • Root crops (bulbs) (foliar treatment)
  • Root crops (tubers) (foliar treatment)
  • Root vegetable crops (soil treatment)
  • Rose-of-sharon (foliar treatment)
  • Roses (foliar treatment)
  • Rubber plant (foliar treatment)
  • Runner beans (foliar treatment)
  • Rutabagas (foliar treatment)
  • Sage (foliar treatment)
  • Salsify (foliar treatment)
  • Satsuma mandarin (foliar treatment)
  • Sedum (foliar treatment)
  • Shallots (foliar treatment)
  • Skirret (foliar treatment)
  • Southern peas (foliar treatment)
  • Spanish salsify (foliar treatment)
  • Spinach (foliar treatment)
  • Spirea (foliar treatment)
  • Spruce (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (zucchini) (foliar treatment)
  • Stone fruits (foliar treatment)
  • Strawberries (foliar treatment)
  • Sugar beets (foliar treatment)
  • Sweet alyssum (foliar treatment)
  • Sweet potatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Swiss chard (foliar treatment)
  • Tangerines (foliar treatment)
  • Taniers (foliar treatment)
  • Tepary beans (foliar treatment)
  • Tomatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Tropical fruits (foliar treatment)
  • Turmeric (foliar treatment)
  • Turnips (foliar treatment)
  • Urd beans (foliar treatment)
  • Viburnum (foliar treatment)
  • Vinca (foliar treatment)
  • Vine fruits (foliar treatment)
  • Watercress (foliar treatment)
  • Watermelon (foliar treatment)
  • Weigela (foliar treatment)
  • Welsh onion (foliar treatment)
  • Willow (foliar treatment)
  • Yam bean (foliar treatment)
  • Yams (true) (foliar treatment)
  • Yard long beans (foliar treatment)
  • Yew (foliar treatment)
  • Youngberries (foliar treatment)
  • Yucca (foliar treatment)
  • Zebra plant (foliar treatment)