Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 37982-20003
- U.S. EPA Status:
'All Pure L.t. Sanitizer 9.2%' is an algaecide, disinfectant, fungicide, fungicide/fungistat, microbicide/microbistat, poison, multiple dose, sanitizer, and virucide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 37982-20003. It was originally approved by EPA on 20 Sep 1988. Its registration got cancelled on 23 Jul 2012. It has a 'Danger' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Sodium hypochlorite. It's approved for 31 sites including animal equipment, animal feeding/watering equipment, animal living quarters, artificial sand beaches, beekeeping equipment, boat bottoms, commercial egg treatment, cooling tower water, eating est food contact surfaces, and eating est non-food contact surfaces. It is also approved for 9 pests and pest groups including but not limited to algae, animal pathogenic bacteria, animal pathogenic fungi, animal viruses, fish, mold/mildew, pseudomonas spp., slime-forming bacteria, and slime-forming fungi.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- ALL PURE L.T. SANITIZER 9.2%Inactive
- L.T. SANITIZER 9.2%Active
C/o Stephen Barnette - Address:
490 Stuart Road, Northeast
Cleveland, TN 37312
Active ingredients:
- Sodium hypochlorite 9.2%
- Other ingredients 90.8%
Signal word:
Product type:
- Algaecide
- Disinfectant
- Fungicide
- Fungicide/fungistat
- Microbicide/microbistat
- Poison, Multiple Dose
- Sanitizer
- Virucide
Registered target pests:
- Algae
- Animal pathogenic bacteria (g- and g+ vegetative)
- Animal pathogenic fungi
- Animal viruses
- Fish
- Mold/mildew
- Pseudomonas spp.
- Slime-forming bacteria
- Slime-forming fungi (paper mills/water systems)
Registered target sites:
- Animal equipment
- Animal feeding/watering equipment
- Animal living quarters
- Artificial sand beaches
- Beekeeping equipment
- Boat bottoms
- Commercial egg treatment
- Cooling tower water
- Eating est food contact surfaces
- Eating est non-food contact surfaces
- Evaporative condenser water
- Fish hatcheries
- Fish pond equipment
- Fruit wash water
- Hemodialysis machines
- Hot tubs (outdoor) (water treatment)
- Human drinking water
- Marine lobster ponds (water treatment)
- Oyster ponds (water treatment)
- Ponds (ornamental) (fish)
- Poultry feeding equipment
- Poultry house premises (enclosed premise treatment)
- Poultry watering equipment
- Pulp and paper mill systems
- Sewage systems
- Spas (outdoor) (water treatment)
- Swimming pool water
- Swimming pool water (winterizer)
- Vegetable wash water
- Waste water systems
- Whirlpool bath water