Florida Aquatic Pest Control License
Pomerix staff
Published: 2021-01-03
Aquatic Pest control, also known, as Aquatic Weed control, refers to all the pest control practices that aim to manage invasive or problematic aquatic plants. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) classifies Aquatic Pest Control license under Chapter 487. Invasive aquatic plants are detrimental to the environments as well as human activities. Invasive aquatic plants out-compete native plants and may deprive wildlife from feeding on their natural plant food. They may also obstruct waterways, and damage tourism by reducing aesthetics. Some other aquatic invasives may block sunlight and shade native plants, reduce oxygen levels in water, reduce fish population, discourage waterfowl from landing, and promote mosquito breeding. The most common aquatic weeds in Florida are water-hyacinth, Hydrilla, alligatorweed, torpedo grass, and Hygrophila.
Who needs Florida Aquatic Pest/Weed Control license?
Any person who applies or supervises the use of Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) to any water body such as streams, creeks, water channels, ponds, lakes, banks, shorelines, etc.
License types
Florida aquatic pest control license can be either a commercial, or a public certification. Commercial certifications allow licensee to provide professional aquatic pest control for hire to their clients while the public certification is appropriate for city, county, state, and federal employees who apply pesticides as a part of their job.
How to apply
In order to apply for the aquatic pest control license, you must first pass the required exam in the Core as well as in the category. You will need a passing score of 70% or better for both the Core (General Standards) and aquatic Exam.
How much does the application cost?
- Public category: $100
- Commercial category: $250
How to Renew your license
In order to renew your license, you must take 4 hours of Core Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and 16 hours of Aquatic Pest Control CEUs every 4 years. Also, you will need to pay a $100 fee for the Public category or $250 for the Commercial category
License Renewal Summary:
- License cycle: 4 years
- Total CEUs needed: 20 (Core CEUs: 4, Aquatic CEUs: 16 )
- Renewal fees:
- Public category: $100
- Commercial category: $250