Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 7969-334
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Agnique Mmf Gr Mosquito Larvicide & Pupicide' is an insecticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 7969-334. It was originally approved by EPA on 07 Jun 2006. Its registration got cancelled on 30 Jun 2016. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: POE isooctadecanol. It's approved for 83 sites including bog lakes, catch basins, clay pots, cropland, drainage canals, drainage systems, flood water, flower pots, gutters, and human drink water surfaces. It is also approved for 5 pests and pest groups including but not limited to midges, mosquitoes, and no pest.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- AGNIQUE MMF G PAK 35Alternate
Agricultural Products - Address:
26 Davis Drive
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Active ingredients:
- Poe isooctadecanol 32%
- Other ingredients 68%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Midges (adult)
- Midges (larvae)
- Mosquitoes (adult)
- Mosquitoes (pupae)
- No pest
Registered target sites:
- Bog lakes (water treatment)
- Catch basins
- Catch basins (water treatment)
- Clay pots
- Cropland (flooded) (water treatment)
- Drainage canals (irrigation)
- Drainage systems (water treatment)
- Flood water
- Flower pots (clay)
- Gutters (water treatment)
- Human drink water surfaces
- Human drinking water systems (potable)
- Industrial disposal water
- Industrial waste water impoundment (water treatment)
- Industrial water (unspecified)
- Intermittently flooded areas (potholes) (water treatment)
- Irrigation canals
- Irrigation ditch banks
- Irrigation ditches
- Irrigation streams
- Irrigation systems
- Irrigation well water
- Lakes (deep) (water treatment)
- Lakes (ornamental) (water treatment)
- Lakes (recreational) (water treatment)
- Lakes (shallow) (water treatment)
- Lakes (slow flowing) (water treatment)
- Lakes (small) (non-fish bearing) (water treatment)
- Lakes (standing) (water treatment)
- Lakes (water treatment)
- Lakes,ponds, & impounded water (with human or wildlife use)
- Livestock drinking water
- Marshes (water treatment)
- Marshland (margins) (water treatment)
- Non-potable water (water treatment)
- Noncrop areas (water treatment)
- Pastures
- Pastures (flooded) (water treatment)
- Pastures (grass)
- Pastures (irrigated)
- Polluted water
- Ponds (golf course) (water treatment)
- Ponds (industrial) (water treatment)
- Ponds (ornamental)
- Ponds (recreational) (water treatment)
- Ponds (standing) (water treatment)
- Ponds (water treatment)
- Pools (woodland) (water treatment)
- Rain barrels
- Rain barrels (water treatment)
- Recreational waters (water treatment)
- Reservoir water (unspecified)
- Reservoirs (water treatment)
- Reservoirs (water)
- Reservoirs (water) (potable)
- Residential areas (outdoor)
- Roadside ditches
- Roadsides (water treatment)
- Salt marshes (water treatment)
- Salt water sites
- Septic tank drainage fields (water treatment)
- Septic tanks (drainage field)
- Sewage effluent water
- Sewage settling pond (lagoon) (water treatment)
- Sewage settling ponds (lagoons)
- Shorelines (lakes/ponds/reservoirs/impounded waters)
- Stagnant pools (water treatment)
- Stagnant water
- Standing water
- Standing water (treeholes) (water treatment)
- Standing water (water treatment)
- Storm drains
- Storm water retention areas
- Swamps (water treatment)
- Swamps, marshes, bogs, and standing water (permanent)
- Temporary rain pools (water treatment)
- Tidal water margins (water treatment)
- Tires
- Waste areas (water treatment)
- Waste water systems
- Water
- Water (potable)
- Wood plant pots